Complementizer semantics in European languages


Complementizer semantics in European languages

edited by Kasper Boye and Petar Kehayov

(Empirical approaches to language typology / editors, Georg Bossong, Bernard Comrie, v. 57)

De Gruyter Mouton, c2016

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 14



"The idea for this book arose in connection with the Workshop on 'Semantic functions of complementizers in European languages', which we organized in October 28-29, 2011, at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Around two thirds of the book chapters are elaborations on contributions to this workshop ..."--Foreword

Includes bibliographical references and indexes



Complementizers may be defined as conjunctions that have the function of identifying clauses as complements. In recent years, it has become increasingly clear that they have additional functions. Some of these functions are semantic in the sense that they represent conventional contributions to the meanings of the complements. The present book puts a focus to these semantic complementizer functions.

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