Bibliographic Information

Encyclopedia of early modern history

edited by Friedrich Jaeger ; in collaboration with the Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut Essen and the area editors

Brill, 2016-

English ed. / [edited by] Graeme Dunphy

  • v. 1
  • v. 2
  • v. 3
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  • v. 6
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  • v. 8
  • v. 9 : hardback

Other Title

Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit

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    v. 1211952923, v. 2211952931, v. 3211952940, v. 4211952958, v. 5212038737, v. 6212057014, v. 7212132806, v. 8212202961, v. 9 : hardback212215205

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Vol. 6-9 / [edited by] Andrew Gow

Originally published in German, 2005-2012, under title: Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit

Includes bibliographical references and index

Contents: v. 1. Abandoned settlement-Beer -- v. 2. Beggar-Class consciousness -- v. 3. Classical economics-Cyclicality -- v. 4. Damages-Epistemology -- v. 5. Epistolary novel-Geocentric model -- v. 6. Geodesy-Indulgences -- v. 7. Industrial cycle-Latin studies -- v. 8. Lauda-Migratory labor -- v. 9. Military-Occultism

Description and Table of Contents

v. 1 ISBN 9789004269439


Offering 400 years of early modern history in one work, experts from all over the world have joined in a presentation of the scholarship on the great era between the mid-15th to the mid-19th centuries. The perspective is European. That does not mean, however, that the view on the rest of the world is blocked. On the contrary: the multifaceted interrelatedness of European and other cultures is scrutinized extensively.

Table of Contents

Abandoned Settlement Abolition Abolitionist society Absolute music Absolutism Academic freedom Academic prizes Academy Academy of Arts Accident Acclimatization Acid Ackerburgerstadt Acoustics Acoustics, theory of Acta eruditorum Actor Addiction Address, forms of Adiaphora Administrative judiciary Administrative jurisdiction Administrative law Adoption Adoption (social history) Adultery Adventure novel Advertising Aerial voyage Aeronautics Aestheticism Aesthetics Affects, doctrine of Affinity, chemical African religion Afterlife Afterlife, communication with Age distribution Aged person Agency (law) Ages of the world Agistment Agrarian capitalism Agrarian constitution Agrarian crisis, late medieval Agrarian individualism Agrarian reforms Agricultural chemistry Agricultural credit Agricultural implements Agricultural markets Agricultural pioneer Agricultural prices Agricultural revolution Agricultural sciences Agricultural technology Agriculture Air Air pollution Alchemy Alcohol consumption Alethophile Algebra, symbolic Allegory Allgemeines Burgerliches Gesetzbuch Allgemeines Landrecht fur die preussischen Staaten (ALR) Alliance Almanack Alphabetization Alpine economy Alpine passes Alpinism Altar design Altarpiece Alterity Althusianism Amazons Ambassador Ambition America, Discovery of America, Second Discovery of American indigenous peoples American indigenous peoples, policy towards American indigenous peoples, trade with American Revolution Amicitia Amtmann Amulet Anabaptists Anacreontics Analysis Analysis, algebraic Analysis, mathematic Analysis situs Anarchy Anathema Anatomical pathology Anatomical studies (for artists) Anatomical theater Anatomy Ancestors, veneration of Ancien Regime Ancient religions Androgyny Anecdote Angel Anglicanism Anglophilia Animal breeding Animal experimentation Animal fight Animal husbandry Animal metamorphosis Animal poetry Animal protection Animal trade Animals Animism Annexation Annus normalis Anthem Anthology Anthropocentrism Anthropology Anti-Catholicism Anticlericalism Antiquarianism Antiquary Antiquity, reception of Anti-Semitism Antonians Anxiety Apanage Aphorism Apocalypticism Apodemica Apologetics Apothecary Apparel Apprenticeship Arabic studies Arbitration Arcana imperii Arcanum Archaeology Architectural drawing Architectural theory Architecture parlante Archive Argot Aria Aristocracy Aristocracy, crisis of Aristocratic nation Aristotelianism Arithmetic Arithmetica universalis Armada Armament Armen- und Bettelwesen? Arming of the populace Arms Army reforms Ars historica Ars moriendi Arsenal Arsenic Arson Arsonist Art collection Art criticism Art theory Art trade Artes liberales Artes mechanicae Artillery Aryans Asceticism Ashkenazim Assaying Association Astrology Astronomy Asylum, law of Atheism Atlantic world Atomism Augsburg, Peace of Ausbildung Author Authority Autobiography Autocephaly Autograph book Automaton Autonomy Autonomy aesthetic Avalanche Aviatics Aviculture Aviso Aztecs Bankelsang Badisches Landrecht Bailiff (law) Baker Balance of payments Balance of power Ball game Ballad Ballet Ballistics Balloon flight Baltic trade Ban Banishment Bank Bank of issue Banknote Bankruptcy Baptists Bar (music) Barbarian Bardic poetry Baroque Baroque architecture Baroque Gothic Barracks Barricade Bastille Bathing Bathkeeper Baths, therapeutic Beadle Beauty Bee Beer

v. 2 ISBN 9789004269804


Offering 400 years of early modern history in one work, experts from all over the world have joined in a presentation of the scholarship on the great era between the mid-15th to the mid-19th centuries. The perspective is European. That does not mean, however, that the view on the rest of the world is blocked. On the contrary: the multifaceted interrelatedness of European and other cultures is scrutinized extensively.

Table of Contents

Beggar Behmenism Beigeordneter Bel esprit Bell Benediction Benefice Betrothal Betting Bible Bible Society Bible translation Biblical criticism Biblical drama Biblical poetry Bibliography Bibliotheca Magica Biedermeier Biens nationaux Bigamy Bildung Bildungsburgertum Bildungsreise Bildungsroman Bildungsverein Bill of exchange Bill of Rights Billeting Bimetallism Biography Biology Birth rituals Black Legend Black lung Blasphemy Blasting Bleaching Blood Blood (noble) Blood, circulation of Body Body and soul Body odor Bond Bond, chemical Book Book burning Book fair Book illustration Book market Book of Common Prayer Book of Nature Book ownership Book trade Bookbinder Bookkeeping Bookkeeping, double-entry Botanic garden Botany Boundary Bourbon Reforms Bourgeois society Bourgeois tragedy Bourgeoisie Bourse Bow hauling Boyar Brahmo Samaj Brain Brandschatzung Brandy Bread Brickmaker Bridge British Empire Broadsheet, congratulatory Brunonianism Buddhism Building code Building materials Building trade Building type Bulgarian Orthodox Church Bund Burgerlichkeit Burgerschule Burial Bursary Bust Butcher Cabinet Cabinet of curiosities Cacique Cadaster Cadastral area Cadet school Calculus of variations Calendar Calendar reform Calvinism Cameralism Camerata Canal Cannibalism Canon Canon law Cantata Canton system Cantorate Cantus firmus Cape Colony Capital (city) Capital market Capital mobility Capital, accumulation of Capitalism Capitulation Caravan trade Career migration Caricature Carmen figuratum Carnival Carpenter Carpet Cart Carter Cartesianism Cartography Case law Cast, natural Cast, plaster Caste Castle Castrato Castrum doloris Catalogue Catechetics Catechism Catholic Enlightenment Catholic Reformation Catholicism Cattle Caudillismo Causality Cause Cavalry Cecilian Movement Ceiling painting Celestial mechanics Celibacy Censorship Censorship of letters Census Central African world Century Ceremonial Ceremonial literature Challenge Chamber music Chamberer Chamberlain Chance Chancellery Change, technological Chanson Chapel Chapman Character Charcoal Charity Charivari Charter Chartism Chastity Chaussee Check Chemical sciences Chemicals industry Child labor Childbirth Childhood Childhood mortality Children's and young people's literature Children's Rights Child-witch Chiliasm Chimney sweep China trade Chinese world Chinese, Overseas Chinoiserie Chivalric romance Choir, choral music Cholera Chorale Chord Christentumsgesellschaft Christianity, global Christianization Christlicher Verein Christmas Christology Chronicle Chronicle, town Chronology Chronometry Church Church and state Church and state, separation of Church architecture Church discipline Church governance Church interior Church of the nobility Church Order Church penance Church property Church register Church year Cinq Codes Circumcision Circus Citizen Citizens' deputy Citizens' roll Citizenship Citizenship, oath of City City state Cives academici Civic rights Civil codes Civil engineering Civil procedure Civil procedure, code of Civil register Civil servant Civil servants, training of Civil service law Civil service, theory of Civil society Civil unrest Civil War Civilization Civilization process Clan Class consciousness

v. 3 ISBN 9789004269811


Offering 400 years of early modern history in one work, experts from all over the world have joined in a presentation of the scholarship on the great era between the mid-15th to the mid-19th centuries. The perspective is European. That does not mean, however, that the view on the rest of the world is blocked. On the contrary: the multifaceted interrelatedness of European and other cultures is scrutinized extensively.

Table of Contents

Classical economics Classical order Classicism, Neoclassicism Classics, European Clergy Clientele Climate Clime Clinical school Clock Clockmaker Cloth shearer Clothing trade Clover Club Coach Coal Coastal shipping Cockade Cocoa Code civil Code penal Codex Iuris Bavarici Criminalis Codex Maximilianeus Bavaricus Civilis Codification Coffee Coffee house Cofradia Coin Coin of account Coin, silver Collection, scholarly Collective farming, redistributive College Collegium Colonial city Colonial empire Colonial goods Colonial wars Colonialism Coloring Columbian Exchange Comb maker Combat magic Combinatorics Combustion Comedian players Comedy Comet Commedia dell'Arte Commemoration of the dead Commentary Commentary and interpretation, prohibition of Commercial correspondence Commercial law Commercial revolution Commission Commissioner Committee, estates Commodity economics Common good Common land Common land, enclosure of Common law Commonwealth Communalism Commune Communication Communications revolutions Communis opinio Communist Manifesto Company settlement Comparative law Comparison of religions Compass Compassion Compilation Complexion Composer Composition Composition contract Concert hall Concert, concerto Concession Concetto Concordat Concubinage Condominium Conduct book Conduct literature Conductor Confederation Confession Confession of faith Confessionalism Confessionalization Confucianism Congregation Congregationalism Conquest Conquista Conscience Conscription Conservatism Conservatoire Consilia Consistory Consolation Conspicuous consumption Conspiracy Constitutio Criminalis Carolina Constitution Constitution civile du clerge Constitution of territorial estates Constitution of the United States Constitution, breach of Constitutional history Constitutional law Constitutional monarchy Constitutionalism Construction Construction cycle Consul Consumer society Consumption Contest Continent Continental system Contraception Contract (private law) Contract for work/labor Contract theory Contrafaction Contrapposto Contribution Controversial theology Convent Conversation Conversation piece Conversion Conversion between faiths Convert Cookery book Cooper Cooperative society Cooption Copernican Revolution Copper Coppice Copy Copyright Coronation Corporal punishment Corporal punishment right of Corporate law Corporation Corpus Iuris Canonici Correctional facility Correspondence, learned Corruption Corsair Cortegiano Cosmetics Cosmopolitan Cosmos Cossacks Cottager Cotton Council (administrative) Council (ecclesiastical) Council minutes Council of state Council of Trent Counter-Enlightenment Counterpoint Counter-revolution Counting-house County seat Coureur des bois Courier Court (monarchical) Court ceremonial Court Jew Court of law Court official Court society Courtesan Crafts Crafts and trades Craftsman Creation, doctrine of Credit Credit union Creole Cricket Crime story Criminal defense Criminal law Criminal offense Criminal proceedings Criminal responsibility Criminality Crisis Criticism Cronyism Crop plant Crop rotation Crown (coin) Crown (symbol of sovereignty) Crown land Cryptography Cuius regio, eius religio Culinary art Cultural contact, global Cultural history Culture Cum adolescentium aetas Curator Curiae Curiosity Currency Curriculum Curriculum vitae Curse Customary law Customs duties Cutlery Cutting tools Cyclicality

v. 4 ISBN 9789004269828


Offering 400 years of early modern history in one work, experts from all over the world have joined in a presentation of the scholarship on the great era between the mid-15th to the mid-19th centuries. The perspective is European. That does not mean, however, that the view on the rest of the world is blocked. On the contrary: the multifaceted interrelatedness of European and other cultures is scrutinized extensively.

Table of Contents

Damages Dame Dance Darkness Data gathering Day laborer Day, course of Days, observation of Deacon, deaconess Death Death penalty Death, cause of Debasement Decadence Decembrists Dechristianization Declaration of Independence (USA) Decolonization Decorum Deep sea navigation Deflation Degree, academic Delict, law of Demesne Democracy Demographic Catastrophe Demographic crises Demographic transition Demonization Demonology Dentistry Denunciation Department store architecture Deposit bank Deposition (academic) Deposition (political) Desertion Desire Despair Despotism Determinism Deutsche Gesellschaften Deviance Devil, belief in Diaconal welfare Dialect Dialect poetry Dialectics Dialogue literature Diary Diaspora Dichterbund Dictionary Didactic poetry Dietary laws, Jewish Dietetics Differential calculus Differential geometry Dignity Dilettante Diminished responsibility Dimorphism Dining Diocese Diplomacy Directory, French Dirt Disability Discipline Disciplines, academic Discount Disegno Disenchantment of the world Disguise Dispatch Dispersed settlement Disputation, academic Disputation, religious Disrepute Dissenters Dissertation Dissimulation Distillery Divine Right, doctrine of Diving Dogma Dogma, history of Dogmatics Dogs, keeping of Domestic animal Domestic culture Dominium maris Baltici Dominium utile Donkey Dorfgeschichte Dowry Drama Dramaturgy Drawing Drawing instruments Dream Dress regulations Drink Drinking culture Drinking water Drought Drug use Dualism Ducat Duel Dutch Revolt Dwarf Dye Dyke Dynastic history Dynasty Early modern period Earth Earth, history of Earthquake East Asian art East Asian economy East Asian religions East Asian societies East India companies Easter Eastern African world Eastern Europe Eastern European economy Eastern European religious cultures Ecclesiastical historiography Ecclesiastical law Ecclesiastical statistics Eclecticism Ecole Polytechnique Economic cycle (circulation process) Economic cycle (fluctuation) Economic ethics Economic growth Economic liberalism Economic order Economic policy Economy Economy, political Ecotype Edict of Nantes Edificatory literature Edition Education Education, Protestant theory of Educational policy Ego documents Egyptology Eilwagen Elasticity Election Elector Electoral capitulation Electoral monarchy Electoral scrutiny Electrical instruments Electrical medicine Electrical telegraphy Electricity Electromagnetism Elegy Elementary school Elements Elites Emancipation Emblematics Embryology Emigration Emotion Emperor Empire Empiricism Employment law Enclosure Encrypted communication Encyclopedia End time Endorsement Enemy stereotype Energy Engineer Engineer architecture English Revolution Enlightened Absolutism Enlightenment Enlightenment history Ennoblement Ensemble music Enterprise Entrepreneur Environment Environmental law Environmental toxins Envy Epidemic Epidemiology Epigram Epigraphy Episcopal system Episcopal town Episcopalianism Episcopate Epistemology

v. 5 ISBN 9789004269835


Offering 400 years of early modern history in one work, experts from all over the world have joined in a presentation of the scholarship on the great era between the mid-15th to the mid-19th centuries. The perspective is European. That does not mean, however, that the view on the rest of the world is blocked. On the contrary: the multifaceted interrelatedness of European and other cultures is scrutinized extensively.

Table of Contents

Epistolary novel Epitaph Epizootic Epoch Equal birth, principle of Equal rights for women Equality Equation Equity Erotica Erudition Eschatology Esoteric corpus Esoterica Espionage Essay Established church Estate Estates of the realm Estates, assembly of Estates, revolt of Estates, society of Etappe Ethics Ethnicity Ethnography Eurocentrism Europe European religion, history of Everyday world Evolution Exchange bank Excise Exclusion Excommunication Execution, musical Executioner Exegesis Exemplum Exercises, spiritual Exhibition, art Exile Exorcism Exoticism Expansionism Expedition Experience Experiment Experimental medicine Export Expropriation Extraction Exulantenstadt Eye Ezourvedam Fable Facade Fachschule Fachwerk Factory (industrial) Factory (trading post) Factory discipline Factory worker Faculty Faience Fair, annual Fairy Fairy tale Faith Fallow Family Family coat of arms Family law Family library Family life cycle Famine and food riots Fantasia Fantasy literature Farm Farmhouse Fashion Fastnachtsspiel Fat consumption Fate, destiny Father Fatherland, motherland Favorite Febronianism Federal state Federalism Feed, animal Felicity Female cultures of knowledge Femininity Fencing Fermentation Fertility Fertility rites Festival Festival decoration Fetishism Feud Feudal law Feudal society Feudalism Fever Fiber plants Fictionality Fideicommissum Figura serpentinata Figured bass Figured bass period Filibuster Fine arts Fire Fire insurance Fire, forest Fire, town/city Firefighting Fireworks Fish farming Fisheries Flight Florilegium Flussordnung Folk play Food Food riots Foodstuffs trade Foodstuffs, conservation of Fool's literature Football Footnote Foraging Force Forced labor Forced migration Foreign languages, competence in Foreign policy Foreignness Forensic medicine Forest Forest, coniferous Forest, deciduous Forester Forestry Forestry academy Forgery Forgery, historical Forms of government, theory of Fornication Fortification Fortification, town/city Fortified town Forum privilegiatum Fossil Foundling hospital Four Kingdoms Franc Franco-Flemish School Fraternity Fraud Frauenzimmer Free church Free imperial city Free time Free trade Freedom Freedom fighter Freedom Journalism Freedom Literature Freedom of assembly Freedom of association Freedom of migration Freedom of movement Freedom of Religion Freedom of the press Freedom of the seas Freedom of trade Freedom, symbol of Freemasonry Freethinker Free-trade imperialism French Revolution (1789) French Revolution (1830) Frereche Fronde Frontier Frontier worker Fruhe Neuzeit Fruit Fruits, tropical Fuel, domestic Fuels and illuminants Fugger family Fuggerzeitung Fulling mill Fundamentalism Funeral music Funeral sermon Furnace Furstenschule Fustian Future, expectations of Galant literature Galant style Gallery Gallicanism Galvanism Gambling Ganzes Haus Garden Garrison town Gas Gassenhauer Geist Geistliches Konzert Gemmology Gendarmerie Gender Gender roles Genealogy Genera dicendi Generation Generational consciousness Generational transfer Generations, conflict of Genius Genre Genre painting Gentleman Geocentric model

v. 6 ISBN 9789004269842


Offering 400 years of early modern history in one work, experts from all over the world have joined in a presentation of the scholarship on the great era between the mid-15th to the mid-19th centuries. The perspective is European. That does not mean, however, that the view on the rest of the world is blocked. On the contrary: the multifaceted interrelatedness of European and other cultures is scrutinized extensively.

Table of Contents

Geodesy Geography Geology Geometry Gerichtsbote German Confederation German Dualism German Historical School German law, studies of German New Humanism German Revolution (1848/9) German unification Germani, myth of Germania illustrata Gerontocracy Gesture Gewerke Ghetto Ghost Gichtelians Gift Girls' school Glass Global commodity Global interaction Globe Glorious Revolution Gloss Gnomic discourse Goat God God, concepts of God, proof of Godparenthood Gold Gold standard Golden Age Gossen's Laws Gossip Gothic Romanticism Gothicism Governess Government Government law Grace Graduation tower Grain Grammar Grand Canal (China) Grand pensionary Grand Tour Grandparents Gravamina Graveyard Great Awakening Great Fear Great Wall Greatness Greek Orthodox Church Greek studies Greetings Gresham's Law Grotesque Guard, town Guardianship Guerrilla Guidebook Guild Guild artifacts Guilder (gold) Guildhall Guillotine Gunpowder Gutsherrschaft Gymnasium (school) Gymnastics Gymnastics Movement Gynecology Habeas corpus Hacienda Hagestolz Hagiography Hail Hair Haitian Revolution Haken Halsgerichtsordnung Hambach Festival Hammer Hanseatic League Happiness Harbor Harbor crane Harem Harmoniemusik Harmony Harmony and composition, theory of Harness Harvest Haskalah Hassidism Hausmusik Hausvaterliteratur Headgear Health Health culture, global Health insurance Healthcare, public Heating Heaven Hebrew studies Hegelianism Hegemony Heliocentric model Hell Herbals Herbarium Herdsman Hereditary enemy Heredity Heresy Hermeneutics Hermeticism Hero, heroine Heroic novel Heroic poetry Highway robbery Hinduism Historia literaria Historian Historical consciousness Historical drama Historical method Historical monuments, preservation of Historical novel Historical painting Historical School (German) Historical traditions beyond Europe Historicism Historiography History History (intellectual discipline) History, conception of History, philosophy of History, regional History, theology of History, town Holidays Holy Alliance Holy Roman Empire (of the German Nation) Holy Sepulcher Homage Homeopathy Homeric Question Homiletics Homosexuality Honnete homme, honnete femme Honor Honor, loss of Honor, noble Honorarium Honors and decorations Hops Horse Hosier Hospital Hospitality Hostage Hour Hours, liturgy of House laws Household Household economy Housewife Hufe (hide) Huguenots Human dignity Human rights Human/citizens' rights, declarations of Humanism Humanism, legal Humanism, medical Humanities Humanity Humankind, human being Humoralism Hunting Hybrid Hydraulic energy Hydraulic engineering Hydrodynamics Hygiene Hymn (church anthem) Hymn (genre) Hymnal Hypothekenbank Hypothesis Hysteria Iatroastrology Iatrochemistry (chymiatria) Iatrophysics Iconoclasm Iconography Idea Ideal city Idealism Identity Idleness Idyll Illegitimacy Illiteracy Illness Illuminati Illusionism Imagerie populaire Imagination Immigration Immortality Immunity Impeachment Imperial ban Imperial chancellery Imperial circles Imperial constitution Imperial immediacy Imperial knights Imperial legislation Import Impot unique Improvisation In dubio pro reo Incapacity, legal Incas Incest Incidental music Income distribution Incunabula Indentured labor Independence, judicial Index librorum prohibitorum India trade Indian churches Indian Ocean Indio Indirect rule Individuality Indology Indulgences

v. 7 ISBN 9789004269859


Offering 400 years of early modern history in one work, experts from all over the world have joined in a presentation of the scholarship on the great era between the mid-15th to the mid-19th centuries. The perspective is European. That does not mean, however, that the view on the rest of the world is blocked. On the contrary: the multifaceted interrelatedness of European and other cultures is scrutinized extensively.

Table of Contents

Industrial cycle (business cycle)Industrial espionageIndustrial policyIndustrial regionIndustrial statisticsIndustrial townIndustrial trades and craftsIndustrializationIndustrieschuleInequalityInfant mortalityInfanticideInfantryInfertilityInfinitesimalsInfinityInfirmaryInflationInfluenzaInformation mediaInfrastructureInheritance lawInitiationIniuriaInland navigationInner missionInnerlichkeitInnovationInns of CourtInquisitionInquisition, trial byInsanityInsectsInstantia austraegalisInstinctInstrument makingInstrumental musicInstrumentationInsuranceIntellectualIntellectual propertyIntellectual workIntelligencers and advertisersIntendantInterestInterest (banking)Interior (architecture)Interior (art)Intermedio (intermezzo)International lawInternational law, theory ofIntrigueInundationInventionInvulnerabilityIrenicismIronIronmongeryIronyIrritabilityIslamIslamic art and architectureItalia illustrataItaly, Kingdom of (Holy Roman Empire)ItinerancyItineraryIura maiestatisIus communeIus curiaeIus divinum (divine law)Ius eminens (eminent domain)Ius foederis (the right to conclude alliances)Ius Germanicum privatum (German private law)Ius publicum Europaeum (European public law)Ius publicum imperii (public law of the Empire)Ius reformandi (the right to reform [the Church])Ius resistendi (the right of resistance)JacobinismJanissaryJansenismJapan tradeJealousyJesuit dramaJesuit StateJesuitsJesus ChristJewelryJewish artJewish congregationJewish economic lifeJewish jurisdictionJewish languagesJewish literatureJewish medicineJewish musicJewish pressJewish societyJewish theaterJews, laws concerningJews, persecution ofJosephinismJournalismJournalism, study ofJourneymenJubilee (Catholic)Jubilee (commemorative celebration)Judaic lawJudaismJudgeJudgmentJudicial authorityJudicial constitutionJudiciaryJudiciary (England)Junges DeutschlandJunkerJuridificationJurisdictionJurisprudenceJurisprudence of conceptsJuristJuristic methodologyJury, trial byJust priceJusticeJustice of the peaceJustice, minister ofJustification, doctrine ofJuvenile delinquencyKabinettsjustizKabinettskriegKameralprozessKantianismKaraismKarlsbad DecreesKaufsystemKermisKeyboard musicKhanateKholopKiltgangKingdom of God, expectation ofKingdoms of natureKing's peaceKinshipKinship, terminology ofKipper und WipperKitchenKnechtKnightKnight academyKnights, order ofKnowledgeKnowledge societyKnowledge systems beyond EuropeKnowledge, global exchange ofKnowledge, organization ofKnowledge, utility ofKnowledge, visualization ofKompaniewirtschaftKowtowKronprinzenvortrageKulturkampfKunstreligionLabor movementLaboratoryLaborer, ruralLaborer, unlandedLaceLadies' courtLadies' foundationLaissez-faireLaityLamaismLand consolidationLand marketLand ownershipLand ownership, large scaleLand registerLand rightsLand transportLand use systemLandesjudenschaftLandeskircheLandespostLandjudenLandratLandscapeLandscape paintingLandschaft (Holy Roman Empire)LandsknechtLandtagLanguageLanguage societyLanguage tuitionLanguage, history ofLanguage, literaryLanguage, manners ofLanguage, theory ofLate HumanismLate modern periodLate ScholasticismLatheLatinLatin American wars of independenceLatin schoolLatin studies

v. 8 ISBN 9789004269866


Offering 400 years of early modern history in one work, experts from all over the world have joined in a presentation of the scholarship on the great era between the mid-15th to the mid-19th centuries. The perspective is European. That does not mean, however, that the view on the rest of the world is blocked. On the contrary: the multifaceted interrelatedness of European and other cultures is scrutinized extensively.

Table of Contents

LaudaLaughterLaundryLawLaw (statute)Law and ethicsLaw of aliensLaw reportsLaw, faculty ofLaw, publication ofLawsuitLawyerLay judgeLazaretLeadLeading sector, industrialLeaseLeather productionLectureLedigeLegal certaintyLegal enforcementLegal forceLegal historyLegal literatureLegal positivismLegal remedyLegal unityLegendLeges fundamentalesLegislationLegisprudenceLegitimacyLegitimation of childrenLegitimismLeguminosaeLeisureLenten fareLeopoldinaLesbianismLese-majesteLetterLettre de cachetLevant tradeLevee en masseLiberalismLibertineLibraryLibrettoLicentia poeticaLieLife drawingLife expectancyLife interestLife stairsLifestyleLifting apparatusLight and colorLight musicLightingLightning conductorLimitation (law)Limpieza de sangreLinear tacticsLinenLines of amityLingua vulgarisLinguisticsLipsianismLiteracy and illiteracyLiteracy and oralityLiteral senseLiterary and philosophical societyLiterary criticismLiterary historiographyLiterary institutionsLiterary theoryLiterary/cultural journalLiterate cultures beyond EuropeLiteratureLittle Ice AgeLivestockLivestock tradeLivestock, housing ofLiving conditions, urbanLoan for consumption (mutuum)Loan for use (commodatum)Local administrationLocal authorityLocal timeLoci communesLocksmithLocomotiveLogicLongevityLotharian LegendLotteryLoveLove letterLow ChurchLoyaltyLutheranismLuxuryLying-in hospitalMacartney EmbassyMachiavellianismMachineMachine toolMachine-breakingMadrigalMagazine (military)Magdeburg CenturiesMagicMagnateMagnetismMahdi movementsMaidMailMaintenanceMainz, Republic ofMaizeMajority principleMalthusianismMamluksManchuMandarinMandateMandatory loanManifest DestinyMannerismMannersManorManorialismManufactoryManuringManuscriptsMap, postalMap, road/streetMaratha EmpireMarian devotionMarine insuranceMarital ageMarital choiceMarital consent (Holy Roman Empire)Maritime commercial lawMaritime trading routesMarkMarketMarket rightsMarkgenossenschaftMarkscheidewesenMarriageMarriage brokeringMarriage pattern, EuropeanMarriage, civilMarriage, consanguineousMarriage, contraction ofMarriage, dissolution ofMarriage, morganaticMarseillaiseMartial lawMartyr dramaMasculinityMask, masqueMasqueradeMass (church)Mass, massesMassacreMasterMater familiasMaterial cultureMaterialismMaternal mortalityMathematical instrumentsMathematical rigorMathematical sciencesMathematicsMathematics, musicalMatriculaMatriculation, universityMatrimonial lawMatrimonial regimeMatrimonyMatterMausoleumMayaMayorMazarinadesMeadow cultivationMealMeat consumptionMechanicsMechanics of materialsMechanismMedal, medallionMediaMedia, scholarlyMediationMediatizationMediatstadt (seigneurial town)MedicMedical codeMedical geographyMedical Reform (1848)MedicalizationMedicineMedicine, faculty ofMediterranean worldMedizinalpolizeiMeistersangMelancholyMelodramaMemoirsMemorial artMemorial endowmentMemoryMen's associationsMentalityMercantilismMercenaryMerchantMerchant capitalismMercuriesMercuryMesmerismMessenger serviceMessiahMessrelationMestizajeMetalMetallurgyMetamorphosisMetaphors of societyMetaphysicsMetayageMeteorologyMethodMethodismMetricsMetrologyMetropolisMexican-American WarMiasmasMicroscopeMiddle Ages, reception ofMiddle classMidwifeMigrant churchesMigratory labor

v. 9 : hardback ISBN 9789004269873


Offering 400 years of early modern history in one work, experts from all over the world have joined in a presentation of the scholarship on the great era between the mid-15th to the mid-19th centuries. The perspective is European. That does not mean, however, that the view on the rest of the world is blocked. On the contrary: the multifaceted interrelatedness of European and other cultures is scrutinized extensively.

Table of Contents

Military Military academy Military administration Military contractor Military enterpriser Military law Military medicine Military music Military pastoral care Military revolution Military thought Militia, territorial Milk Mill Millenarianism Millet Milliner Mime Mimesis Miner Mineral deposits Mineral dressing Mineral rights, state appropriation of Mineralogy Minerals, non-metallic Miners' guild Miniature (painting) Mining Mining academies Mining administration Mining boom Mining business Mining class Mining enterprise Mining iconography Mining lamp Mining law Mining literature Mining ordinance Mining region Mining sciences Mining technology Mining town Minister Ministerial responsibility Ministry (ecclesiastical) Minorities Mirabilia Miracle Miracle cure Mise en scene Mission Mission school Missionary report Mistress Mitteldeutscher Handelsverein Mittwochgesellschaft Mixed economy Mobility Model, architectural Modernism (church) Modes, theory of (art) Monarchical principle Monarchomachs Monarchy Monastery Monastery school Monasticism Money economy Money, theory of Mongols Monody Monologue Monometallism Monopoly Monotheism Monroe Doctrine Monstrosities Monument Moral offense Moral theology Moral Weekly Moralist literature Morality Morality, history of More geometrico Mores Mortality Mortgage Mosque Motet Mother Mountains Mourning Mughal Empire Multiple views Municipal law Munzvertrag Murder Muscle power Museum Music Music criticism Music festival Music library Music publisher Music society Music theory Music, ecclesiastical Music, historiography of Music, printing of Musical aesthetics Musical art, Islamic Musical instrument Musical literature Musical training Musician Musician, traveling Musician's autobiography Muslim societies Mysticism Mythology Name day Naming Napoleonic Wars Nation, nationalism National assembly National church National history National language National monument National myth National style (music) National symbol National theater Nation-state Natural catastrophe Natural economy Natural history Natural History School Natural law Natural philosophy Natural science Natural science and religion Natural theology Naturalism Nature Nature of things Nature religion Nature study (art) Nature, relation to Naturism Naturopathy Naval warfare Navigation Navy Nazarene movement Necessitas Necessity Neighbor law Neighborhood Neo-Aristotelian political theory Neo-Confucianism Neo-Latin poetry Neo-Orthodoxy Neo-Stoicism Nepotism Network Neutrality New World Newe Zeitung News News agency News book News, currentness of Newspaper Newspaper lexicon Newspaper subscription Newtonianism Night Nobility Nobility of virtue Nobility, bureaucratic Nobility, court Nobility, rural Nobility, urban Noble birth, proof of Noble life Noble savage Noise Nomad Nomenclature, chemical Non finito Non-simultaneity Northern Wars Notary Notation, musical Notturno Novel Novella Nuclear family Nudity, nude Nulla poena sine lege Number Numismatics Nun Nuncio Nursery Oath Oath of truce Obelisk Objectivity Observation Observatory Obstetrics Occasional composition Occasional services Occasional verse Occident (Abendland) Occultism

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