The history of philosophy
The history of philosophy
(Royal Institute of Philosophy supplement, 78)
Cambridge University Press, c2016
- : [pbk.]
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全6件
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Based on the annual London lecture series of the Royal Institute of Philosophy for 2014-5
Includes index
History of Philosophy: Twentieth-Century Perspectives is based on the Royal Institute of Philosophy's annual lecture series for 2014-15. A group of eminent scholars consider important figures in the history of philosophy from Plato and Aristotle to twentieth-century philosophers including Frank Ramsey and Wittgenstein. Along the way, there are considerations of Plotinus and Aquinas, the Rationalists and Empiricists of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, as well as Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, Frege and the Analytic Revolution. Readers will find new perspectives on the thought of these philosophers as well as stimulating discussions of the validity of their arguments. The volume will be essential reading for all those interested in the history of philosophy.
- Preface Anthony O'Hear
- 1. An introduction to Plato's theory of forms David Sedley
- 2. Aristotle through lenses from Bernard Williams S. Broadie
- 3. What is the matter with matter, according to Plotinus? A. A. Long
- 4. Aquinas on what God is not Brian Davies
- 5. Descartes on the errors of the senses Sarah Patterson
- 6. Why should we read Spinoza? Susan James
- 7. Managing expectations: Locke on the material mind and moral mediocrity Catherine Wilson
- 8. Hume's 'manifest contradictions' P. J. E. Kail
- 9. Kant's third critique: the project of unification Sebastian Gardner
- 10. Why Hegel now (again) - and in what form? Robert Stern
- 11. Is Nietzsche a life-affirmer? Simon May
- 12. The Analytic Revolution Michael Beaney
- 13. Ramsey's cognitivism: truth, ethics and the meaning of life Cheryl Misak
- 14. Wittgenstein and the illusion of 'progress': on real politics and real philosophy in a world of technocracy Rupert Read.
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