
Water pollution XIII

editor, C.A. Brebbia

(WIT transactions on ecology and the environment, v. 209)

WIT Press, c2016


WP 2016

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references and author index

"This volume contains a selection of papers presented at the International Conference on Modelling, Monitoring and Management of Water Pollution which took place on San Servolo Island, Venice, organised by the Wessex Institute ..."--Pref.



Water Pollution XIII contains selected papers presented at the 13th International Conference in the series of Modelling, Monitoring and Management of Water Pollution. The conference, which has always been very successful, provided a forum for discussion amongst scientists, managers and academics from different areas of water contamination. Their papers provide a wealth of information that will be of great benefit to all those involved with water pollution problems.The environmental problems caused by the increase of pollutant loads discharged into natural water bodies require the formation of a framework for regulation and control. The results of these studies will allow industry to apply more efficient methods of controlling and treating waste loads, and allow water authorities to enforce appropriate regulations regarding this matter.Environmental problems are essentially interdisciplinary; engineers and scientists working in this field must be familiar with a wide range of issues. In view of the scarcity of available data, it is important that experiences are shared on an international basis.Thus, a continuous exchange of information between scientists from different countries is essential.


  • ContentsThe importance of soil erosion for surface waters in the case of Rotbach Creek
  • Impact of fine sediment discharge from paddy fields on river water quality: a case study focusing on the rice farming calendar
  • Tracing pollution from the dismantling of oil production equipment and landfills as water pollution sources using mercury dust and a stable carbon isotope
  • Hindcasting water quality in an optically complex system
  • Graphene oxide composite membranes as a potential candidate for a desalination system
  • Development of titanium dioxide nanotube-based arrays for the electrocatalytic degradation and electrochemical detection of emerging pharmaceuticals in water
  • Microalgae isolation and selection for the treatment of landfill leachate
  • Drinking water treatment using a groundwater source-assessment of three technological variants through pilot-scale investigations
  • A planar bilayer lipid membrane biosensor based on enzymes in the service of environmental monitoring
  • Hydrochemical study of groundwaters from Botucatu City, Sao Paulo State, Brazil
  • Degradation of chloroethenes in the transition zone between aquifers and aquitards
  • Drinking water treatment by iron anode-based electrocoagulation: humic acids and arsenic removal
  • Controlling Microcystis aeruginosa blooms in a freshwater system: a comparative assessment across three chemical algaecides
  • Intercalation of Mn2+ ions onto bentonite clay: implications in groundwater defluoridation
  • Diffusion of chemicals from the surface of pipe materials to water in hydrodynamic conditions: applications to domestic drinking water installations
  • Contaminated urban land: a situational analysis
  • Removal of organic compounds from industrial wastewater using physico-chemical methods
  • Use of magnesium silicate functionalized with thiourea for Sr(II) and Tl(I) removal from polluted water
  • Application of response surface methodology (RSM) in the treatment of final effluent from the sugar industry using Chitosan
  • UV treatment efficiency for E. coli in storm water containing different size fractions of suspended solids
  • Application of the UV/H2O2 advanced oxidation process for municipal reuse water: bench- and pilot-scale studies
  • Assessment of the influence of wastewater control options on Tiete River water qualityAuthor index

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