A 'macro-regional' Europe in the making : theoretical approaches and empirical evidence


A 'macro-regional' Europe in the making : theoretical approaches and empirical evidence

edited by Stefan Gänzle, Kristine Kern

(Palgrave studies in European Union politics)

Palgrave Macmillan, 2016

  • : hardback


A "macro-regional" Europe in the making

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references and index



Macro-regional strategies seek to improve the interplay of the EU with existing regimes and institutions, and foster coherence of transnational policies. Drawing on macro-regional governance and Europeanization, this edited volume provides an overview of processes of macro-regionalization in Europe displaying evidence of their significant impact.


  • PART I: INTRODUCTION 1. Macro-regions, 'Macro-regionalization' and Macro-regional Strategies in the European Union (EU): Toward a New Form of European Governance?
  • Stefan Ganzle and Kristine Kern PART II: DEVELOPMENT OF EU MACRO-REGIONAL STRATEGIES 2. From Subregionalism to Macro-regionalism in Europe and the European Union
  • Martin Dangerfield 3. Macro-regions and the EU: The Role of Cohesion Policy
  • Irene McMaster and Arno van der Zwet PART III: THEORIZING MACRO-REGIONALIZATION AND MACRO-REGIONAL STRATEGIES IN EUROPE 4. Exploring EU Macro-regional Strategies through the Lens of Multilevel Governance
  • Simona Piattoni 5. Macro-regional Strategies: Agents of Europeanization and Rescaling?
  • Dominic Stead, Franziska Sielker and Tobias Chilla PART IV: GOVERNANCE ARCHITECTURE AND IMPACT OF MACRO-REGIONAL STRATEGIES IN EUROPE 6. The European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region
  • Stefan Ganzle and Kristine Kern 7. The European Union Strategy for the Danube Region
  • Attila Agh 8. The European Union Strategy for the Adriatic Ionian Region
  • Battistina Cugusi and Andrea Stocchiero 9. The European Union Strategy for the Alpine Region
  • Jorg Balsiger 10. North Sea Macro-region? Partnerships, Networking and Macro-regional Dimensions
  • Mike Danson 11. The Atlantic Arc: A Macro-region in the Making?
  • Mark Wise

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