Environmental politics and policy


Environmental politics and policy

Walter A. Rosenbaum

SAGE , CQ Press, c2017

10th ed

  • : [pbk.]


Includes bibliographical references and index



This book covers the context of the environmental policy process, as well as exploring specific environmental issues. It examines topics such as toxic and hazardous substances; energy - both fossil fuel and nuclear' public lands; and global policy-making ocusing on climate change and transboundary politics.


Figures, Tables, Boxes, and Maps Preface About the Author Chapter 1. After Earth Day "Frack, Baby, Frack" The Environmental Legacy The Evolution of U.S. Environmentalism Ongoing Challenges: Present and Future Plan for the Book Conclusion Suggested Readings Notes Chapter 2. Making Policy: The Process The White House and the Greenhouse The Policy Cycle Constitutional Constraints Incrementalism Interest Group Politics Environmentalism and Its Critics The Public and Environmentalism The Special Place of Science in Policymaking Conclusion Suggested Readings Notes Chapter 3. Making Policy: Institutions and Politics The Water War Called WOTUS The Presidency Congress: Too Much Check, Too Little Balance The Bureaucracy: Power Through Implementation The Courts: The Role of Appraisal The Political Environment of Environmental Policymaking Conclusion Suggested Readings Notes Chapter 4. Common Policy Challenges: Risk Assessment and Environmental Justice A Toxic Nightmare From Toyland? Risk Assessment and the Limits of Science What Risks Are Acceptable? Risk Assessment Reconsidered: The Precautionary Principle Risk and Discrimination: The Problem of Environmental Justice Conclusion Suggested Readings Notes Chapter 5. More Choice: The Battle Over Regulatory Economics The Benefit-Cost Debate Regulation Strategies: Command and Control Versus the Marketplace Conclusion Suggested Readings Notes Chapter 6. Command and Control in Action: Air and Water Pollution Regulation The Political Anatomy of Command-and-Control Regulation Regulating Air Quality Regulating Water Quality Conclusion Suggested Readings Notes Chapter 7. A Regulatory Thicket: Toxic and Hazardous Substances An Ambiguous Inheritance Federal Law: Regulation From the Cradle to the Grave? Conclusion Suggested Readings Notes Chapter 8. Energy: America's Energy Politics in Transformation The Foundation: A Fossil Fuel Nation Natural Gas and the Gas "Boom" Coal: The Promise and Perils of Abundance Fossil Fuel Alternatives: Nuclear Power and Renewable Energy Conclusion Suggested Readings Notes Chapter 9. 635 Million Acres of Politics: The Battle for Public Lands The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: Public Land Politics at a Boil A History of Contested Access The Public Domain Conflicts Over Multiple Use The Pluralistic Politics of the Public Lands The Fate of the Forests How Much Wilderness Is Enough? Conclusion Suggested Readings Notes Chapter 10. Climate Change, Domestic Politics, and the Challenge of Global Policymaking The Contested Science of Atmospheric Warming The Domestic Setting of Climate Change Politics Transboundary Environmental Politics From Kyoto to Paris Conclusion Suggested Readings Notes List of Abbreviations Index

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