Valuation : the art and science of corporate investment decisions


Valuation : the art and science of corporate investment decisions

Sheridan Titman, John D. Martin

(The Pearson series in finance)

Pearson, c2016

3rd ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Includes bibliographical references and index



For upper-division undergraduate and MBA students as well as business professionals. A Holistic Approach to Project and Enterprise Valuation The Art and Science of Corporate Investment Decisions provides an up-to-date, integrated treatment of the valuation of investment opportunities. Taking both industry practice and recent advances in valuation methods into consideration, this text introduces students to a broad spectrum of valuation approaches and equips them to make wise investment decisions. The Third Edition exposes readers to the latest valuation tools being used in the industry. Practical examples are offered throughout the text to help students understand core principles in the context of realistic situations. Using the accompanying spreadsheets and simulation tools, students will be able to glean information from a variety of sources, construct models that utilize this information, and then summarize their analysis in a meaningful way.


Brief Contents Overview of Valuation PART I: PROJECT ANALYSIS USING DISCOUNTED CASH FLOW (DCF) Forecasting and Valuing Cash Flows Project Risk Analysis PART II: COST OF CAPITAL Estimating a Firm's Cost of Capital Estimating Required Rates of Return for Projects PART III: FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND VALUATION Forecasting Financial Performance Earnings Dilution, Incentive Compensation, and Project Selection PART IV: ENTERPRISE VALUATION Relative Valuation Using Market Comparables Enterprise Valuation Valuation in a Private Equity Setting PART V : FUTURES, OPTIONS, AND THE VALUATION OF REAL INVESTMENTS Using Futures and Options to Value Real Investments Managerial Flexibility and Project Valuation: Real Options Strategic Options: Evaluating Strategic Opportunities

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