Pension schemes for controlling directors : successful selection and setting-up of small self-administered pension schemes : a specially commissioned report


Pension schemes for controlling directors : successful selection and setting-up of small self-administered pension schemes : a specially commissioned report

by Robin Ellison

(Longman intelligence reports)

Longman, c1989

4th ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1




From the initial steps of selecting a scheme through to the final remuneration, this report provides a picture of the advantages and disadvantages of the various schemes available. Now in its fourth edition, this report concentrates on the popular self-administered schemes and shows how they can be set up, what they cost and what income they provide. It highlights pitfalls to avoid so directors can enjoy a lighter burden of tax, includes recent changes in the Inland Revenue guidelines and practices, considers alternative methods of providing pensions, and gives guidance on the effective use of professional advisers.


  • The director - who is a 20 per cent director?, advantages of the in-house scheme, limitations, tax
  • the company - financial aspects, management aspects, establishment
  • the pension scheme - approval, tax position.

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