The Selected scientific papers of Ryuzo Sato on production, technical change and dynamics


The Selected scientific papers of Ryuzo Sato on production, technical change and dynamics

(佐藤隆三著作集 / 佐藤隆三著, 第6巻)

日本評論社, 2016.12

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 36






  • 1 Production and Preferences(‘Unattainability of Integrability and Definiteness Conditions in the General Case of Demand for Money and Goods’,with Paul A.Samuelson,American Economic Review,74(4),September 1984,588‐604.;‘Self‐Dual Preferences’,Econometrica,44(5),September 1976,1017‐32. ほか)
  • 2 Growth Theory(‘Fiscal Policy in a Neo‐Classical Growth Model:An Analysis of Time Required for Equilibrating Adjustment’.Review of Economic Studies,XXX(1),February 1963,16‐23.;‘The Harrod‐Domar Model vs the Neo‐Classical Growth Model’,Economic Journal,LXXIV(294),June 1964,380‐87. ほか)
  • 3 Technical Change,Bias and Endogenous Growth(‘Neutral Inventions and Production Function’,with Martin J.Beckmann,Review of Economic Studies,XXXV(1),January 1968,57‐66.;‘Neutral Inventions and Production Functions:An Addendum’,with Martin J.Beckmann,Review of Economic Studies,XXXV(3),July 1968,366. ほか)
  • 4 Stability(‘The Stability of the Competitive System which Contains Gross Complementary Goods’,Review of Economic Studies,XXXIX(4),October 1972,495‐9.;‘On the Stability Properties of Dynamic Economic Systems’.International Economic Review,14(3),October 1973,753‐64. ほか)
  • 5 Dynamics and Conservation Laws(‘Group(Lie Group)Theory’,The New Palgrave:A Dictionary of Economics,Volume 2,Macmillan Press,1987.570‐71,reset;‘Lie Group Methods and the Theory of Estimating Total Productivity’,with P.S.Calem,in Developments in Econometric Analyses of Productivity Measurement and Modelling Issues, Ali Dogramaci,Kluwer‐Nijhoff Publishing,1983,145‐68. ほか)

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