Music of the baroque : an anthology of scores


Music of the baroque : an anthology of scores

David Schulenberg

Oxford University Press, c2014

3rd ed



Words in English, Latin, French, Italian and German with English translation

Prefaratory matter in English

  • Dum complerentur (motet) / Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
  • Timor et tremor (motet) / Orlande de Lassus
  • Luci serene (madrigal) / Claudio Monteverdi
  • Sfogava con le stelle (continuo madrigal) / Giulio Caccini
  • Orfeo, Act 2 (opera: selections) / Claudio Monteverdi
  • Calisto (opera: selections) / Pier Francesco Cavalli
  • Ardo in tacito foco (cantata or strophic aria) / Barbara Strozzi
  • Correa nel seno amato (cantata: selections) / Alessandro Scarlatti
  • From Rosy Bowers (cantata) / Henry Purcell
  • Armide (opera: selections) / Jean-Baptiste Lully
  • In ecclesiis (concertato motet) / Giovanni Gabrieli
  • Saul, Saul, was verfolgst du mich?, SWV 415 (concertato motet) / Heinrich Schütz
  • Jephte (oratorio: selections) / Giacomo Carissimi
  • Frigidae noctis umbra H. 414 (oratorio: first half) / Marc-Antoine Charpentier
  • Orlando (opera: selections) / George Frideric Handel
  • Les indes galantes (opera-ballet: selections) / Jean-Philippe Rameau
  • Herr Jesu Christ, wahr'r Mensch und Gott, BWV 127 (sacred cantata) / Johann Sebastian Bach
  • Jephtha (English oratorio: selections) / George Frideric Handel
  • Ennemond Gaultier, Pieces for Lute
  • Toccata 7 (from Libro II) / Girolamo Frescobaldi
  • Prélude from Suite 3 in A minor (selections) / Elizabeth-Claude Jacquet de La Guerre
  • Praeludium in A minor, BuxWV 153 / Dieterich Buxtehude
  • Prelude and Fugue in G, BWV 860, from The Well-Tempered Clavier, Part 1 / Johann Sebastian Bach
  • Extracts from ornament tables / Jean Henry d'Anglebert, Francois Couperin, and Jean-Philippe Rameau
  • Vingt-unieme ordre (keyboard suite: selections) / Francois Couperin
  • Sonata sopra La Bergamasca / Salamone Rossi
  • Sonata variata for violin and continuo / Biagio Marini
  • Sonata 5 in E minor for violin and continuo (1681) / Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber
  • Sonata in C for violin and continuo, op. 5, no. 3 / Arcangelo Corelli
  • Sinfonia in D for trumpet, strings, and continuo, G. 8 / Giuseppe Torelli
  • Concerto grosso in G minor, op. 6, no. 8 / Arcangelo Corelli
  • Concerto in E for violin, strings, and continuo, op. 3, no. 12 (R. 265) / Antonio Vivaldi
  • Brandenburg Concerto no. 2 in F, BWV 1047 / Johann Sebastian Bach


This anthology is a study of European music spanning from the late sixteenth through the mid-eighteenth centuries. The volume can be used to accompany Music of the Baroque, or independently as a collection of study scores. Works by Lalande, Gaultier, Frescobaldi, Froberger, Rossi, Castello, Biber, Legrenzi, Torelli, Bach, La Guerre, Couperin, and Marini are included in this edition. Women composers and a number of "noncanonical" selections are presented within the anthology. The verbal texts of each vocal work along with translations when necessary are provided for the scores. Excerpts of coherent portions of works are given within the anthology, and the text volume presents a few briefer extracts in the form of musical examples. Pre- and post-Baroque selections provide transitions to music from other historical periods which illustrate the opening and closing chapters of the text volume. New pieces by Cavalli, Charpentier, La Guerre, Rameau, Scarlatti, and Carissimi are added to this edition. This is an anthology that contains a broad variety of compositions in an affordable format.


  • Contents
  • Preface
  • 1 Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina: Dum complerentur (motet)
  • 2 Orlande de Lassus: Timor et tremor (motet)
  • 3 Claudio Monteverdi: Luci serene (madrigal)
  • 4 Giulio Caccini: Sfogava con le stelle (continuo madrigal)
  • 5 Claudio Monteverdi: Orfeo, Act 2 (opera: selections)
  • a. Sinfonia and two arias: <"Ecco pur ch'a voi ritorno>" and <"Mira ch'a se n'alletta>"
  • b. <"Mira, deh mira Orfeo>" through chorus, <"Ahi, caso acerbo>"
  • 6 Pier Francesco Cavalli: Calisto (opera: selections)
  • a. Act 1, scenes 4DS5 (<"Non e maggior piacere>")
  • b. Act 1, scene 11 (<"Piangete, sospirate>")
  • 7 Barbara Strozzi: Ardo in tacito foco (cantata or strophic aria)
  • 8 Alessandro Scarlatti: Correa nel seno amato (cantata: selections)
  • a. Sinfonia
  • b. Aria <"Fresche brine>"
  • c. Recitative <"Ma voi, occhi dolenti>" and aria <"Onde belle>"
  • 9 Henry Purcell: From Rosy Bowers (cantata)
  • 10 Jean-Baptiste Lully: Armide (opera: selections)
  • a. Overture
  • b. Act 2, scene 5 (recitative <"Enfin, il est en ma puissance>" and air <"Venez, secondez mes desirs>")
  • 11 Giovanni Gabrieli: In ecclesiis (concertato motet)
  • 12 Heinrich Schutz: Saul, Saul, was verfolgst du mich?, SWV 415 (concertato motet)
  • 13 Giacomo Carissimi: Jephte (oratorio: selections)
  • a. <"Cum autem victor Jephte>"
  • b. <"Cum vidisset Jepthe>"
  • c. <"Plorate, filii Israel>"
  • 14 Marc-Antoine Charpentier: Frigidae noctis umbra H. 414 (oratorio: first half)
  • 15 George Frideric Handel: Orlando (opera: selections)
  • a. Act 1, scene 8 (recitative and aria <"O care parolette>")
  • b. Act 1, scene 9 (recitative and aria <"Se fedel vuoi>")
  • c. Act 1, scene 10 (recitative and aria <"Fammi combattere>")
  • 16 Jean-Philippe Rameau: Les indes galantes (opera-ballet: selections)
  • a. Nouvelle (quatrieme) entree, scene 3 (beginning)
  • b. Nouvelle (quatrieme) entree, from scene 6
  • 17 Johann Sebastian Bach: Herr Jesu Christ, wahr'r Mensch und Gott, BWV 127 (sacred cantata)
  • 18 George Frideric Handel: Jephtha (English oratorio: selections)
  • a. From Part 2, scene 3 (recitative and aria <"Open thy marble jaws>")
  • b. From Part 2, scene 4 (chorus <"How dark, O Lord>")
  • 19 Ennemond Gaultier, Pieces for Lute
  • a. Courante <"L'immortelle>"
  • b. Allemande (Tombeau de Mesangeau)
  • c. Gigue <"La Poste>"
  • 20 Girolamo Frescobaldi, Toccata 7 from Libro II
  • 21 Elizabeth-Claude Jacquet de La Guerre, Suite 3 in A minor (selections)
  • a. Prelude
  • b. Allemande
  • c. [1ere] Courante
  • d. Sarabande
  • e. Gigue
  • 22 Dieterich Buxtehude: Praeludium in A minor, BuxWV 153
  • 23 Johann Sebastian Bach: Prelude and Fugue in G, BWV 860, from The Well-Tempered Clavier, Part 1
  • 24 Jean Henry d'Anglebert, Francois Couperin, and Jean-Philippe Rameau: Extracts from ornament tables
  • 25 Francois Couperin: Vingt-unieme ordre (keyboard suite: selections)
  • a. La reine des coeurs
  • b. La Couperin
  • 26 Salamone Rossi: Sonata sopra La Bergamasca
  • 27 Biagio Marini: Sonata variata for violin and continuo
  • 28 Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber: Sonata 5 in E minor for violin and continuo (1681)
  • 29 Arcangelo Corelli: Sonata in C for violin and continuo, op. 5, no. 3
  • 30 Giuseppe Torelli: Sinfonia in D for trumpet, strings, and continuo, G. 8
  • 31 Arcangelo Corelli: Concerto grosso in G minor, op. 6, no. 8, <"Christmas>"
  • 32 Antonio Vivaldi: Concerto in E for violin, strings, and continuo, op. 3, no. 12 (R. 265)
  • 33 Johann Sebastian Bach: Brandenburg Concerto no. 2 in F, BWV 1047

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