Motivation and learning strategies for college success : a focus on self-regulated learning


Motivation and learning strategies for college success : a focus on self-regulated learning

Myron H. Dembo, Helena Seli

Routledge, 2016

5th ed

  • : pbk


Includes bibliographical references (p. [329]-339) and indexes

Previous ed. published 2013



Combining theory, research, and applications, this popular text guides college students on how to become self-regulated learners. Students gain knowledge about human motivation and learning as they improve their study skills. The focus is on relevant information and features to help students to identify the components of academic learning that contribute to high achievement, to master and practice effective learning and study strategies, and then to complete self-regulation studies that teach a process for improving their academic behavior. A framework organized around motivation, methods of learning, time management, control of the physical and social environment, and monitoring performance makes it easy for students to recognize what they need to do to become academically more successful. Pedagogical features include Exercises, Follow-Up Activities, Student Reflections, Chapter-end Reviews, Key Points, and a Glossary. New in the Fifth Edition Discussion of the importance of sleep in learning and memory Revised and updated chapter on self-regulation of emotions Current research on impact of students' use of technology including digital learning platforms and tools, social media, and online learning Updated Companion Website resources for students and instructors


Contents Preface Acknowledgments Figure and Table Credits UNIT I: FOUNDATIONS OF LEARNING AND MOTIVATION Chapter 1 Academic Self-Regulation What Is Academic Self-Regulation? What Is the Difference Between High School and College? Why Are Some Students Less Successful Learners? They Hold Faulty Beliefs about Their Ability, Learning, and Motivation They Are Unaware of Their Ineffective Learning Behavior They Fail to Sustain Effective Learning and Motivational Strategies They Are Not Ready to Change Their Learning and Study Behavior How Can I Manage My Academic Behavior? Motivation Methods of Learning Use of Time Physical and Social Environment Monitoring Performance The Six Components of Academic Self-Regulation Exercise 1.1: Self-Observation: Assessing Your Self-Regulatory Skills How Can I Change My Behavior? How Does Self-Regulation Occur in an Academic Context? Key Points Follow-Up Activities Chapter 2 Understanding Motivation Motivational Problems What Is Motivation and What Factors Influence It? Motivated Behaviors Sociocultural Factors Classroom Environmental Factors Exercise 2.1: Self-Observation: Analyzing My Personal and Sociocultural Background Exercise 2.2: Self-Observation: Analyzing Classroom Experiences Internal Factors Exercise 2.3: Possible Selves: My Hopes, Expectations, and Fears about the Future Exercise 2.4: Identifying Mastery and Performance Goal Orientations Am I Motivated to Change My Academic Behavior? I Can't Change I Don't Want to Change I Don't Know What to Change I Don't Know How to Change Key Points Follow-Up Activities Chapter 3 Understanding Learning and Memory Where Does Learning Take Place in the Brain? Is Intelligence Fixed or Malleable? Why Is a Growth Mindset More Beneficial than a Fixed Mindset? Exercise 3.1: Self-Observation: Analyzing My Mindset How Does the Information-Processing System Explain Learning? Short-Term Sensory Store Working Memory Exercise 3.2: Demonstrating the Capacity of Working Memory Long-Term Memory What Are the Flaws in Human Memory? What Is the Difference between Rote and Meaningful Learning? Which Learning Strategies Promote Learning and Retention? Rehearsal Strategies Elaboration Strategies Organizational Strategies Exercise 3.3: Demonstrating the Importance of Categorizing Knowledge Exercise 3.4: Identifying Learning Strategies Key Points Follow-Up Activities UNIT II: MOTIVATIONAL STRATEGIES Chapter 4 Goal Setting Exercise 4.1: Self-Observation: Identifying Your Values Why Is Goal Setting Important? What Properties of Goals Enhance Motivation? What Are the Steps in the Goal-Setting Process? Step 1: Identifying and Defining the Goal Exercise 4.2: Writing Personal Goals Step 2: Generating and Evaluating Alternative Plans Step 3: Making Implementation Plans Step 4: Implementing the Plan Step 5: Evaluating Your Progress Key Points Follow-Up Activities Chapter 5 Self-Regulation of Emotions Exercise 5.1: Self-Observation: Assessing Emotions What Do We Know about College Students' Mental Health? What Types of Solutions Are Available for Emotional and Mental Health Issues? What Causes our Emotions? How Does Self-talk Affect My Emotions and Behavior? Exercise 5.2: Identify Irrational Thinking Patterns What Do We Know about Stress and Anxiety Among College Students? What Are Some Self-Regulatory Solutions for Stress and Anxiety? What Do We Know About Depression Among College Students? What Are Some Self-Regulatory Strategies to Address Depression? What is the Impact of Boredom on Academic Performance? What Are Self-Regulatory Strategies to Address Boredom? Key Points Follow-Up Activities UNIT III: BEHAVIORAL STRATEGIES Chapter 6 Time Management What Is Time Management? How Do You Use Your Time? Exercise 6.1: Self-Observation: Assessing Time Wasters Exercise 6.2: Self-Observation: Assessing Use of Time What Are Some Good Time-Management Strategies? Set Regular Study Periods Create an Environment that Is Relatively Free of Distractions and Interruptions Schedule Tasks So They Can Be Accomplished in 30- to 60-Minute Blocks of Time Take Short Breaks Be Specific in Identifying How You Plan to Use Your Time Alternate Subjects When You Have a Long Time Block Available for Study Estimate the Time Needed for Each Assignment Prioritize Tasks Do the Assignments for the Course You Dislike First Work Ahead of Your Assignments When Possible Take Down Any Appointments as Soon as You Make Them in Your Smartphone or Calendar Use Technology to Manage Your Time How Do I Develop a System of Time Planning and Management? Semester Calendar Weekly Priority Tasks List Weekly Schedule What Is Procrastination? Procrastination and the Internet What Are the Causes of Procrastination? What Can I Do about My Tendency to Procrastinate? Procrastination Elimination Strategies Challenging and Changing Beliefs and Misperceptions Exercise 6.3: Challenge Irrational Beliefs Key Points Follow-Up Activities Chapter 7 Self-Regulation of the Physical and Social Environment What are the Costs of Multitasking? Is There a Difference between Attention and Concentration? Exercise 7.1: Self-Observation: Evaluating Study Environments What Factors Influence Attention and Concentration? Exercise 7.2: Self-Observation: Becoming Aware of Misdirected Attention Exercise 7.3: Self-Observation: Becoming Aware of Your Listening Habits How Can I Improve My Attention and Concentration? Exercise 7.4: Dealing with Distracters How Do I Seek Academic Help? Do Students Have Different Motives for Communicating with Their Instructors? How Can I Work More Effectively in Groups? How Can I Help Make My Study Group More Productive? How Can I Improve My Communication Skills? Sending Messages Effectively Receiving Messages Effectively Key Points Follow-Up Activities UNIT IV: LEARNING AND STUDY STRATEGIES Chapter 8 Learning from Textbooks What Does Research Tell Us about Skillful Readers? Exercise 8.1: Self-Observation: Assessing Reading Strategies What Learning Strategies Can I Use to Improve My Reading Comprehension and Retention? Before Reading Exercise 8.2: Understanding the Importance of Prior Knowledge During Reading After Reading How Can I Construct Representations? Exercise 8.3: Representations in Academic Content Exercise 8.4: Constructing Different Representations for the Material Key Points Follow-Up Activities Chapter 9 Learning from Class Exercise 9.1: Self-Observation: Analyzing Note-Taking Strategies How Can I Take Better Class Notes? Before Class During Class After Class Exercise 9.2: Practicing the Note-Taking Strategy How Can I Ask Good Mirror Questions? Exercise 9.3: Identifying the Different Levels of Questions in Class How Do I Deal with Particular Note-Taking Problems or Issues? Key Points Follow-Up Activities Chapter 10 Preparing for Exams Exercise 10.1: Self-Observation: Assessing Exam Preparation How Do I Develop a Study Plan? Step 1: Determine the Content Coverage and Question Format of the Exam Step 2: Organize and Separate the Content into Parts Step 3: Identify Specific Study Strategies Step 4: Identify the Amount of Time Needed for Each Strategy Step 5: Allocate Time for Each Study Strategy in a Weekly Schedule Step 6: Modify the Plan as Necessary An Example of a Study Plan Content Coverage and Question Format Organize the Content for Study Identify Specific Study Strategies Identify the Amount of Time Needed for Each Strategy Allocate Time for Each Study Strategy in a Monthly or Weekly Schedule Key Points Follow-Up Activities Chapter 11 Taking Exams Exercise 11.1: Self-Observation: Assessing Test-Taking Strategies What Strategies Can I Use to Answer Objective Test Questions? How Should You Manage Your Time? How Should You Approach Each Question? When Should You Change an Answer? Strategies for True-False Questions Exercise 11.2: Identifying Key Words Strategies for Matching Questions Strategies for Fill-in-the-Blank Questions Strategies for Multiple-Choice Questions Exercise 11.3: Taking a Multiple-Choice Exam What Strategies Can I Use for Answering Essay Writing Prompts? Read the Directions Carefully and Do Exactly What Is Asked Read Each Prompt Carefully to Determine What Is Expected in the Response Determine How You Will Use Your Time Determine the Order in Which You Will Respond to the Prompts Organize Your Response by Making an Outline or Representation (Map) Write Your Answer Following Specific Procedures If Given an Opportunity, Review Your Exam Results Evaluating the Two Essay Responses Exercise 11.4: Evaluating Responses to an Essay Prompt Key Points Follow-Up Activities Afterword Motivation Methods of Learning/Monitoring of Performance Use of Time Physical and Social Environment Glossary Appendices Appendix A: A Guide for Completing a Self-Regulation Study Appendix B: Examples of Self-Regulation Studies Notes References Author Index Subject Index

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