
The medieval world = Le moyen âge

edited by Michel Balard ; general editor, Christian Buchet

(The sea in history = La mer dans l'histoire, 2)

Boydell Press, 2017


Includes bibliographical references



An assessment of how important the sea was in the middle ages. How important has the sea been in the development of human history? Very important indeed is the conclusion of this ground-breaking four volume work. The books bring together the world's leading maritime historians, who address the question of what difference the sea has made in relation to around 250 situations ranging from the earliest times to the present. They consider, across the entire world, subjects related to human migration, trade, economic development, warfare, the building of political units including states and empires, the dissemination of ideas, culture and religion, and much more, showing how the sea was crucial to all these aspects of human development. The Sea in History - The Medieval World covers the period from the end of the Roman Empire in the West up to around the year 1500. It demonstrates that for many peoples and states in this period the sea was central to theirexistence - the Vikings, the Hanse, Venice, Genoa, the Normans - and it shows also how important the sea was for states which are not normally thought of as maritime powers, such as Byzantium, the Crusader states and the Mongol Empire. The book is global in its coverage, including material on East and Southeast Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean and Africa, with particularly interesting material on China's extensive voyages of exploration in the fifteenth century, the role of the Vikings in the early formation of Russia, and on the building of ships, appropriate to local conditions, in different parts of the world. 40 of the contributions are in English; 34 are inFrench. MICHEL BALARD is Emeritus Professor at the University Paris 1 - Pantheon Sorbonne. CHRISTIAN BUCHET is Professor of Maritime History, Catholic University of Paris, Scientific Director of Oceanides and a member of l'Academie de marine.


Introduction - Michel Balard (Universite Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne) Image de la mer dans les societes medievales : perceptions et modes de transmission - Olivier Clodong (Nouvel Economiste) La perception de la mer en Europe du Nord-Ouest (Moyen-Age, XIIIeme-XVeme siecles) - Frederique Laget (France) Medieval maritime polities - some considerations - Jan Rudiger (University of Basel) 'Piracy', connectivity and seaborne power in the Middle Ages - Nikolas Jaspert (University of Heidelberg) Connectivity and Sea Power - Entangled Maritime Dimensions in the Medieval Mediterranean - Sebastian Kolditz (Ruprecht-Karls-University of Heidelberg) La revolution nautique medievale (XIIIe-XVe siecles) - Christiane Villain-Gandossi (University of Aix-Marseille) The maritime war in the Mediterranean 13th-15th centuries - Richard W. Unger (University of British Columbia) La carte marine au Moyen-Age : outil technique, objet symbolique - Patrick Gautier-Dalche (CNRS and Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes) Ship building in the medieval Adriatic - John E. Dotson (Southern Illinois University) L'arsenal de Venise - Elisabeth Crouzet-Pavan (University of Paris IV - Sorbonne) Flottes publiques, flottes privees a Venise (XIIe-XVe s.) - Bernard Doumerc (University of Toulouse 2) Au coeur de la puissance maritime de Venise, le sel - Jean-Claude Hocquet (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, University of Lille III) Les gens de mer a Venise, XIIIeme-XVeme siecle - Doris Stoeckly (Archives d'Etat de Thurgovie) The naval power of Venice in the Oriental Mediterranean in the Middle Ages - Ruthy Gertwagen (University of Haifa and Oranim Academic College) La vie maritime de Split et de Zadar du XIIIe au XVe siecle - Sabine Fabijanec (Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts) Dubrovnik et la mer (XIIIe - XVe siecle) - Nenad Fejic (University of the West Indies and French Guiana) Les Genois, une flotte militaire privee ? - Pierangelo Campodonico (Istituzione Musei del Mare e delle Migrazioni, MUMA, Genova) Flottes publiques et flottes privees a Genes au XIVe siecle - Giovanna Petti-Balbi (University of Genova) Les flottes genoises dans l'Atlantique (Angleterre - Flandre), XIIe - XVe siecles - Enrico Basso (University of Torino) La vie a bord : de la navigation de cabotage a la navigation hauturiere (XII - XV siecles) - Nicla Buonasorte (Istituzione Musei del Mare e delle Migrazioni, Genova) Les Normands d'Italie et la mer (XIe-XIIe siecle) - Jean-Marie Martin (CNRS, UMR Orient et Mediterranee) La mer empoisonnee : la Sicile medievale - Henri Bresc (University of Paris-Nanterre and the Centre d'histoire sociale et culturelle de l'Occident ) Les Omeyyades d'al-Andalus (711-1021) : une puissance navale de la Mediterranee medievale ? - Christophe Picard (University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne) Les flottes catalanes, XIIe-XVe siecle, le role des flottes dans l'expansion territoriale catalane - Maria Teresa Ferrer i Mallol (Institute of Catalan Studies, Barcelona) Catalan maritime expansion in the Western Mediterranean (12th-15th centuries) - Maria Dolores Lopez-Perez (University of Barcelona) Shipbuilding in Portugal in the Middle Ages - Felipe Castro (Center for Maritime Archeology and Conservation, Texas A&M University) Manuel Pessanha et l'organisation de la flotte portugaise au XIVeme siecle - Giulia Rossi-Vairo (Institute of History of Art of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa) Les ordres militaires et la mer (XIIe-XVe siecles) - Pierre-Vincent Claverie (Cyprus Research Center, Nicosia) The Latin kingdom of Jerusalem and the sea (late 11th-13th century) - David Jacoby (Hebrew University, Jerusalem) The Ships of the Knights of St John - Jurgen Sarnowski (University of Hamburg) The Lusignan Kingdom of Cyprus and the sea, 13th-15th century - Nicholas Coureas (University of Cyprus) At the centre of the sea routes: the maritime life in Crete between the Middle Ages and the Early Modern era - Angeliki Panopoulou (National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens) The Dromon and the Byzantine navy - John Pryor (University of Sydney) Harbours and shipbuilding in Byzantine Constantinople - Nergis Gunsenin (University of Istanbul) The Byzantine and Greek merchant marines (maritime enterprises) in the medieval Mediterranean - Gerasimos Pagratis (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens) The Byzantine Economy and the Sea: The Maritime Trade of Byzantium, Tenth-Fifteenth Centuries - Nevra Necipoglu (Bogazici University) Maritime trade in the medieval Black Sea - Sergii Zelenko (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev) Venetian navigation to the Black Sea areas, 13th to 15th century - Sergey Karpov (Lomonosov Moscow State University) The transfer of maritime technology from Southern Europe to England c.1100-c.1600 - Susan Rose (Roehampton University) Les royaumes barbares et la mer (Veme - debut VIIIeme siecle) - Regine Le Jan (University of Paris 1 - Sorbonne) Capetiens et Plantagenets a l'epreuve de la suprematie maritime - Henri Legoherel (University of Angers) Les fondements du commerce maritime de la Rochelle au Moyen-Age - Mathias Tranchant (University of La Rochelle) La Bourgogne et la mer a la fin du Moyen-Age - Jacques Paviot (University of Paris Est Creteil) Les anciens Frisons et la mer (Premier millenaire apres Jesus Christ) - Stephane Lebecq (Charles de Gaulle University - Lille 3) Viking ships - Arne Emil Christensen (University of Oslo) The Vikings and their Age - a good deal more than plunder - Nils Blomkvist (Uppsala University) The maritime law of the Baltic Sea - Carsten Jahnke (University of Copenhagen) Did the activity of the "Vitalian brethren" forbid trade in the Baltic Area? - Gregor Rohmann (Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universitat, Frankfurt am Main) Teutonic order and the Baltic Sea in the 13th-16th centuries - Juhan Kreem (Tallinn City Archives, University of Tallinn) Ships and shipping in medieval England - Ian Friel (United Kingdom) Port labour in medieval England - Maryanne Kowaleski (Fordham University) Fishing in medieval England - James A. Galloway (Ireland) Portuguese maritime expansion from the African coast to India - Luis Adao De Fonseca (Porto University) Les reseaux commerciaux Baynounk en Senegambie (Afrique de l'Ouest), du VIIIe au XVIIe siecle - Mustapha Sall (University of Cheikh Anta Diop) Le Mali et la mer (XIVe siecle), Autour du recit du sultan Musa sur l'expedition maritime de son predecesseur Muhammad - Francois-Xavier Fauvelle-Aymar (University of Toulouse-le-Mirail, France and Centre Jacques Be L'Afrique orientale et la mer du IER au XVE siecle - Philippe Beaujard (CNRS, Centre d'Etudes des Mondes Africains, Paris 1) The Red Sea in the medieval period - Patrick Wing (University of Redlands) Early Maya navigation and maritime connections in Mesoamerica - Heather McKillop (Louisiana State University) The Maya Caribbean: Fishing, Navigation, and Trade - Emiliano Melgar (Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia, Monterrey) The Central Andean peoples and their relationship to the sea - Jorge Ortiz Sotelo (Instituto Riva-Aguero, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru) Fluidite des circulations dans l'empire mongol du XIIIe siecle - Didier Gazagnadou (University of Paris VIII) Les flottes islamiques de l'ocean Indien (viie-xve siecle) : une puissance navale au service du commerce - Eric Vallet (University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne) Shipbuilding in India until the Fifteenth Century - Sachin Pendse (Tolani College of Commerce, Mumbai) Medieval Ports in India - Annette Schmiedchen (Humboldt-Universitat Berlin) The maritime relations between the Indian ocean and the China sea in the Middle Ages - Angela Schottenhammer (University of Salzburg) Naval power of the Yuan dynasty - Gakusho Nakajima (University of Kyushu) The Chinese Fleets in the Indian Ocean (13th -15th Century) - Jinliang Qu (Ocean University of China) Chinese supremacy in the Indian Ocean in the early 15th century - Louise Levathes (United States) La Coree et la mer, Xe-XVe siecles - Yannick Bruneton (University Paris Diderot - Paris 7) Feodalites maritimes : le Japon medieval et la mer (XIe-XVIeme siecles) - Guillaume Carre (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris) L'Insulinde et la mer avant l'arrivee des Occidentaux - Pierre-Yves Manguin (Ecole francaise d'Extreme-Orient, Paris) Boat building tradition in the Philippines, (10th-16th Century) - Maria Bernadette L. Abrera (University of the Philippines Diliman) Les relations maritimes entre l'Indonesie et l'ocean Indien au Moyen Age - Paul Wormser (Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales) Conclusion - Michel Balard (Universite Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne)

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