Theory and practice of public sector reform
Theory and practice of public sector reform
(Routledge critical studies in public management, 27)
Routledge, 2016
- : hbk
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全5件
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Includes bibliographical references and index
Theory and Practice of Public Sector Reform offers readers differing theoretical perspectives to help examine the process of public sector reform, combined with an overview of major trends in the core areas of the functioning of the public sector. The book consists of three parts, the first addresses a number of conceptual and theoretical perspectives on public sector reform. It shows how different ways of looking at reform reveal very different things. The second part addresses major changes in specific areas of public sectors - 'objects of reform.' Part three focuses on the study of public sector reform.
Aimed at academics, researchers and advanced students; this edited collection brings together many of the most eminent academics in the area of Public Policy and Management seeking to link to theory in part one and insights into specific thematic areas in part two, offering readers a display of theoretical perspectives to look at public sector reform.
1. Introduction: Theory and Practice of Public Sector Reform
Steven Van de Walle and Sandra Groeneveld
Part 1: Perspectives on Public Sector Reform
2. An Institutional Perspective
Johan P. Olsen
3. A Transformative Perspective
Tom Christensen and Per Laegreid
4. A Principal-Agent Perspective
Sandra Van Thiel
5. An Innovation Perspective
Victor Bekkers and Lars Tummers
6. A Change Management Perspective
Joris van der Voet, Ben S. Kuipers and Sandra Groeneveld
7. A Cultural Theory Perspective
Christopher Hood
8. An Interpretive Perspective
R.A.W. Rhodes
Part 2: Objects of Reform
9. Reforming Organizational Structures
Steven Van de Walle
10. Bureaucrats and Politicians: Reform Begets Reform
B. Guy Peters
11. The Shift toward Network Governance: Drivers, Characteristics and Manifestations
Erik-Hans Klijn and Joop Koppenjan
12. Management of Human Resources: Trends and Variation
Sandra Groeneveld and Bram Steijn
13. Public Management Reform and Public Professionalism
Mirko Noordegraaf
14. Recent Shifts in Public Financial Management
Tiina Randma and Geert Bouckaert
Part 3: Studying and Practicing Reform
15. Public Sector Reform amidst Societal and Administrative Shifts
Kim Putters
16. Two Varieties of Administrative Reform: US vs. Europe
Richard Stillman
17. Becoming a Student of Reform
Frans-Bauke van der Meer, Christoph Reichard and Arthur Ringeling
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