Communicating about health : current issues and perspectives


Communicating about health : current issues and perspectives

Athena du Pré

Oxford University Press, c2017

5th ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Includes bibliographical references and indexes



Now in its fifth edition, Communicating About Health: Current Issues and Perspectives continues to live up to its long-standing reputation as the most dynamic and current exploration of health communication on the market. The book offers rich, current research and in-depth analysis of the cultural, social, and organizational issues that influence health communication and health advocacy.Communicating About Health is an indispensable resource for readers seeking to improve their communication abilities in fields related to health. This text explores health communication through the eyes of patients, care providers, health care leaders, campaign designers, and more. Readers will learn how culture, media, personal identity, technology, social networks, and other factors contribute to health and healing.


Preface Part I. Establishing a Context for Health Communication Chapter 1 Introduction Box 1.1: Career Opportunities: Profiles of More Than 125 Health-Related Jobs The Philosophy Behind This Book Box 1.2: Learn While You Make a Difference What Is Health? What Is Health Communication? Box 1.3: Perspectives: True Stories About Health Communication Experiences Defining Communication Collaborative Sense- Making Multiple Levels of Meaning Context and Culture Defining Health Communication Box 1.4: Theoretical Foundations: The Basis for Health Communication The History of Health Communication Box 1.5: Resources: Health Communication Organizations and Resources Health Care Models Biomedical Biopsychosocial Box 1.6: Perspectives: A Memorable Hospital Experience Sociocultural The Importance of Health Communication Box 1.7: Ethical Considerations: An Essential Component of Health Communication Box 1.8: Perspectives: Down, But Not Out Summary Key Terms and Theories Discussion Questions Chapter 2 The Landscape for Health Communication Current Issues in Health Care Preventive Care Cost Efficiency Treatment Approaches Mind-Body Dualism Holistic Approach Patient Empowerment Impact of Social Changes Global Health Changing Populations Technology Use Managed Care Conventional Insurance Health Maintenance Organization Preferred Provider Organization High-Deductible Health Plan Box 2.1 Managed Care at a Glance Pros and Cons of Managed Care Advantages Disadvantages Box 2.2 Resources: Before You Select a Managed Care Plan Health Care Reform Universal Coverage Rationale Single- and Multi-Payer Systems Funding The Affordable Care Act Provisions Potential and Advantages Challenges and Disadvantages Box 2.3 Ethical Considerations: Classroom Debate on Health Care Reform Summary Key Terms and Theories Discussion Questions Answers to Can You Guess? Part II. The Roles of Patients and Professional Caregivers Chapter 3 Patient-Caregiver Communication Box 3.1 Resources: Journals That Feature Health Communication Research Medical Talk and Power Differentials Knowledge and Power Box 3.2 Ethical Considerations: Therapeutic Privilege Who Talks and Who Listens Box 3.3 Doorknob Disclosures Questions and Directives Blocking Patronizing Behavior Box 3.4 Stepping Over the Line Why Do We Do It? Box 3.5 Perspectives: Tyranny of the Urgent Collaborative Communication Model Reasons for a Shift Theoretical Foundations The Emerging Model Communication Skill Builders Motivational Interviewing Box 3.6 Ouch! Dialogue Nonverbal Encouragement Verbal Encouragement Box 3.7 Perspectives: A Mother's Experience at the Dentist Narrative Medicine Box 3.8 Theoretical Foundations: Integrative Health Model Box 3.9 Communication Tips for Patients Healing Environments Soothing Surroundings Box 3.10 Career Opportunities: Health Communication Research Summary Key Terms and Theories Discussion Questions Answers to Can You Guess? Chapter 4 Patient Perspectives Box 4.1 Perspectives: The Agony of Uncertainty Patient Socialization Voice of Lifeworld Feelings Versus Evidence Specific Versus Diffuse Bridging the Gap Patient Characteristics Nature of the Illness Box 4.2 Health and Communication Technology: Computer in the Room Patient Disposition Box 4.3 Career Opportunities: Patient Advocacy Communication Skills Satisfaction Attentiveness and Respect Box 4.4 Is Satisfaction Overrated? Convenience A Sense of Control Cooperation and Consent Reasons for Noncooperation Care Providers' Investment Box 4.5 Cash for Cooperation? Informed Consent Box 4.6 Ethical Considerations: Patients' Right to Informed Consent Illness and Personal Identity Reactions to Illness Summary Key Terms and Theories Discussion Questions Answers to Can You Guess? Chapter 5 Caregiver Perspectives Box 5.1 Career Opportunities Caregiver Preparation Emphasis on Science Campaign of Orthodox Medicine The Flexner Report Decline of Holistic and Folk Medicine Science-Based Curricula Evolving Models Communication Training Socialization Hidden Curriculum Isolation Identity in Limbo Privileges Resentment Box 5.2 Medical School Reform Implications Compassion Rebound Systems-Level Influences on Caregivers Organizational Culture Time Box 5.3 Ethical Considerations: Privacy Regulations Incite Controversy Psychological Influences on Caregivers Emotional Preparedness Mindfulness Confidence Satisfaction Stress and Burnout Box 5.4 Perspectives: Blowing the Whistle on an Impaired Physician Causes Conflict Box 5.5 Communication Skill Builder: Dealing with Difficult Patients Emotions Workload Healthy Strategies Medical Mistakes Why Mistakes Happen What Happens After a Mistake? Communication Skill Builder: Managing Medical Mistakes From the Beginning Box 5.6 Health and Communication Technology: Mobile App Helps Save Time and Prevent Errors If an Error Does Occur Multidisciplinary Teamwork Advantages Difficulties and Drawbacks Communication Skill Builder: Working in Teams Summary Key Terms and Theories Discussion Questions Answers to Can You Guess? Part III. Sociocultural Issues Chapter 6 Diversity and Health Care Intersectional Theory Socioeconomic Status Health Literacy Communication Skill Builder: Surmounting Status and Literacy Barriers Suggestions for Public Health Care Professionals Suggestions for Health Care Providers Suggestions for Patients Gender Identities Box 6.1 Nuanced gender identities Assumptions Risks of Silence Communication Skill Builder: Talking About Gender Race and Ethnicity Different Care and Outcomes Explanations Distrust High Risk, Low Knowledge Limited Access Patient-Caregiver Communication Box 6.2 Ethical Considerations: Who Gets What Care? Box 6.3. Ethical Considerations: Is Affirmative Action Justified or Not? Box 6.4 Genetic Profiling: A View into Your Health Future Language Differences Box 6.5 Perspectives: Language Barriers in a Health Care Emergency Box 6.6 Career Opportunities: Diversity Awareness Disabilities Box 6.7 Perspectives: "My Disability Doesn't Show" Communication Skill Builder: Interacting with Persons Who Have Disabilities Age Children Communication Skill Builder: Talking with Children About Illness Older Adults Communication Accommodation Theory Implications of Ageism and Overaccommodation Communication Patterns Promising Options Communication Technology and Older Adults Summary Key Terms and Theories Discussion Questions Answers to Can You Guess? Chapter 7 Cultural Conceptions of Health and Illness Box 7.1. Resources: More About Culture and Health Culture and Cultural Competence The Challenge of Multiculturalism Cultural Competence in Health Care Cultural Conceptions of Health Health as Organic Health as Harmonic Balance Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Harmony With Nature Hot and Cold Energy Making Sense of Health Experiences Box 7.2. Theoretical Foundations: Theory of Health as Expanded Consciousness Health Condition as Social Asset Health Condition as Social Liability Disease as Curse Stigma The Morality of Prevention Victim Role Social Roles and Health Sex, Gender, and Health Female Identity and Health Male Identity and Health Family Roles and Health Communication Box 7.3. Perspectives: Thai Customs and a Son's Duty Illness and Coping Metaphors "Fight for Your Life" "Strive for Peace and Flexibility" Sick Roles and Healer Roles Mechanics and Machines Parents and Children Box 7.4. Ethical Considerations: Physician as Parent or Partner? Spiritualists and Believers Providers and Consumers Box 7.5. Perspectives: Partners in Care Partners Holistic Care Terminology Box 7.6. Holistic Medicine at a Glance Popularity Advantages Drawbacks Box 7.7. Career Opportunities: Holistic Medicine Summary Key Terms and Theories Discussion Questions Answers to Can You Guess? Part IV. Coping and Health Resources Chapter 8 Social Support, Family Caregiving, and End of Life Conceptual Overview Theoretical Perspectives Box 8.1 When Communication Ability Is Compromised Coping Sense of Control Dialetics Crisis Normalcy Coping and Communication Action-Facilitating Support Box 8.2 Theory of Problematic Integration Nurturing Support Communication Skill Builder: Supportive Listening Communication Skill Builder: Allowing Emotional Expression Social Networks When Support Goes Wrong Friends Disappear Hurtful Jests Too Much Support A Note of Encouragement Animals as Companions Transformative Experiences Box 8.3 Organ Donations: The Nicholas Effect Friends and Family as Caregivers Profile of the Family Caregiver Stress and Burnout Box 8.4 Perspectives: A Long Goodbye to Grandmother Caring for Caregivers End-of-Life Experiences Life at All Costs Death with Dignity Advance-Care Directives Box 8.5 Ethical Considerations: Do People Have a Right to Die? Box 8.6 Career Opportunities: Social Services and Mental Health Communication Skill Builder: Delivering Bad News Communication Skill Builder: Coping with Death Summary Key Terms and Theories Discussion Questions Answers to Can You Guess? Chapter 9 eHealth, mHealth, and Telehealth Box 9.1 Ethical Considerations: The Pros and Cons of Telemedicine eHealth Theoretical Foundations The Three Spheres Weak and Strong Ties Box 9.2 Profile of an ePatient Why and When Do We Seek eHealth Information? Is Online Health Information Useful? Advantages Rich Array of Information Practical Advice Social Support Disadvantages Unreliable Information Conflicting Information Overwhelming Amounts of Information Digital Divide Communication Skill Builder: Using the Internet Effectively How Has Technology Influenced Health Communication? mHealth Telehealth Telemedicine Patient Portals Telemonitoring Telehealth at Point of Sale Potential Advantages of Telehealth for Consumers Patient-Centered Communication Access to Services Cost Savings Patient Education Potential Advantages of Telehealth for Health Professionals Efficiency Improved Care Teamwork Accessible Information Potential Disadvantages of Telehealth Scheduling Challenges Liability Threats to Privacy Unorganized Information Compensation Questions Restricted Communication Box 9.3 Career Opportunities: Health Information Technology Summary Key Terms and Theories Discussion Questions Answers To Can You Guess? Part V. Communication in Health Organizations Chapter 10 Health Care Administration, Human Resources, Marketing, and PR Health Care Administration Reimagining Health Care Enhancing Health Care Experiences Improving Community Health Controlling Costs Mergers, Alliances, and Buy-Outs Efficiency and Six Sigma Communication Skill Builder: Shared Vision and Dispersed Leadership Invert the Pyramid Box 10.1 Perspectives: "We Hate the Rules" Build Relationships by Listening Push Decision Making to the Lowest Level Possible Hold People Accountable Celebrate Successes Box 10.2 Career Opportunities Human Resources Box 10.3 Staffing Shortages in Health Care Theoretical Foundations Communication Skill Builder: Building Great Teams Hire Carefully Teach the Culture and Values Continually Recruit Internal Talent Box 10.4 A Model for Innovative Leadership Marketing and Public Relations Box 10.5 Resources: Journals in the Field Foundations for Theory and Practice Focus on Relationships Integrate Develop Reputation, Not Only Image Communication Skill Builder: Two-Way Communication and Social Media Crisis Management Service Excellence Is Everyone's Job Blow Their Minds Recognize and Create Moments of Truth Use Service Failures as a Springboard Tell Stories and Honor Heroes Summary Key Terms and Theories Discussion Questions Answers To Can You Guess? Part VI. Media, Public Policy, and Health Promotion Chapter 11 Health Images in the Media Theoretical Foundations Advertising Box 11.1 Perspectives. Viagra Ads Promise Male Transformation Pharmaceutical Advertisements Advantages of DCT Advertising Disadvantages of DCT Advertising Communication Skill Builder: Evaluating Medical Claims Nutrition Obesity Effects on Children Activity Levels Tobacco Alcohol Box 11.2 Perspectives. Barbie: Feminist Icon or Woman as Sex Object? Body Image Box 11.3 Perspectives: Boys' Toys on Steroids Health Effects Beauty Sells . . . Sometimes News Coverage Accuracy and Fairness Sensationalism Advantages of Health News Communication Skill Builder: Presenting Health News Box 11.4 Career Opportunities: Health Journalism Entertainment Portrayals of Health-Related Conditions Mental Illness Disabilities Portrayals of Health-Related Behaviors Sex Violence Portrayals of Health Care Situations Entertainment and Commercialism Entertainomercials Product Placement Box 11.5 Ethical Considerations: Is the Entertainment Industry Responsible for Health Images? Entertainment-Education and Programming Impact of Persuasive Entertainment Media Literacy Teaching Media Literacy Summary Key Terms and Theories Discussion Questions Answers to Can You Guess? Chapter 12 Public Health and Crisis Communication Ebola Communication with the Worried Well Communication in the Midst of Trauma What Is Public Health? Box 12.1 Career Opportunities: Public Health Risk and Crisis Communication Box 12.2 Parents Grapple with Vaccine Information Managing Perceptions How Scared Is Scared Enough? In the Heat of the Moment Box 12.3 Theoretical Perspectives: Risk Management/Communication Framework Case Studies: A Global Perspective Box 12.4 Typhoid Mary and TB Andy AIDS SARS Anthrax Avian Flu Box 12.5 Ethical Considerations: Who Should Be Protected? Box 12.6 Lessons for Public Health and Crisis Communication Summary Key Terms and Theories Discussion Questions Chapter 13 Planning Health Promotion Campaigns Box 13.1 Career Opportunities: Health Promotion and Education Background on Health Campaigns Motivating Factors Exemplary Campaigns Get to Know the Audience Invest in Communication Infrastructures Box 13.2 Storytelling Connects Underserved Women and Care Providers Make Healthy Options Accessible Take a Multimedia Approach Set Clear Goals and Measure Success Step 1: Defining the Situation and Potential Benefits Benefits Current Situation Diverse Motivations Step 2: Analyzing and Segmenting the Audience Data Collection Ethical Commitments Data-Gathering Options Choosing a Target Audience Theoretical Foundations Reaching Under-Informed Audiences Segmenting the Audience Audience as a Person Young Audiences Sensation-Seekers Box 13.3 Ethical Considerations: The Politics of Prevention Step 3: Establishing Campaign Goals and Objectives Step 4: Selecting Channels of Communication Channel Characteristics Message Impact Arousal Involvement Multichannel Campaigns Summary Key Terms and Theories Discussion Questions Answers to Can You Guess? Chapter 14 Designing and Implementing Health Campaigns Theories of Behaviors Change Health Belief Model Social Cognitive Theory Theory of Reasoned Action Transtheoretical Model Wrapping It Up Box 14.1. Theoretical Foundations: Synopsis of Campaign-Related Theories Critical-Cultural Perspective Box 14.2. Ethical Considerations: Three Issues for Health Promoters to Keep in Mind Box 14.3. Resources: Designing Campaign Materials Step 5: Designing Campaign Messages Choosing a Voice Box 14.4. Career Opportunities: Health Campaign Design and Management Designing the Message Theoretical Foundations: Message Framing Community Expectations Box 14.5 Theoretical Foundations: What Does Science Say About Peer Pressure? Narrative Messages Logical Appeals Emotional Appeals Novel and Shocking Messages Box 14.6. Something is Missing Step 6: Piloting and Implementing the Campaign Step 7: Evaluating and Maintaining the Campaign Evaluation Maintenance Summary Key Terms and Theories Discussion Questions Answers to Can You Guess? References Credits Author Index Subject Index

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