Early Dutch maritime cartography : the North Holland school of cartography (c. 1580-c. 1620)


Early Dutch maritime cartography : the North Holland school of cartography (c. 1580-c. 1620)

Günter Schilder

(Utrechtse historisch-kartografische studies = Utrecht studies in the history of cartography, 17)

Brill, Hes & De Graaf, c2017


Includes bibliographical references and index



Before Amsterdam developed into Europe's most important commercial hub in the seventeenth century, demanding and controlling manufacture of maps and sea-charts, a major School of Cartography already flourished in the so-called 'Kop van Noord-Holland', the region just north of Amsterdam. This School specialised in the production of small-scale charts of larger areas, like European coastlines, the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean.


Foreword I Printed Dutch Rutters and Charts for European Navigation up to c. 1585: an Overview I.1 The Earliest Dutch Printed Rutters and Charts I.2 The Pioneering Work of Cornelis Anthonisz. I.3 The Leeskaartboek van Wisbuy I.4 The Rutters of Govert Willemsz. van Hollesloot I.5 The Cartographical Work of Adriaen Gerritsz. I.6 Aelbert Haeyen's Amstelredamsche Zee-Caerten II Lucas Jansz. Waghenaer: Pioneer of Dutch Maritime Cartography II.1 Waghenaer and Enkhuizen II.2 The First Printed Sea Atlas: The Spieghel der Zeevaerdt, 1584/85 II.3 Waghenaer's Charts of Europe, 1583 and 1592 II.4 Unknown Charts by Lucas Jansz. Waghenaer II.5 Chart of Europe in Four Sheets, 1589 II.6 A Pilot Guide in oblong: The Thresoor der zee-vaert, 1592 II.7 Waghenaer's Enckhuyser Zee-caert-boeck, 1598 III Amsterdam: Distribution Centre of Geographical and Cartographical Knowledge IV A Landmark in Dutch Cartography: The Wall Map of the World by Petrus Plancius, 1592 V To Farther Horizons: A Set of Printed Dutch Charts with Coastlines beyond Europe (1592-1594) V.1 Map of the Azores, Canary Islands and Parts of the Iberian Peninsula and North-Western Africa V.2 Map of the Atlantic Ocean with the North-Western Coasts of Africa and a Part of Brazil between 31oN and 15oS V.3 Map of Southern Africa between 2oN and 44oS V.4 Map of the Indonesian Archipelago and the Philippines with Surrounding Regions V.5 Map of the Northern Atlantic Ocean V.6 Map of the Northern Part of South America down to 35oS V.7 Map of the Southern Part of South America and Magellanica V.8 Map of Europe VI Sixteenth-Century Dutch Cartography of the Mediterranean Sea VI.1 Ascendance of the Shipping through the Strait of Gibraltar (Straatvaart) VI.2 Willem Barentsz. and his Nieuwe beschryvinghe ende Caertboeck vande Midlandtsche Zee, 1595 VI.3 The Overview-map of the Mediterranian Sea VII Jan Huygen van Linschoten: Forerunner of Dutch Activities in Oversea VII.1 Jan Huygen van Linschoten (1562-1611) VII.2 The Publication of Van Linschoten's Itinerario, 1595/96 VII.3 The Maps in Van Linschoten's Itinerario VII.3.1 Map of the Atlantic Ocean between 8oN and 35oS VII.3.2 Map of the Western Indian Ocean between 8oN and 35oS VII.3.3 Map of the Northern Indian Ocean between 0o and 43oN VII.3.4 Map of the Indonesian Archipelago and Far East between 20oS and 40oN VII.3.5 Map of South America and a Part of Central America with Adjacent Islands VIII Amsterdam Publications on the Art of Navigation and Cosmography VIII.1 Pedro de Medina and his Arte de navegar VIII.2 William Bourne and his A Regiment for the Sea VIII.3 Rodrigo Zamorano and his Compendio de la arte de navegar VIII.4 Thomas Hood and his The Mariner's Guide VIII.5 Peter Apian and his Cosmographie VIII.6 Robert Hues and his Tractatus de globis IX The North Holland School of Cartography (c. 1580-c. 1620) X Cornelis Doedsz.: Caertschrijver woonende t'Edam inde Vierheems-Kinderen X.1 Life and Work X.2 A Chart for the Eastern and Northern Navigation, 1589 X.3 Two Manuscript Charts of Europe by Cornelis Doedsz. X.3.1 Chart of Europe of c. 1600 X.3.2 Chart of Europe, 1607 X.4 A Commercial Chart of Europe, 1602 X.5 Willem Jansz. [Blaeu]: Publisher of Charts of Europe by Cornelis Doedsz. X.5.1 Doedsz.'s Chart of 1605. X.5.2 Doedsz.'s Chart of 1606 X.6 Doedsz.'s Chart of Europe, Published by Dirck Pietersz. Pers, 1610 X.7 The Graetboeck Compiled by Cornelis Doedsz. X.8 The Atlantic Scene: The Chart of the Atlantic Ocean by Cornelis Doedsz., 1600 X.8.1 To New Horizons: Dutch Navigation to the West X.8.2 The Chart of the Atlantic Ocean, 1600 X.9 Chart of the Western Part of the Indian Ocean, [1601-1606] X.10 Following the Track of the Ship de Liefde: Three Dutch Charts in Tokyo X.11 A Chart of the Indische Noord, Attributed to Cornelis Doedsz., c. 1600 XI Evert Gijsbertsz.: Caertschrijver tot Edam in die Pascaert XI.1 A Masterpiece in Prague: Evert Gijsbertsz.'s Chart of Europe, 1598 XI.2 A Remarkable Chart of the North Sea, 1601 XI.3 Two Representation Charts in the Former Possession of Maurits, Prince of Nassau, [1596] XI.3.1 Chart of the West Indies and South America, Attributed to Evert Gijsbertsz. XI.3.2 Chart of Western Part of the Indian Ocean, Attributed to Evert Gijsbertsz. XI.4 A Show-piece in Sydney: Evert Gijsbertsz. 's Chart of the Indian Ocean and Far East, 1599 VII.5 A Navigation Chart of the Indian Ocean and Far East in Paris, 1599 XII The Manuscript Charts of the Atlantic Ocean by Jan Dircksz. Rijckemans and Claes Pietersz. XII.1 Chart of the Atlantic Ocean by Jan Dircksz. Rijckemans, 1599 XII.2 Chart of the Atlantic Ocean by Claes Pietersz., 1607 XIII The Harmen and Marten Jansz. Brothers: Caertschrijvers inden Pascarte Tot Edam XIII.1 Three World Maps in Manuscript by Harmen and Marten Jansz. XIII.1.1 The World Map in Paris, 1610 XIII.1.2 The World Map in Dresden, [1607-1610] XIII.1.3 The World Map in Greenwich, [1607-1610] XIII.2 The Charts of Europe in Manuscript and Print XIII.2.1 The Manuscript Copies XIII.2.2 The Charts Printed by Jan Evertsz. Cloppenburch XIII.3 Harmen Jansz.'s Manuscript Chart of the Atlantic Ocean, 1604 XIV The Edam Caert-Schrijvers as Chart-Suppliers for Voyages to the East XV At the Cartographical Cradle of New Netherlands XVI Joris Carolus: Stuyrman ende Caertschrijver tot Enchuysen XVI.1 Voyage of Discovery in 1614 XVI.2 Voyages to the North-West, 1615-1617 XVI.3 The Scientific Voyage of 1618 XVI.4 A Chart of the Danish Waters XVI.5 Charts of Iceland and the Northern Regions XVI.6 The Pilot Guide of 1634 Appendices 1 List of Charts in Waghenaer's Spieghel der Zeevaerdt, 1585. 2 List of Charts in Waghenaer's Thresoor der zee-vaert, 1592. Bibliography Index on Peronal Names

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