Managing academic libraries : principles and practice


Managing academic libraries : principles and practice

Susan Higgins

(Chandos information professional series)

Chandos Pub., c2017

  • : print

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Includes bibliographical references (p. 81-95) and index



Managing Academic Libraries: Principles and Practice is aimed at professionals within the Library and Information Services (LIS) who are interested in learning more about the management of academic libraries. Written against a backdrop made up of the changes that digital technology has brought to academic libraries, this book uncovers how the library has changed its meaning from a physical to virtual icon and its effect on culture. The book aims to provide managers and students of LIS at all levels with the necessary management principles and practices needed to respond proactively to diverse audiences, while also keeping a focus on the purposes of higher education. In addition, readers will find an examination of various aspects of library management and reviews on key management techniques that can be used for successful interpretation and implementation of academic library mission statements.


Chapter 1. Managing the Centrality of Learning, Reading, Individual Inquiry, and Public Service Chapter 2. Managing the Impact of Scholarly Publications Chapter 3. Library and Information Science as a Discipline Chapter 4. Managing Higher-Order Thinking Skills Chapter 5. Managing and Marketing Resources Chapter 6. Managing Digital Collections Chapter 7. Learning Organizations and Competitive Intelligence Chapter 8. Managing the Benefits of Academic Libraries

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