Queering translation, translating the queer : theory, practice, activism
Queering translation, translating the queer : theory, practice, activism
(Routledge advances in translation and interpreting studies, 28)
Routledge, 2018
- : hbk
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全5件
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Includes bibliographical references and index
This groundbreaking work is the first full book-length publication to critically engage in the emerging field of research on the queer aspects of translation and interpreting studies. The volume presents a variety of theoretical and disciplinary perspectives through fifteen contributions from both established and up-and-coming scholars in the field to demonstrate the interconnectedness between translation and queer aspects of sex, gender, and identity. The book begins with the editors' introduction to the state of the field, providing an overview of both current and developing lines of research, and builds on this foundation to look at this research more closely, grouped around three different sections: Queer Theorizing of Translation; Case Studies of Queer Translations and Translators; and Queer Activism and Translation. This interdisciplinary approach seeks to not only shed light on this promising field of research but also to promote cross fertilization between these disciplines towards further exploring the intersections between queer studies and translation studies, making this volume key reading for students and scholars interested in translation studies, queer studies, politics, and activism, and gender and sexuality studies.
Introduction: Queer(ing) Translation
Brian James Baer and Klaus Kaindl
1. Sexuality and translation as intimate partners? Toward a queer turn in rewriting identities and desires
Jose Santaemilia
2. A Scene of Intimate Englanglements, or, Reckoning with the 'fuck' of Translation
Elena Basile
3. Beyond Either/Or: Confronting the Fact of Translation in Global Sexuality Studies
Brian James Baer
4. The Future is a Foreign Country: Translation and Temporal Critique in the Italian It Gets Better Project
Serena Bassi
5. Ethnography and Queer Translation
Evren Savci
6. In all his finery: Frederick Marryat's The Pacha of Many Tales as drag
James St. Andre
7. Transgenderism in Japanese Manga as Radical Translation: The Journey to the West Goes to Japan
Leao Tak-Hung Chan
8. Speaking Silence and Silencing Speech: The Translations of Grand Duke Konstantin Romanov as Queer Writing
Sergey Tyulenev
9. Translation's Queerness: Giovanni Bianchi and John Cleland Writing Same-Sex Desire in the Eighteenth Century
Clorinda Donato
10. Literary Censorship and Homosexuality in Kadar-Regime Hungary and Estado Novo Portugal
Zsofia Gombar
11. On three modes of translating queer literary texts
Marc Demont
12. Queering Lexicography: Balancing Power Relations in Dictionaries
Eva Nossem
13. Queer Translation as Performative and Affective Un-doing: Translating Butler's Undoing Gender into Italian
Michela Baldo
14. Years Yet Yesterday: Translating Art, Activism, and AIDS Across the Visual and the Verbal
Mark Addison Smith
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