Richard Kilvington's Quaestiones super libros Ethicorum : a critical edition with an introduction
Richard Kilvington's Quaestiones super libros Ethicorum : a critical edition with an introduction
(Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters, Bd. 121)
Brill, c2016
- : hardback
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全2件
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Includes bibliographical references and indexes
Among the commentaries on Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics produced in the Middle Ages, that of Richard Kilvington is one of the most thought-provoking. Kilvington adopts a unique perspective of argumentation in which he applies concepts and terminology from the fields of logic and physics to ethical dilemmas. This unprecedented approach allows him to formulate original solutions to various ethical problems. He concentrates on the will, moral weakness, the relationship between the will and prudence, the change of virtues and vices, and the nature of ethical objects. The presented commentary is a valuable record of the philosophical debates at Oxford in the 14th century.
Preface vii
Life and Career 3
Questions on the Ethics 11
Manuscripts of the Quaestiones super libros Ethicorum 19
The Manuscript Tradition 27
The Edition 48
Bibliographical References 51
Abbreviations 53
Sigla 54
Bibliography 55
Quaestiones super libros Ethicorum
Quaestio I-Utrum omnis virtus moralis ex operibus generetur 63
Quaestio II-Utrum virtutes morales ex defectu et superabundantia
corrumpantur 87
Quaestio III-Utrum quilibet virtuosus in operibus sibi propriis
delectetur 125
Quaestio IV-Utrum voluntas suos actus producat libere 165
Quaestio V-Utrum fortitudo sit medietas circa audacias et timores 209
Quaestio VI-Utrum male operantes sint a legislatoribus puniendi 232
Quaestio VII-Utrum liberalitas sit circa pecunias medietas 251
Quaestio VIII-Utrum magnanimus dignificet se honoribus sibi
dignis 272
Quaestio IX-Utrum iustitia sit virtus moralis perfecta 294
Quaestio X-Utrum prudentia sit habitus cum recta ratione activus circa
hominis bona et mala 316
Index Nominum 337
Index Locorum 339
Index Manuscriptorum 342
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