Rock fracture and blasting : theory and applications


Rock fracture and blasting : theory and applications

Zong-Xian Zhang

Butterworth-Heinemann, an imprint of Elsevier, c2016

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Includes bibliographical references and index



Rock Fracture and Blasting: Theory and Applications provides the latest on stress waves, shock waves, and rock fracture, all necessary components that must be critically analyzed to maximize results in rock blasting. The positioning of charges and their capacity and sequencing are covered in this book, and must be carefully modeled to minimize impact in the surrounding environment. Through an explanation of these topics, author Professor Zhang's experience in the field, and his theoretical knowledge, users will find a thorough guide that is not only up-to-date, but complete with a unique perspective on the field.


1. Introduction Part I-Stress Waves and Shock Waves 2. Stress Waves 3. Shock waves 4. Fracture and Fragmentation 5. Loading Rate Effects 6. Effects of Temperature 7. Effects of Environment (Confining pressure, Water and Cycling loading) 8 Rock drilling 9. Explosives and Initiators 10. Detonation Theory 11. Single-hole blasting-experimental investigation 12. Free Surface and Expansion Space 13. Burden, Spacing and Specific Charge 14. Stemming and Charge Length 15. Air deck, Decoupling Charge, Pre-split and Smooth Blasting 16. Primer placement 17. Delay times 18. Blasting in open cut and drifting 19. Blasting in Open-pit Mining and Quarries 20. Rock Blasting in Underground Mining 21. Numerical simulation of rock blasting 22. Optimum fragmentation in mining engineering 23. Blasting and Mining Economy 24. Impact of rock blasting on mining safety 25. Reduction of ground vibrations

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