Translating early modern science
Translating early modern science
(Intersections : yearbook for early modern studies, v. 51)
Brill, c2017
- : hardback
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Includes bibliographical references and index
Translating Early Modern Science explores the roles of translation and the practices of translators in early modern Europe. In a period when multiple European vernaculars challenged the hegemony long held by Latin as the language of learning, translation assumed a heightened significance.
This volume illustrates how the act of translating texts and images was an essential component in the circulation and exchange of scientific knowledge. It also makes apparent that translation was hardly ever an end in itself; rather it was also a livelihood, a way of promoting the translator's own ideas, and a means of establishing the connections that in turn constituted far-reaching scientific networks.
List of Illustrations
Notes on the Editors
Notes on Contributors
Introduction: Translators and Translations of Early Modern Science
Sietske Fransen
Part 1: Translating Networks of Knowledge
1 Translation in the Circle of Robert Hooke
Felicity Henderson
2 Networks and Translation within the Republic of Letters: The Case of Theodore Haak (1605-1690)
Jan van de Kamp
3 What Difference Does a Translation Make? The Traite des vernis (1723) in the Career of Charles Dufay
Michael Bycroft
4 'Ordinary Skill in Cutts': Visual Translation in Early Modern Learned Journals
Meghan C. Doherty
Part 2: Translating Practical Knowledge
5 'As the author intended': Transformations of the unpublished writings and drawings of Simon Stevin (1548-1620)
Charles van den Heuvel
6 Bringing Euclid into the Mines: Classical Sources and Vernacular Knowledgein the Development of Subterranean Geometry
Thomas Morel
7 Image, Word and Translation in Niccolo Leonico Tomeo's Quaestiones Mechanicae
Joyce van Leeuwen
8 'Secrets of Industry' for 'Common Men': Charles de Bovelles and Early French Readerships of Technical Print
Richard J. Oosterhoff
Part 3: Translating Philosophical Knowledge
9 Taming Epicurus: Gassendi, Charleton, and the Translation of Epicurus' Natural Philosophy in the Seventeenth Century
Rodolfo Garau
10 Ibrahim Muteferrika's Copernican Rhetoric
B. Harun Kucuk
11 'Now Brought before You in English Habit': An Early Modern Translation of Galileo into English
Iolanda Plescia
12 Language as 'Universal Truchman': Translating the Republic of Letters in the 17th Century
Fabien Simon
Index Nominum
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