Supply chain management for collection services of academic libraries : solving operational challenges and enhancing user productivity
Bibliographic Information
Supply chain management for collection services of academic libraries : solving operational challenges and enhancing user productivity
(Chandos information professional series)
Elsevier/CP, Chandos Publishing, c2017
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Includes bibliographical references and index
Description and Table of Contents
Library Supply Chain Management for Collection Services of Academic Libraries: Solving Operational Challenges and Enhancing User Productivity contains three sections, each comprised of several topical chapters on a particular subject. Part One explains why supply chain management is vital to libraries. Part Two builds on Part One, beginning with a classic supply chain model, including its brief history and current development. Part Three suggests a theoretical supply chain model based on emerging technological advancements of society. This model will develop based on four components, user goals, workflow efficiency, financial stewardship and core services.
Table of Contents
1. Supply Chain for Libraries - Big Picture
2. Emerging Values
3. Supply Chain and Supply Chain Cases
4. Classic Supply Chain Model
5. Supply Chain Model for Libraries
6. Whole is Greater Than the Sum of its Parts
7. Collection Planning
8. Acquisitions and Licensing
9. Cataloging, Digitization, and Collection Enhancements
10. Shelf or Virtual Shelf Time
11. Digital Storage and Shelf Space
12. Access and Delivery
13. Start with the End in Mind
14. What's Essential and What’s Peripheral for Libraries
15. Supply Chain Innovations
16. Emerging Standards, Practices, and Technologies
17. Unique to Libraries
18. Rubber Meets the Road
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