Women and curiosity in early modern England and France
Women and curiosity in early modern England and France
(Intersections : yearbook for early modern studies, v. 42)
Brill, 2016
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Includes bibliographical references and index
In Women and Curiosity in Early Modern England and France, the rehabilitation of female curiosity between the sixteenth and the eighteenth centuries is thoroughly investigated for the first time, in a comparative perspective that confronts two epistemological and religious traditions.
In the context of the early modern blooming "culture of curiosity", women's desire for knowledge made them both curious subjects and curious objects, a double relation to curiosity that is meticulously inquired into by the authors in this volume. The social, literary, theological and philosophical dimensions of women's persistent association with curiosity offer a rich contribution to cultural history.
Notes on Contributors
List of illustrations and tables
Line Cottegnies and Sandrine Parageau, "Introduction"
1. Yan Brailowsky (Universite Paris Ouest Nanterre La Defense), "Curiosity and Gynocracy in the Sixteenth Century"
2. Armel Dubois-Nayt (Universite Versailles Saint-Quentin), "Curious Men and Women in the Tudor Controversy about Women"
3. Laura Levine (Tisch School of The Arts, New York University), "This Is and Is Not Knowledge: Cressida and the Titillation of Male Curiosity in Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida"
4. Laetitia Coussement-Boillot (Universite Paris 7 Diderot), "'Too Curious a Secrecy': Curiosity in Lady Mary Wroth's Urania (1621)"
5. Line Cottegnies (Universite Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3), "Margaret Cavendish or the Curious Reader"
6. Marie-Gabrielle Lallemand (Universite de Caen Basse Normandie), "On the Proper Use of Curiosity: Madeleine de Scudery's Celinte"
7. Susan Wiseman (Birkbeck College, University of London), "Curious tails: Mermaids under the Microscope"
8. Sarah Hutton (University of York), "The Interrogative Anne Conway: Curiosity in a Philosophical Context"
9. Marie-Frederique Pellegrin (Universite Jean Moulin Lyon 3), "Female Curiosity and Male Curiosity about Women: The Views of the Cartesian Philosophers"
10. Christophe Martin (Universite Paris Sorbonne), "Women's Curiosity and its Double at the Dawn of the Enlightenment".
11. Adeline Gargam (Institut d'histoire de la pensee classique, Lyon), "Between Scientific Investigation and Vanity Fair: A Few Reflections on the Culture of Curiosity in Enlightenment France"
12. Beth Fowkes Tobin (University of Georgia), "Virtuoso or Naturalist? Margaret, Duchess of Portland (1715-1785)"
13. Neil Kenny (All Souls College, Oxford University), "Curiosity, Women, and the Social Orders"
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