Women in American history : a social, political, and cultural encyclopedia and document collection



Women in American history : a social, political, and cultural encyclopedia and document collection


  • : set




This four-volume set documents the complexity and richness of women's contributions to American history and culture, empowering all students by demonstrating a more populist approach to the past. Based on the content of most textbooks, it would be easy to reach the erroneous conclusion that women have not contributed much to America's history and development. Nothing could be further from the truth. Offering comprehensive coverage of women of a diverse range of cultures, classes, ethnicities, religions, and sexual identifications, this four-volume set identifies the many ways in which women have helped to shape and strengthen the United States. This encyclopedia is organized into four chronological volumes, with each volume further divided into three sections. Each section features an overview essay and thematic essay as well as detailed entries on topics ranging from Lady Gaga to Ladybird Johnson, Lucy Stone, and Lucille Ball, and from the International Ladies of Rhythm to the International Ladies Garment Workers Union. The set also includes a vast variety of primary documents, such as personal letters, public papers, newspaper articles, recipes, and more. These primary documents enhance users' learning opportunities and enable readers to better connect with the subject matter.


Preface, Acknowledgments, Introduction, Chronology, VOLUME 1: PRECOLONIAL NORTH AMERICA TO THE EARLY REPUBLIC 1. Precolonial North America (Pre-1607), Historical Overview, Anasazi Culture, Berdache/Transgendering, Clothing, Native American Women, Corn Mother, Creation/Origin Stories, Primary Document: Native American Creation or Origin Stories, Cultural Interaction, Disease, Postconquest Impact on Native Americans, Food Production, Native American Women, Great Plains Culture, Hinestrosa, Francisca (d. 1541), Hunter-Gatherers, Iroquois Confederacy, Jamestown, La Llorona, Malinche (ca. 1496–ca. 1505), Primary Document: Bernal Diaz del Castillo Describes Malinche in His Memoirs (1517–1518), Matrilineal Descent, Mississippian Culture, Mound-Building Cultures, New France, Women in, New Spain, Women in, Pocahontas (ca. 1595–1617), Primary Document: Letter of John Rolfe, Husband of Pocahontas, to Sir Thomas Dale (1614), Polygamy, Native American, Powhatan People, Primary Document: Two Accounts of John Smith's Meeting with Powhatan (1608, 1624), Pueblo Culture, Queens, African, Nzinga of Angola (1581/83–ca. 1663) and Amina of Nigeria (d. 1610), Queens, European, Elizabeth I of England (1533–1603) and Isabella of Castile (1451–1504), Religion, Native American, Roanoke, Sexuality, Slavery, Native Americans, Spider Woman, Transatlantic Slave Trade, Women, Virginia Company, Thematic Issues Essay, Bibliography, 2. Colonial North America (1607–1754), Historical Overview, Bastardy, Bishop, Bridget (ca. 1630–1692), Bradstreet, Anne (1612–1672), Primary Document: Two Poems of Anne Bradstreet (1678), Brent, Margaret (1601–1671), Brothels, Primary Document: New Haven Colony Sodomy Statutes (1655), Captives, English, Captivity Narratives (1655–1797), Catholic Women, Chilton, Mary (1607–1679), Coverture, Primary Document: Law Clarifying Property Rights in the Colony of New York (1710), Primary Document: Description of Coverture from William Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England (1765), Dare, Eleanor (ca. 1563–Unknown) and Virginia (1587–Unknown), De Jesús de Agreda, María (1602–1655), Dyer, Mary (1611–1660), Excommunication, Free Blacks, Colonial, Revolutionary War, and New Republic Periods, Goode, Sarah (1653–1692), Great Awakening, Hall, Thomas/Thomasine (ca. 1600–Unknown), Primary Document: Joseph Dorman's "The Female Rake: Or, Modern Fine Lady" (1736), Hibbins, Ann (d. 1656), Hutchinson, Anne Marbury (1591–1643), Primary Document: Trial of Anne Hutchinson before the General Court of Massachusetts Bay (1637), Indentured Servants, Primary Document: "The Trappan'd Maiden: or, The Distressed Damsel" and "The Slave's Lament" (Mid-1600s), Primary Document: Letter of Elizabeth Sprigs to Her Father, John Sprigs (1756), Infanticide, Inheritance Laws, Primary Document: Alice Bradford's Will (March 31, 1670/1671), Jemison, Mary (ca. 1743–1833), Primary Document: Mary Jemison's Account of Her Capture by Native Americans (1758), Johnson, Arabella (d. 1630), Johnston, Henrietta (1674–1729), Kittamaquund, Mary (ca. 1634–ca. 1654), Knight, Sarah Kemble (1666–1727), Laydon, Anne Burras (1595–?), Literacy, Mestiza, Midwives, Moody, Deborah (1586–1658/1659), Musgrove, Mary (ca. 1700–1763), Protestant Women, Primary Document: Plymouth Colony Court Cases Involving Women (Mid-1600s), Quakers, Primary Document: Excerpts from a Declaration of the Quaker Women's Meeting of Lancashire (Late 1670s), Queen Alliquippa (ca. 1680–1754), Slavery, African, Primary Document: Virginia Slave Laws (1662, 1667), Spinning Bees, Tekakwitha, Kateri (1656–1680), Tituba, Wife Abuse, Colonial North America (1607–1754), Primary Document: "About the Duties of Husbands and Wives" from Benjamin Wadsworth's A Well-Ordered Family (1712), Wife Sales, Primary Document: Translation of the Marriage Contract of Brant Peelen and Marritje Pieters, Widow of Claes Sybrantsen (1643), Witchcraft in New England, Primary Document: Letter of Reverend Samuel Willard to Cotton Mather Regarding a Case of Witchcraft in Groton, Massachusetts (1671), Primary Document: Excerpts from Cotton Mather's Memorable Providences, Relating to Witchcrafts and Possessions (1689), Witch Trials, Salem, Massachusetts (1692), Primary Document: Documents Relating to Ann Foster's Trial for Witchcraft in Salem, Massachusetts (1692), Thematic Issues Essay, Bibliography, 3. Revolutionary America and the New Republic (1754–1819), Historical Overview, Adams, Abigail (1744–1818), Primary Document: "Remember the Ladies" Letter Exchange between Abigail Adams and John Adams (1776), Adams, Hannah (1755–1831), Adams, Louisa Catherine (1775–1852), Advice Literature, American Cookery (1796), Primary Document: Colonial Recipes: Beverages and Foods (1750s, 1790s), Primary Document: Excerpts from Amelia Simmons's American Cookery (1796), Arnold, Peggy (Margaret) Shippen (1760–1804), Bailey, Anne Hennis (1742–1825), Ballard, Martha (1735–1812), Primary Document: Excerpts from the Diary of Martha Ballard (1788–1792), Benevolent Associations, Bonny, Anne (ca. 1700–1782), Boone, Jemima (1762–1829/1834), Boycotts, Tea and Textiles, Primary Document: Edenton Resolution: South Carolina Women Organize a Boycott (1774), Brant, Molly (1735/1736–1796), Butterworth, Mary (1686–1775), Camp Followers, Colden, Jane (1724–1766), Corbin, Margaret (1751–1800), Daughters of Liberty, Davis, Ann Simpson (1764–1851), Dower Rights, Draper, Mary (1719–1810), Drinker, Elizabeth (1734–1807), Eaton, Margaret "Peggy" (1799–1879), Ferguson, Catherine (1774–1854), Glory of the Morning (ca. 1711–ca. 1832), Greene, Catharine Littlefield (1755–1814), Hemings, Sally (1773–1835), Hulton, Ann (?–?), Jackson, Rachel Donelson (1767–1828), Knox, Lucy Flucker (1756–1824), The Lady's New-Years Gift: Or Advice to a Daughter (1688), Lee, Mother Ann (1736–1784), Loyalist Women, Madison, Dolley (1768–1849), Mathews, Mother Bernardina (1732–1800), McCauley, Mary (1754–1832), McCrea, Jane (1752–1777), Mecom, Jane Franklin (1712–1794), Primary Document: Correspondence of Benjamin Franklin with Catherine Ray Greene (1755, 1775, 1776), Morris, Mary (1749–1827), Murray, Judith Sargent (1751–1820), Primary Document: Part 1 of Judith Sargent Murray's "On the Equality of the Sexes" (1790), Observations on the Real Rights of Women (1818), Parlor Politics, Philipse, Mary (1730–1825), Pinckney, Eliza Lucas (1722–1793), Reed, Esther (1746–1780), Republican Motherhood, Revolutionary War and Women, Ross, Betsy (1752–1836), Rowlandson, Mary (1637–1711), Primary Document: Excerpts from Mary Rowlandson's Account of Her Capture by Indians (1682), Rowson, Susannah Haswell (1762–1824), Sacagawea (ca. 1788–1812/1884), Sampson, Deborah (1760–1827), Schools for Girls and Women, Second Great Awakening, Sedgwick, Susan Anne Livingston Ridley (1788–1867), Seton, Elizabeth Ann (1774–1821), Soldiers, Women Passing as Men, Revolutionary War, Toypurina (1760–1799), Ursuline Nuns, Vaillande Douvillier, Suzanne (1778–1826), A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792), Primary Document: Excerpt from Mary Wollstonecraft's A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792), Wall, Rachel (1760–1789), Warren, Mercy Otis (1728–1814), Washington, Martha (1731–1802), Wheatley, Phillis (1753–1784), Primary Document: Poems of Phillis Wheatley, Primary Document: Phillis Wheatley's Letter to Reverend Samson Occom Containing a Strong Antislavery Statement (February 11, 1774), Wilkinson, Jemima (1752–1819), Williams, Eunice (1696–1785), Thematic Issues Essay, Bibliography, Editors and Contributors, Index, VOLUME 2: ANTEBELLUM AMERICA THROUGH THE GILDED AGE 1. The Antebellum Era (1820–1860), Historical Overview, Abolition/Antislavery Movement, African American Benevolent Societies, Alcott, Louisa May (1832–1888), Primary Document: Excerpts from the Journal Louisa May Alcott Kept While Working at a Hospital in Georgetown near Washington, D.C. (1862–1863), Anthony, Susan B. (1820–1906), Primary Document: Remarks by Susan B. Anthony at Her Trial for Voting Illegally (1873), Antislavery Fairs, Beecher, Catharine Esther (1800–1878), Blackwell, Elizabeth (1821–1910), Bloomer, Amelia (1818–1894), Brown Blackwell, Antoinette (1825–1921), Celia, a Slave (ca. 1836–1855), Primary Document: Testimony from the Prosecution in the Trial of Celia, a Slave Who Murdered Her Master after Being Repeatedly Raped by Him (1855), Child, Lydia Maria (1802–1880), Primary Document: Public Correspondence of Lydia Maria Child (1859), Colored Female Free Produce Society, Craft, Ellen (1826–1891), Cult of True Womanhood, Primary Document: Cult of True Womanhood (1855), Cushman, Charlotte (1816–1876), Daughters of Charity, Primary Document: Daughters of Charity Nurse Civil War Soldiers (1864), Davis, Paulina Kellogg Wright (1813–1876), Declaration of Rights and Sentiments (1848), Primary Document: Declaration of Rights and Sentiments (1848), Dickinson, Emily (1830–1886), Dix, Dorothea (1802–1887), Domestic and Sentimental Fiction, Douglass, Sarah Mapps (1806–1882), Dress Reform, Primary Document: Dress Reform Editorial (1853), Factory Girls' Association, Primary Document: An Account of Life in the Textile Mills for Female Workers (1845), Farnham, Eliza (1815–1864), Female Antislavery Societies, Female Moral Authority and Sphere of Influence, Forten, Charlotte (1837–1914), Primary Document: John Greenleaf Whittier's "To the Daughters of James Forten" (1830s), Forten, Margaretta (1806–1875), Foster, Abby Kelley (1811–1887), Fox, Leah (1814–1890), Margaret (1833–1893), and Kate (1837–1892), Free Black Women, Fremont, Jessie Benton (1824–1902), Fuller, Margaret (1810–1850), Primary Document: Margaret Fuller's "The Great Lawsuit" (1843), Gage, Matilda (1826–1898), Godey's Lady's Book, Grimké, Sarah (1792–1873) and Angelina (1805–1879), Primary Document: Angelina Grimké's Appeal to the Christian Women of the South (1836), Harper, Frances (1825–1911), Health Reform, Hooker, Isabella (1822–1907), Jackson, Helen Hunt (1830–1885), Jacobs, Harriet (1810–1900), Lange, Elizabeth Clovis (1784–1882), Lowell Female Labor Reform Association, Mammy and Jezebel Stereotypes, Marriage Protest of Lucy Stone and Henry Blackwell (1855), Primary Document: Marriage Protest of Lucy Stone and Henry B. Blackwell (1855), Married Women's Property Act (1848), Primary Document: Married Women's Property Act (1848), Miner Normal School, Minstrel Shows, Miscegenation, Primary Document: Freeing Black Women: The Last Will and Testament of William Barland (1816), Mitchell, Maria (1818–1889), Mormon Polygamy, Mott, Lucretia Coffin (1793–1880), Primary Document: Lucretia Mott's Discourse on Woman (1850), New York Female Moral Reform Society, Nichols, Mary Gove (1810–1884), Oberlin College, Primary Document: Oberlin College Documents (1836, 1841, 1845, 1860), Oneida Community (1848–1881), Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer (1804–1894), Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society, Post, Amy (1802–1889), Quilts/Quilting, Rose, Ernestine (1810–1892), Seneca Falls Convention (1848), Separation of Spheres, Shakers (1747–Present), Sigourney, Lydia Howard Huntley (1791–1865), Slave Women, Spiritualism, Stanton, Elizabeth Cady (1815–1902), Primary Document: Elizabeth Cady Stanton's Waterloo, New York, Speech (1848), Stewart, Maria (1803–1879), Primary Document: Maria Stewart's "Religion and the Pure Principles of Morality" Speech (1831), Stone, Lucy (1818–1893), Stowe, Harriet Beecher (1811–1896), Primary Document: Letter from Harriet Beecher Stowe to Frederick Douglass (1851), Suffrage Movement, Primary Document: Amelia Bloomer's Petition for Relief of Taxation or Relief of Political Disabilities (1878), Temperance Movement, Primary Document: Temperance Pledge (1834), Ten-Hour Movement, Primary Document: Editorial from Factory Tracts Arguing for a 10-Hour Workday (1845), Truth, Sojourner (ca. 1797–1883), Primary Document: Certificates of Character Testifying to Sojourner Truth's Trustworthiness as an Author (1850), Primary Document: Sojourner Truth's "Ain't I a Woman?" Speech (1851), Tubman, Harriet (ca. 1820–1913), Primary Document: Harriet Tubman's Account of the Rescue of Charles Nalle (1886), Uncle Tom's Cabin (1852), Underground Railroad, Utopian Movement, The Voice of Industry (1845–1848), Primary Document: Voice of Industry Article on Worker Recruitment Practices (1846), Willard, Emma (1787–1870), Primary Document: Excerpt from Emma Willard's Plan of Female Education (1819), Women's Prison Association, Women's Rights Movement, Primary Document: Women's Rights Movement: Divorce Complaint of Susan Foster (1826), Women's Suffrage Associations (1869–1890), Wright, Frances (1795–1852), Thematic Issues Essay, Bibliography, 2. The Civil War and Reconstruction (1861–1877), Historical Overview, Act Concerning the Rights and Liabilities of Husband and Wife (1860), Primary Document: Act Concerning the Rights and Liabilities of Husband and Wife (1860), American Equal Rights Association (1866), Barton, Clara (1821–1912), Primary Document: Clara Barton's Poem Remembering the Work of Women during the Civil War (1892), Bickerdyke, Mary Ann (1817–1901), Bluestockings, Boston Marriage, Bowser, Mary (ca. 1840–unknown), Boyd, Isabella Marie "Belle" (1844–1900), Bradwell v. Illinois (1873), Primary Document: Bradwell v. Illinois: Myra Bradwell Seeks to Be Admitted to the Illinois Bar (1873), Brown, Martha (1842–1860), Chase, Kate (1840–1899), Chesnut, Mary Boykin (1823–1886), Primary Document: Excerpt from the Diary of Mary Boykin Chesnut: Crisis at Fort Sumter (1861), Comstock Laws, Crumpler, Rebecca (1831–1895), Cushman, Pauline (1833–1893), Daughters of St. Crispin, Daughters of the Regiment, Davis, Varina Banks Howell (1826–1906), Dickinson, Anna Elizabeth (1842–1932), Edmonds, Sarah Emma (1841–1898), Primary Document: Letter of Sarah Emma Edmonds (aka Frank Thompson) (1864), Female Prisoners of War, Civil War, Fourteenth Amendment (1866), Freedwomen, Primary Document: Freedwomen: Excerpts from Works Projects Administration Slave Narratives (1937), Grand Calico Ball, Greenhow, Rose (1814–1864), Primary Document: Letter of Confederate Spy Rose Greenhow to Secretary of State William H. Seward (1861), Hosmer, Harriet (1830–1908), Hospital Transport Service, Women's Department, Howe, Julia Ward (1819–1910), Primary Document: Julia Ward Howe's "Battle-Hymn of the Republic" (1861), Jacobi, Mary Putnam (1842–1906), Keckley, Elizabeth (1818–1907), Primary Document: Excerpts from Elizabeth Keckley's Memoir Behind the Scenes (1868), Ladies' Aid Societies/Soldiers' Aid Societies, Lincoln, Mary Todd (1818–1882), Primary Document: Two Letters of Mary Todd Lincoln (1862, 1870), Livermore, Mary Ashton Rice (1820–1905), Minor v. Happersett (1875), Primary Document: Minor v. Happersett: On the Constitutionality of Denying Votes to Women (1875), Mo-nah-se-tah (ca. 1851–1922), Nightingale Plan, Primary Document: Nightingale Plan: Excerpts from Florence Nightingale's Notes on Nursing (1859), Nurses, Civil War, Primary Document: Civil War Nurses: Excerpts from the Diary of Kate Cumming (1866), Pinkerton Detective Agency, Port Royal Experiment, Primary Document: Letters Relating to the Port Royal Experiment (1862), Richmond Bread Riot (1863), Soldiers, Women Passing as Men, Civil War, Spies, Starr, Belle (1848–1889), Surratt, Mary (ca. 1823–1865), Tompkins, Sally (1833–1916), United States Sanitary Commission, Van Lew, Elizabeth (1810–1900), Vaughn, Hester (ca. 1860s), Velazquez, Loreta Janeta (1842–1902), Walker, Mary (1832–1919), Willard, Frances (1839–1898), Thematic Issues Essay, Bibliography, 3. The Gilded Age (1878–1899), Historical Overview, Addams, Jane (1860–1935), Primary Document: Excerpts from "The Subjective Necessity for Social Settlements" by Jane Addams (1892), American Association of University Women, Antisuffrage Movement, Primary Document: Antisuffrage Movement: The "Anti's Alphabet" (1912), Beach, Amy Marcy Cheney (1867–1944), Primary Document: Interview with Concert Pianist Amy Beach (1914), Bly, Nellie (1864–1922), Primary Document: Exposé of Prison Matrons by Nellie Bly (Elizabeth Seaman) (1889), Boarding Schools, Native American, Primary Document: Letters Relating to Carolina Aguilar's Stay as a Boarding School Student at the Sherman Institute for Indians (1918), Burlesque, Canary, Martha Jane (1852–1903), Cassatt, Mary (1844–1926), Chinese Exclusion Act (1882), Primary Document: Chinese Exclusion Act (1882), Chopin, Kate (1850–1904), Crabtree, Lotta (1847–1924), Curanderas, Eddy, Mary Baker (1821–1910), Florence Crittenton Homes, Goldman, Emma (1869–1940), Primary Document: Nellie Bly's Jailhouse Interview with Emma Goldman (1893), Green, Hetty (1834–1916), Hall, Murray (d. 1901), Hawaiian Native Women, Hull House (1889–2012), Industrial Christian Home, Jewett, Sarah Orne (1849–1909), Lady Stitchers' Union, LaFlesche, Susette (1854–1903), Lazarus, Emma (1849–1887), Primary Document: "The New Colossus" by Emma Lazarus (1883), Lesbians, Primary Document: Excerpts from Mary Casal's The Stone Wall (1930), Nation, Carry (1846–1911), Primary Document: Excerpt from Carry Nation's The Use and Need of the Life of Carry A. Nation (1908), National American Woman Suffrage Association, Primary Document: Declaration of Rights of Women (1876), National Association of Colored Women, Primary Document: National Association of Colored Women: Mary Church Terrell's "The Progress of Colored Women" Speech (1904), National Consumers League, National Federation of Afro-American Women (1895), New Century Guild of Working Women, New Thought Movement, Oakley, Annie (1860–1926), Primary Document: Annie Oakley Promoted in an Advertisement for Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show (1894), Picotte, Susan LaFlesche (1865–1915), Picture Brides, Primary Document: Picture Brides: A Summary of the Negotiation of the Gentleman's Agreement with Japan (1908), Pinkham, Lydia (1819–1883), Primary Document: Excerpt from Lydia Pinkham's Treatise on the Diseases of Women (1901), Ray, Charlotte E. (1850–1911), Rescue Homes, Russell, Lillian (1860–1922), Salvation Army Women, Settlement House Movement, Seven Sisters, Shaw, Anna Howard (1847–1919), Sorosis, Strauder v. West Virginia (1880), Primary Document: Strauder v. West Virginia: Barring Women from Serving on Juries (1879), Sullivan, Johanna "Anne" Mansfield (1866–1936), Swain, Clara (1834–1910), Szold, Henrietta (1860–1945), Walker, Sarah Breedlove "Madam C. J." (1867–1919), Wells, Ida Belle (1862–1931), Winnemucca, Sarah (ca. 1844–1891), Woman's Christian Temperance Union, Woman's Journal, Women's Club Movement, Women's Educational and Industrial Union, Women's Home Missionary Society, Woodhull, Victoria (1838–1927), Thematic Issues Essay, Bibliography, Editors and Contributors, Index, VOLUME 3: PROGRESSIVE ERA THROUGH WORLD WAR II 1. The Progressive Era (1900–1929), Historical Overview, Adams, Annette Abbott (1877–1956), Adkins v. Children's Hospital (1923), Primary Document: Adkins v. Children's Hospital (1923), American Birth Control League, American Women's Hospital Service, Primary Document: American Women's Hospitals Service: Dr. Hunt's Report on AWH Hospital No. 1 in Luzancy, France (1918), Anti-Saloon League, Primary Document: Anti-Saloon League: "Belated Guests" by Mary Waddell (1921), Association of Junior Leagues International, Baker, Sara Josephine (1873–1945), Baldwin, Maria Louise (1856–1922), Ball, Alice Augusta (1892–1916), Bennett, Belle (1891–1932), Bethune, Louise Blanchard (1856–1913), Blackwell, Alice Stone (1857–1950), Blatch, Harriot Stanton (1856–1940), Primary Document: Excerpt from Harriot Stanton Blatch's Mobilizing Woman-Power (1918), Breckinridge, Mary Carson (1881–1965), Brown, Hallie Quinn (1850–1949), Buck v. Bell (1927), Burns, Lucy (1879–1966), Cather, Willa (1873–1947), Primary Document: Two Poems by Willa Cather: "The Hawthorn Tree" (1903) and "Prairie Spring" (1913), Catt, Carrie Chapman (1859–1947), Primary Document: Last Report of the National American Woman Suffrage Association (1921), Coleman, Bessie (1892–1926), Primary Document: Chicago Defender Interview of Bessie Coleman (1921), Cooper, Anna J. (1858–1964), Crosby, Mary "Caresse" (1891–1970), Davis, Katherine Kennicott (1892–1980), Dennett, Mary Ware (1872–1947), Dock, Mira Lloyd (1853–1945), Primary Document: Resolution Honoring Mira Lloyd Dock (1913), Dodge, Grace Hoadley (1856–1914), Duncan, Isadora (1877–1927), Earle, Alice Morse (1851–1911), Eastman, Crystal Catherine (1881–1928), Primary Document: Excerpt from Crystal Eastman's "Now We Can Begin: What's Next?" (1920), Ederle, Gertrude (1906–2003), Eugenics, Primary Document: Margaret Sanger on Birth Control and Eugenics (1922), Factory Workers, Flappers, Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley (1890–1964), Primary Document: Elizabeth Gurley Flynn's Description of the Paterson Silk Strike in New Jersey (1913), Gilman, Charlotte Perkins (1860–1935), Primary Document: Charlotte Perkins Gilman's Poem "One Girl of Many" (1893), Girl Scouts, Hamilton, Alice (1869–1970), Harlem Renaissance, Homer, Louise Dilworth Beatty (1871–1947), International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, Primary Document: Corruption in the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union (ca. 1938/1939), Iron-Jawed Angels (1917), Primary Document: Imprisoned Suffragettes' Letter to the Prisoner Commissioners (1917), Jones, Mary Harris "Mother" (1830/1837–1930), Primary Document: Mary Harris "Mother" Jones on Working Conditions in Southern Cotton Mills (1901), Kalich, Bertha (1874–1939), Keller, Helen (1880–1968), Primary Document: Excerpt from Helen Keller's "The Practice of Optimism" (1903), Kelley, Florence (1859–1932), Primary Document: Child Labor Laws: Act Creating the Children's Bureau (1912), La Follette, Belle (1859–1931), League of Women Voters (1920–), Lili'uokalani, Queen of Hawaii (1838–1917), Primary Document: Queen Liliuokalani of Hawaii Yields Her Authority under Protest (1893), Loos, Anita (1889–1981), Lowell, Amy Lawrence (1874–1925), Primary Document: Amy Lowell's Poems "Wheat-in-the-Ear" and "Madonna of the Evening Flowers" (ca. 1919), Manhattan Trade School for Girls, Mann Act (1910), Primary Document: Excerpts from the Mann Act (1910), Marlowe, Julia (1866–1950), Millay, Edna St. Vincent (1892–1950), Primary Document: Poet Edna St. Vincent Millay's "Conscientious Objector" (1934), Minsky's Burlesque, Moore, Marianne (1887–1972), Morgan, Julia (1872–1957), Moskowitz, Belle Lindner (1877–1933), Mother's Day, Mourning Dove (1888–1936), Muller v. Oregon (1908), Primary Document: Muller v. Oregon (1908), Muncy Act (1913), National Council of Catholic Women, National Council of Jewish Women, National Woman's Party, Primary Document: New York Times Article Describing the Pro–Woman Suffrage Parade (1917), National Women's Trade Union League, Primary Document: National Women's Trade Union League Pamphlet (1918), New York City Garment Workers' Strike (1909), Nineteenth Amendment (1920), Primary Document: Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (1920), Nordica, Lillian (1857–1914), O'Hare, Kate Richards (1877–1948), O'Sullivan, Mary Kenney (1864–1943), Ovington, Mary White (1865–1951), Pacifism, Parkhurst, Helen (1887–1973), Paul, Alice (1885–1977), Primary Document: Alice Paul's Letter Describing Her Imprisonment (1917), Primary Document: Alice Paul's Description of Being Force Fed (1917), Peck, Annie Smith (1850–1935), Pickford, Mary (1892–1979), Pretty-Shield (ca. 1856–1944), Quimby, Harriet (1875–1912), Rainey, Gertrude "Ma" (1886–1939), Primary Document: Lyrics to Ma Rainey's "See See Rider Blues" (1925), Rankin, Jeannette (1880–1973), Primary Document: Excerpts from Speeches by Jeannette Rankin, Richards, Ellen Swallow (1842–1911), Ross, Nellie Tayloe (1876–1977), Ruffin, Josephine St. Pierre (1842–1924), Sanger, Margaret (1879–1966), Primary Document: Margaret Sanger's Letter to Mothers (1911), Schwimmer, Rosika (1877–1948), Sheppard-Towner Maternity and Infancy Act (1921), Social Purity Movement, Solomon, Hannah G. (1858–1942), St. Denis, Ruth (ca. 1877–1968), Stein, Gertrude (1874–1946), Sui Sin Far (1865–1914), Tarbell, Ida M. (1857–1944), Primary Document: Excerpt from Ida Tarbell's The History of the Standard Oil Company (1904), Terrell, Mary Church (1863–1954), Triangle Shirtwaist Fire (1911), Primary Document: Excerpt from the New York Times Account of the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire (1911), True, Clara D. (1868–1950), Wald, Lillian D. (1868–1940), West, Mae (1893–1980), Wharton, Edith (1862–1937), White Slavery Hysteria, Williams, Fannie Barrier (1855–1944), Primary Document: Fannie Barrier Williams: "Club Movement among Negro Women" (1902), Wilson, Edith Bolling Galt (1872–1961), Primary Document: First Lady Edith Galt Wilson Joins the "Save Money on Meat" Campaign (1920), "The Winning Plan" (1916), Woman's Peace Party, Primary Document: Platform of the Women's Peace Party (1915), Women's Political Union, World War I and Women (1914–1918), Young Women's Christian Association, Ziegfeld Follies, Zitkala-Sa (1876–1938), Primary Document: Zitkala-Sa Describes a Haircut at Boarding School (1900), Thematic Issues Essay, Bibliography, 2. The Great Depression and the New Deal (1930–1941), Historical Overview, Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, Ames, Jessie Daniel (1883–1972), Anderson, Marian (1897–1993), Association of Southern Women for the Prevention of Lynching, Primary Document: The Position of the Association of Southern Women for the Prevention of Lynching on Federal Antilynching Legislation (1938), Barker, Kate "Ma" (1873–1935), Barnes, Florence "Pancho" (1901–1975), Beard, Mary (1876–1958), Primary Document: Mary Beard on the Difficulties Faced by Feminist Historians (1931), Benedict, Ruth (1887–1948), Bethune, Mary McLeod (1875–1955), Bourke-White, Margaret (1904–1971), Buck, Pearl (1892–1973), Primary Document: Pearl Buck on Women's History (1941), Caraway, Hattie Wyatt (1878–1950), Church, Ellen (1904–1965), Darlings of Rhythm (1940s), Didrikson Zaharias, Mildred "Babe" (1911–1956), Dragon Lady Stereotype, Earhart, Amelia (1897–1939), Primary Document: Amelia Earhart's Letter Describing Her Reluctance to Marry (1931), Graham, Martha (1894–1991), Hellman, Lillian (1905–1984), Primary Document: Lillian Hellman's Letter to the Chairman of the House Committee on Un-American Activities (1952), Holiday, Billie (1915–1959), Horney, Karen (1885–1952), Hurston, Zora Neale (1891–1960), Primary Document: Zora Neale Hurston's Letter to Countee Cullen (1943), International Sweethearts of Rhythm (1938–1949), Jacobs, Helen (1908–1997), Lange, Dorothea (1895–1965), Lee, Gypsy Rose (1911–1970), Marion, Frances (1888–1973), McDaniel, Hattie (1893–1952), Primary Document: Hattie McDaniel's Oscar Acceptance Speech (1939), New Deal (1933–1938), Primary Document: Ellen Woodward's Speech on the Value of New Deal Programs for Women (ca. 1935), Noether, Amalie Emmy (1882–1935), Parker, Bonnie (1910–1934), Primary Document: Bonnie Parker's Poem "The Story of Bonnie and Clyde" (1932), Parker, Dorothy (1893–1967), Primary Document: Dorothy Parker's Poem "A Certain Lady" (1926), Patterson, Eleanor (1884–1948), Perkins, Frances (1880–1965), Primary Document: Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins Explains President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Plan for Social Security (1935), Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Price, Florence Beatrice Smith (ca. 1887–1953), Qoyawayma, Polingaysi (ca. 1892–1990), Roosevelt, Eleanor (1884–1962), Primary Document: Eleanor Roosevelt's Letter on Lynching to Walter White (1936) and Her "My Day" Column on Women and Work (1939), Smith, Bessie (ca. 1895–1937), Primary Document: Lyrics for Bessie Smith's "Downhearted Blues" (1923), Thompson, Dorothy (1894–1961), Toklas, Alice (1877–1967), Primary Document: Alice Toklas's Letter to Friends (1946), United Cannery, Agricultural, Packing, and Allied Workers of America, Primary Document: Aubrey Williams's Address to the United Cannery, Agricultural, Packing, and Allied Workers of America (1937), United States v. One Package (1936), Primary Document: United States v. One Package (1936), United States Women's Bureau (1920–), Velez, Lupe (1908–1944), Wong, Anna May (1905–1961), Thematic Issues Essay, Bibliography, 3. World War II (1939–1945), Historical Overview, All-American Girls Professional Baseball League, American Red Cross, Angels of Bataan and Corregidor (1941–1945), Army Nurse Corps, Avenger Field, Axton, Mildred Darlene "Micky" (1919–2010), Cobb, Laura (1892–1981), Cochran, Jacqueline (1906–1980), Primary Document: Jacqueline Cochran's Final Report on Women Airforce Service Pilots Program (1945), Conservation and Recycling, Primary Document: Recipes to Help Women Cook during Wartime Rationing (1943), Curtiss-Wright Aeronautical Engineering Cadettes, Japanese Relocation/Internment, Primary Document: Letters from Women Relocated to Japanese Internment Camps during World War II: Japanese American National Museum (1942–1943), Lamarr, Hedy (1913–2000), Love, Nancy Harkness (1914–1976), Marine Corps Women's Reserve, Moreno, Luisa (1907–1992), Navy Nurse Corps, Primary Document: Oral History Interview with Captain Ann Bernatitus, NC, USN (Ret.) (1994), Nurses Selective Service Act, Office of Strategic Services, Rosie the Riveter, United Service Organization, Women, Primary Document: Women in the USO: Letter from Holgar J. Johnson of the USO to Sylvia Fine (1958), Victory Gardens, Women Appointed for Volunteer Emergency Service, Women Prisoners of War during World War II (1939–1945), Women's Airforce Service Pilots, Women's Army Corp, Women's Land Army of America, Wonder Woman, Wu, Chien-Shiung (1912–1997), Thematic Issues Essay, Bibliography, Editors and Contributors, Index, VOLUME 4: COLD WAR AMERICA TO TODAY 1. Cold War America (1946–1962), Historical Overview, Alexander, Sadie Tanner Mossell (1898–1989), Anderson, Helen Eugenie Moore (1909–1997), Anticommunist Women's Organizations, Ball, Lucille (1911–1989), Barbie, Bates, Daisy (1914–1999), Primary Document: Letter of Daisy Bates to Roy Wilkins Regarding School Desegregation in Little Rock, Arkansas (1957), Black, Shirley Temple (1928–2014), Carson, Rachel (1907–1964), Primary Document: Excerpt from Rachel Carson's Silent Spring (1962), Civil Rights Movement, Consumer Culture, Cori, Gerty (1896–1957), Daughters of Bilitis, Evans, Dixie (1926–2013), Fannie Mae Clackum v. United States (1960), Frankenthaler, Helen (1928–2011), Franklin, Rosalind Elsie (1920–1958), Goeppert-Mayer, Maria (1906–1972), Gordon, Ruth (1896–1985), Haynes, Martha Euphemia Lofton (1890–1980), Hopper, Grace (1906–1992), Housewives, Stereotypes and Reality, Huerta, Dolores (1930–), Primary Document: Labor Activist Dolores Huerta on Sexual Harassment of Farmworkers (2013), James, Etta (1938–2012), Korean War and Women (1950–1953), Primary Document: General Anna Mae Hayes Talks about Her Korean War Service (1983), Lacks, Henrietta (1920–1951), Luce, Clare Boothe (1903–1987), Primary Document: Claire Boothe Luce Talks about Her Career (1986), Lucy v. Adams (1955), Primary Document: Authurine Lucy and the Desegregation of the University of Alabama: The Lucy v. Adams Decision (1955), McClintock, Barbara (1902–1992), Moses, Grandma/Anna Mary Robertson (1860–1961), Nevelson, Louise (1899–1988), O'Connor, Flannery (1925–1964), Primary Document: Excerpts from Flannery O'Connor's "Letters to A" (1955), O'Keeffe, Georgia (1887–1986), Parks, Rosa (1913–2005), Pornography, Rand, Ayn (1905–1982), Primary Document: Ayn Rand on the Good of Selfishness (1964), Robinson, Jo Ann Gibson (1912–1992), Rosenberg, Ethel (1915–1953), Primary Document: Ethel Rosenberg: Testimony from Her Treason Trial (1951), Sage, Kay (1898–1963), Suburbia, Taussig, Helen (1898–1986), Waring, Elizabeth Avery (1895–1968), Wicca (1954–), Wise, Brownie (1913–1992), Thematic Issues Essay, Bibliography, 2. Second-Wave Feminism (1963–1989), Historical Overview, Abzug, Bella (1920–1998), Primary Document: Excerpt from Bella Abzug's Speech to the United Nations Fourth World Conference (1995), Against Our Will (1975), Angelou, Maya (1928–2014), Anzaldua, Gloria (1942–2004), Primary Document: Excerpt from Gloria Anzaldua's "An Open Letter to Women Writers of Color" (1980), Arab-Jewish Women's League for Peace, Arbus, Diane (1923–1971), Asian American Feminism, Asian Immigrant Women Advocates, Association for Women in Mathematics, Backlash, Primary Document: Excerpt from Susan Faludi's Backlash (1991), Baez, Joan (1941–), Bill of Rights for Women (1967), BITCH Manifesto (1968), Primary Document: Excerpt from the BITCH Manifesto (1968), Black Feminism, Braden, Anne McCarty (1924–2006), Brownmiller, Susan (1935–), Bryant, Anita (1940–), Butcher, Susan (1954–2006), Chicago, Judy (1939–), Chicana Feminism, Child, Julia (1912–2004), Primary Document: Recipe from Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking (1961), Primary Document: Interview with Julia Child Regarding Her Work with the Office of Strategic Services (1991), Chisholm, Shirley (1924–2005), Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VII, Primary Document: Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Davis, Angela Yvonne (1944–), Diller, Phyllis (1917–2012), Dove, Rita (1952–), EMILY'S List, Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974, Primary Document: Excerpts from Bella Abzug's "Do You Know Me?" Speech (1983) and from the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (1974), Equal Pay Act of 1963, Primary Document: Equal Pay Act of 1963, Equal Rights Amendment, Primary Document: Equal Rights Amendment (1972), The Feminine Mystique (1963), Primary Document: Chapter 1 from Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique (1963), Feminism, Cultural, Feminism, Moderate, Feminism, Radical, Primary Document: Excerpt from Anne Koedt's Essay "The Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm" (1970), Feminism, Socialist, Ferraro, Geraldine Anne (1935–2011), Ford, Betty (1918–2011), Fossey, Dian (1932–1985), Franklin, Aretha (1942–), Friedan, Betty (1921–2006), Gospel Singers, hooks, bell (1952–), Johnson, Claudia "Lady Bird" (1912–2007), Joplin, Janis (1943–1970), Jordan, Barbara (1936–1996), Kennedy Onassis, Jacqueline (1929–1994), King, Billie Jean Moffitt (1943–), Primary Document: Billie Jean King on the 1973 "Battle of the Sexes" Tennis Match (2013), King, Coretta Scott (1927–2006), Kirkpatrick, Jeane J. (1926–2006), Kreps, Juanita M. (1921–2010), Lavender Menace, Lin, Maya (1959–), Loving v. Virginia (1967), Primary Document: Loving v. Virginia (1967), MacKinnon, Catharine A. (1946–), Madonna (1958–), Mankiller, Wilma (1945–2010), Mead, Margaret (1901–1978), Mexican American Women's National Association, Michael M. v. Sonoma County Superior Court (1981), Mink, Patsy Matsu Takemoto (1927–2002), Miss America Pageant, Miss America Protest (1968), Mississippi University for Women v. Hogan (1982), Morgan, Robin (1941–), Moynihan Report (1965), Ms. Magazine, Muldowney, Shirley (1940–), Murray, Anna Pauline "Pauli" (1910–1985), National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws and National Abortion Rights Action League, National Black Feminist Organization/Combahee River Collective, Primary Document: Excerpt from the Combahee River Collective's Statement for Black Feminism (1977–1979), National Coalition of 100 Black Women, National Organization for Women, Primary Document: National Organization for Women Statement (1966), National Women's Political Caucus, New York Radical Women, Primary Document: Miss America Protest (1968), NOW v. Scheidler (1994), O'Connor, Sandra Day (1930–), Older Women's League, Organization of Chinese American Women, Our Bodies, Ourselves (1971), Paglia, Camille Anna (1947–), The Pill, Plath, Sylvia (1932–1963), Pregnancy Discrimination Act (1978), Queler, Eve Rabin (1936–), Redstockings, Primary Document: Redstocking Manifesto (1969), Reed v. Reed (1971), Reno, Janet (1938–2016), Right of Privacy and Griswold v. Connecticut, Roe v. Wade (1973), Primary Document: Roe v. Wade (1973), Rudolph, Wilma (1940–1994), Santa Clara Pueblo v. Martinez (1978), Schlafly, Phyllis (1924–), Sexual Politics (1970), Shabazz, Betty Dean Sanders (1934–1997), Shriver, Eunice Kennedy (1921–2009), Smeal, Eleanor (1939–), Society for Cutting Up Men Manifesto (1967), Primary Document: S.C.U.M. Manifesto (1967), Steinem, Gloria (1934–), Stewart, Martha (1941–), Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day, Taylor v. Louisiana (1975), Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, Primary Document: Billie Jean King's Speech on Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (2000), United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, Vietnam War, Women (1955–1975), Primary Document: Vietnam War: Captain Rhona Marie Knox Prescott's Letter to Her Deceased Comrade (1991), Wages for Housework Campaign, Walker, Alice (1944–), Weeks v. Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Company (1969), Weinberger v. Wiesenfeld (1975), Welty, Eudora (1909–2001), Women Against Pornography, Women Involved in Farm Economics, Women of All Red Nations, Primary Document: Women of All Red Nations: Narratives of Two Indian Women Who Suffered Enforced Sterilization (1970s), Women's Equity Action League, Women's Health Equity Act (1990), Women's International Terrorist Conspiracy from Hell (1968–1969), Women's Strike for Equality (1970), Yalow, Rosalyn Sussman (1921–2011), Thematic Issues Essay, Bibliography, 3. Third-Wave Feminism (1990–Present), Historical Overview, Aghdashloo, Shohreh (1952–), Albright, Madeleine (1937–), Antistalking Legislation, Automobile Workers v. Johnson Controls (1991), Bechdel, Alison (1960–), Chase, Cheryl/Bo Laurent (1956–), Clinton, Hillary (1947–), Defense of Marriage Act (1996), Dietrich, Dorothy (1969–), Displaced Homemaker Self-Sufficiency Assistance Act (1990), Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Primary Document: Interview of Steve Estes on Don't Ask, Don't Tell (2007), Ecofeminism, Edelman, Marian Wright (1939–), Primary Document: Marian Wright Edelman's Testimony before the House of Representatives Budget Committee (2014), Family and Medical Leave Act (1993), Faust, Drew Gilpin (1947–), Female Genital Cutting, Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (1993), Primary Document: Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (1994), Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, Grandin, Temple (1947–), Hijab, Hill, Anita (1956–), Primary Document: Testimony of Anita Hill before the U.S. Senate (1991), Hispanic Women's Council (1998), Jemison, Mae (1956–), Kingston, Maxine Hong (1940–), Lady Gaga (1986–), Lahiri, Jhumpa (1967–), Lauper, Cyndi (1953–), Lynch, Loretta (1959–), Madsen v. Women's Health Center, Inc. (1994), March for Women's Lives (2005), McDonald, Audra Ann (1970–), Megan's Law, Miller-Muro, Layli (1972–), Morrison, Toni (1931–), Muslim American Women, Neshat, Shirin (1957–), Nestle, Marion (1936–), Obama, Michelle (1964–), Primary Document: Michelle Obama's Speech on the 100th Anniversary of International Women's Day (2011), Obergefell et al. v. Hodges (2015), Primary Document: Obergefell et al. v. Hodges Decision on Marital Equality (2015), Palin, Sarah (1964–), Pandith, Farah (1968–), Persian Gulf War (1990–1991), American Women in, Primary Document: Persian Gulf War: Interview with Lieutenant Colonel Carol Anne Barkalow (1992), Primary Document: Afghanistan and Iraq Wars: Excerpts of an Interview with Captain Elisa Raney (2011), Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992), Quinceañera, Rice, Condoleezza (1954–), Primary Document: Condoleezza Rice's Speech at a Council of Foreign Relations Meeting in Menlo Park, California (2012), Ride, Sally (1951–2012), Riot Grrrl Movement (1991–1997), RU-486/Plan B, Saralegui, Cristina (1948–), Sexual Harassment Cases: Tailhook, Mitsubishi, and University of Colorado, Primary Document: Description of the Gauntlet of Men Who Harassed Women as Part of the Tailhook Scandal (1993), SlutWalk (2011), Soskin, Betty Reid (1921–), Sotomayor, Sonia (1954–), Take Back the Night, Primary Document: Andrea Dworkin's "The Night and Danger" Speech (1979), Primary Document: Suzanne Stutman's Take Back the Night Speech (1998), Tan, Amy (1952–), Trans/Intersexuality, U.S. v. Virginia (1996), The Vagina Monologues, Primary Document: Scene from Eve Ensler's Play The Vagina Monologues (1996), Valdes, Alisa (1969–), Van Duyn, Mona (1921–2004), V-Day, Violence Against Women Act (1994), Waters, Alice Louise (1944–), Winfrey, Oprah (1954–), Women's Action Coalition, Primary Document: Women's Action Coalition Mission Statement (1992), Yellen, Janet (1946–), Thematic Issues Essay, Bibliography, Editors and Contributors, Index,

「Nielsen BookData」 より

関連文献: 4件中  1-4を表示

  • Cold War America to today

    Peg A. Lamphier and Rosanne Welch, editors

    ABC-CLIO c2017 Women in American history : a social, political, and cultural encyclopedia and document collection v. 4


  • Progressive Era through World War II

    Peg A. Lamphier and Rosanne Welch, editors

    ABC-CLIO c2017 Women in American history : a social, political, and cultural encyclopedia and document collection v. 3


  • Antebellum America through the Gilded Age

    Peg A. Lamphier and Rosanne Welch, editors

    ABC-CLIO c2017 Women in American history : a social, political, and cultural encyclopedia and document collection v. 2


  • Precolonial North America to the Early Republic

    Peg A. Lamphier and Rosanne Welch, editors

    ABC-CLIO c2017 Women in American history : a social, political, and cultural encyclopedia and document collection v. 1



  • ISBN
    • 9781610696029
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  • 出版地
    Santa Barbara, Calif.