Byzantium in the eleventh century : being in between : papers from the 45th Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, Exeter College, Oxford, 24-6 March 2012
Byzantium in the eleventh century : being in between : papers from the 45th Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, Exeter College, Oxford, 24-6 March 2012
(Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies publications, 19)
Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2017
- : hbk
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全2件
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Includes bibliographical references and index
The eleventh century in Byzantium is all about being in between, whether this is between Basil II and Alexios Komnenos, between the forces of the Normans, the Pechenegs and the Turks, or between different social groupings, cultural identities and religious persuasions. It is a period of fundamental changes and transformations, both internal and external, but also a period rife with cliches and dominated by the towering presence of Michael Psellos whose usually self-contradictory accounts continue to loom large in the field of Byzantine studies. The essays collected here, which were delivered at the 45th Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, explore new avenues of research and offer new perspectives on this transitional period. The book is divided into four thematic clusters: 'The age of Psellos' studies this crucial figure and seeks to situate him in his time; 'Social structures' is concerned with the ways in which the deep structures of Byzantine society and economy responded to change; 'State and Church' offers a set of studies of various political developments in eleventh-century Byzantium; and 'The age of spirituality' offers the voices of those for whom Psellos had little time and little use: monks, religious thinkers and pious laymen.
List of Figures
Notes on Contributors
Marc D. Lauxtermann
Section I The Age of Psellos
1. Paul Magdalino
From 'encyclopaedism' to 'humanism': the turning point of Basil II and the millennium
2. Michael Jeffreys
Michael Psellos and the eleventh century: a double helix of reception
3. Floris Bernard
Authorial practices and competitive performance in the works of Michael Psellos
4. Jean-Claude Cheynet
L'administration provinciale dans la correspondance de Michel Psellos
Section II Social Structures
5. James Howard-Johnston
The Peira and legal practices in eleventh-century Byzantium
6. Peter Sarris
Beyond the great plains and the barren hills: rural landscapes and social structures in eleventh-century Byzantium
7. Tim Greenwood
Aristakes Lastivertc'i and Armenian urban consciousness
Section III State and Church
8. Mark Whittow
The second fall: the place of the eleventh century in Roman history
9. Jonathan Shepard
Storm clouds and a thunderclap: east-west tensions towards the mid-eleventh century
10. Dimitris Krallis
Urbanite warriors: smoothing out tensions between soldiers and civilians in Attaleiates' encomium to Emperor Nikephoros III Botaneiates
11. Judith Ryder
Leo of Chalcedon: conflicting ecclesiastical models in the Byzantine eleventh century
12. Peter Frankopan
Re-interpreting the role of the family in Comnenian Byzantium: where blood is not thicker than water
Section IV The Age of Spirituality
13. Dirk Krausmuller
From competition to conformity: saints' lives, typika, and the Byzantine monastic discourse of the eleventh century
14. Barbara Crostini
Eleventh-century monasticism between politics and spirituality
15. Georgi R. Parpulov
The rise of devotional imagery in eleventh-century Byzantium
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