The global and the local : diverse perspectives in comparative education
Bibliographic Information
The global and the local : diverse perspectives in comparative education
(The world council of comparative education societies)
Sense Publishers, 2016
- : pbk
Includes bibliographies
Contents of Works
- Introduction : diverse perspectives on the global-local analysisin comparative education research / M. Fernanda Astiz
- Globalization, innovation, and cultural resistance to educational reform : lessons from international testing / David H. Kamens
- Comprehensive sexual education in latin America : human rights education and women's rights / Paola Fajardo-Heyward
- The effects of normative assumptions on micro-level actions in education : the contextualized impact of teaching with ICT in Turkey and the USA / Alexander W. Wiseman, Petrina Davidson and Fawziah Al-Bakr
- Traveling teacher professional development model : local interpretation and adaptation of lesson study in Florida / Motoko Akiba
- Globalized local & localized global in a women's education project in Pakistan / Ayesha Khurshid
- The new models of public policy on early childhood education and care in Spain : trends and implications / Ana Ancheta Arrabal and Jing Zhang
- The shadow education market of a mass higher education institutionin Argentina / Florencia Cámara and Héctor R. Gertel