



Marilyn J. Roossinck ; with a foreword by Carl Zimmer

Princeton University Press, 2016


Virus : an illustrated guide to 101 incredible microbes

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Bibliography: p. 250-251

Includes index



This stunningly illustrated book provides a rare window into the amazing, varied, and often beautiful world of viruses. Contrary to popular belief, not all viruses are bad for you. In fact, several are beneficial to their hosts, and many are crucial to the health of our planet. Virus offers an unprecedented look at 101 incredible microbes that infect all branches of life on Earth--from humans and other animals to insects, plants, fungi, and bacteria. Featuring hundreds of breathtaking color images throughout, this guide begins with a lively and informative introduction to virology. Here readers can learn about the history of this unique science, how viruses are named, how their genes work, how they copy and package themselves, how they interact with their hosts, how immune systems counteract viruses, and how viruses travel from host to host. The concise entries that follow highlight important or interesting facts about each virus. Learn about the geographic origins of dengue and why old tires and unused pots help the virus to spread. Read about Ebola, Zika, West Nile, Frog virus 3, the Tulip breaking virus, and many others--how they were discovered, what their hosts are, how they are transmitted, whether or not there is a vaccine, and much more. Each entry is easy to read and includes a graphic of the virus, and nearly every entry features a colorized image of the virus as seen through the microscope. Written by a leading authority, this handsomely illustrated guide reveals the unseen wonders of the microbial world. It will give you an entirely new appreciation for viruses.


Foreword 6 Introduction 8 What is a virus? 10 History of virology 12 Timeline 16 Virus controversies 18 A virus classification scheme 20 Replication 22 Packaging 36 Transmission 38 Lifestyles of viruses 40 Immunity 44 Remarkable Viruses 101 HUMAN VIRUSES Chikungunya virus 52 Dengue virus 54 Ebola virus 56 Hepatitis C virus 58 Human adenovirus 2 60 Human herpes simplex virus 1 62 Human immunodeficiency virus 64 Human papilloma virus 16 66 Human rhinovirus A 68 Influenza virus A 70 JC virus 72 Measles virus 74 Mumps virus 76 Norwalk virus 78 Poliovirus 80 Rotavirus A 82 SARS related coronavirus 84 Varicella-zoster virus 86 Variola virus 88 West Nile virus 90 Yellow fever virus 92 Zika virus 94 Sin nombre virus 96 Torque teno virus 97 VERTEBRATE ANIMAL VIRUSES African swine fever virus 100 Bluetongue virus 102 Boid Inclusion body disease virus 104 Bornadisease virus 106 Bovine viral diarrhea virus 1 108 Canine parvovirus 110 Foot and mouth disease virus 112 Frog virus 3 114 Infectious salmon anemia virus 116 Myxoma virus 118 Porcine circovirus 120 Rabies virus 122 Rift Valley fever virus 124 Rinderpest virus 126 Rous sarcoma virus 128 Simian virus 40 130 Viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus 132 Feline leukemia virus 134 Mouse herpes virus 68 135 PLANT VIRUSES African cassava mosaic virus 138 Banana bunchy top virus 140 Barley yellow dwarf virus 142 Cauliflower mosaic virus 144 Citrus tristeza virus 146 Cucumber mosaic virus 148 Oryza sativa endornavirus 150 Ourmia melon virus 152 Pea enation mosaic virus 154 Plum pox virus 156 Potato virus Y 158 Rice dwarf virus 160 Rice hoja blanca virus 162 164 Satellite tobacco mosaic virus Tobacco etch virus 166 Tobacco mosaic virus 168 Tomato bushy stunt virus 170 Tomato spotted wilt virus 172 Tomato yellow leaf curl virus 174 White clover cryptic virus 176 Bean golden mosaic virus 178 Tulip breaking virus 179 INVERTEBRATE ANIMAL VIRUSES Cotesia congregata bracovirus 182 Cricket paralysis virus 184 Deformed wing virus 186 Drosophila virus C 188 Dysaphis plantaginea densovirus 190 Flock house virus 192 Invertebrate iridescent virus 6 194 Lymantria dispar multiple nucleo-polyhedrosis virus 196 Orsay virus 198 White spot syndrome virus 200 Yellow head virus 202 FUNGAL AND PROTIST VIRUSES Acanthamoeba polyphaga mimivirus 206 Curvularia thermal tolerance virus 208 Helminthosporium victoriae virus 190S 210 Penicillium chrysogenum virus 212 Pithovirus sibericum 214 Saccharomyces cerevisia L-A virus 216 Cryphonectria hypovirus 1 218 Ophiostoma mitovirus 4 219 Paramecium busaria chlorellavirus 1 220 Phytophthora endornavirus 1 220 BACTERIAL AND ARCHAEAL VIRUSES Bacillus phage phi29 224 Enterobacteria phage lambda 226 Enterobacteria phage T4 228 Enterobacteriophage phiX174 230 Mycobacterium phage D29 232 Ralstonia phage phiRSL1 234 Synechococcus phage Syn5 236 Acidianus bottle-shaped virus 1 238 Acidianus two-tailed virus 239 Enterobacteria phage H-19B 240 Enterobacteriophage M13 241 Enterobacteriophage Qss 242 Staphylococcus phage 80 243 Sulfolobus spindle-shaped virus 1 244 Vibrio phage CTX 245 Glossary 246 Resources 250 Index 252 Acknowledgments 256

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