An essay on the principle of population : influences on Malthus, selections from Malthus's work, economics, population, and ethics after Malthus, Malthus and global challenges, Malthusianism in fiction


An essay on the principle of population : influences on Malthus, selections from Malthus's work, economics, population, and ethics after Malthus, Malthus and global challenges, Malthusianism in fiction

Thomas Robert Malthus ; edited by Joyce E. Chaplin

(Norton critical editions)

W.W. Norton, c2018

1st ed

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 9



"Thomas Robert Malthus : a chronology": p. 291-292

Includes bibliographical references (p. 293-297) and index



With the first published version of Malthus’s Essay (1798) are selections from the expanded version (1803), which he considered definitive, as well as his Appendix (1806). Accompanying the text is an introduction and explanatory annotations by Joyce E. Chaplin and a rich selection of supporting materials. A chronology and a bibliography are also included.

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