The Routledge history of Italian Americans

Bibliographic Information

The Routledge history of Italian Americans

edited by William J. Connell and Stanislao G. Pugliese

(The Routledge histories)

Routledge, 2018

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Includes bibliographical references and index

Description and Table of Contents


The Routledge History of Italian Americans weaves a narrative of the trials and triumphs of one of the nation's largest ethnic groups. This history, comprising original essays by leading scholars and critics, addresses themes that include the Columbian legacy, immigration, the labor movement, discrimination, anarchism, Fascism, World War II patriotism, assimilation, gender identity and popular culture. This landmark volume offers a clear and accessible overview of work in the growing academic field of Italian American Studies. Rich illustrations bring the story to life, drawing out the aspects of Italian American history and culture that make this ethnic group essential to the American experience.

Table of Contents

Introduction: A New History for a New Millennium William J. Connell Part I - Explorations and Foundations 1) Italians in the Early Atlantic World William J. Connell 2) From the Pilgrim Fathers to the Founding Fathers: Italy and America Edoardo Tortarolo 3) When They Were Few: Italians in America, 1800-1850 John Paul Russo 4) America's Garibaldi: The United States and Italian Unification Don H. Doyle 5) Dante Alighieri and the Divine Comedy in Nineteenth-Century America Dennis Looney Part II - The Great Migration and Creating Little Italies 6) Why Italians Left Italy: The Physics and Politics of Migration, 1870-1920 Maddalena Tirabassi 7) The Silence of the Atlantians: Contact, Conflict, Consolidation (1880-1913) Peter Carravetta 8) The Little Italies of the Early 1900s: From the Reports of Amy Bernardy Maddalena Tirabassi 9) Interpreting Little Italies: Ethnicity as an Accident of GeographyMaria Susanna Garroni 10) Culture and Identity on the Table: Italian American Food as Social History Simone Cinotto 11) Italian Americans and Their Religious Experience Richard N. Juliani 12) Italian Americans and Race During the Era of Mass Immigration Peter G. Vellon 13) Discrimination, Prejudice and Italian American History Salvatore J. LaGumina 14) The Languages of Italian Americans Nancy C. Carnevale 15) Italian American Book Publishing and Book Selling James J. Periconi 16) From Margins to Vanguard to Mainstream: Italian Americans and the Labor Movement Marcella Bencivenni 17) The Sacco and Vanzetti Case and the Psychology of Political Violence Michael Topp 18) A Diary in America and a Death in Rome Francesco Durante Part III - Becoming American and Contesting America 19) The Bumpy Road Toward Political Incorporation, 1920-1984 Stefano Luconi 20) Italian Emigration, Remittances, and the Rise of Made-in-Italy Mark I. Choate 21) Fascism and Anti-Fascism in Italian America Stanislao G. Pugliese 22) World War II Changed Everything Dominic Candeloro 23) Mothers and Daughters in Italian American Narratives Mary Jo Bona 24) The Italian American Family and Transnational Circuits JoAnne Ruvoli 25) Groovin': A Riff on Italian Americans in Popular Music and Jazz John Gennari 26) Italian Americans and the Cinema Giuliana Muscio 27) Italian Americans and Television Anthony Julian Tamburri 28) Italian Americans in Sport Lawrence Baldassaro 29) Organized Crime and Italian Americans Antonio Nicaso Part IV - Postwar to Post-Ethnic? 30) Italian Americans and Assimilation Richard Alba 31) Italian Americans in the Suburbs: Transplanting Ethnicity to the Crabgrass Frontier Donald Tricarico 32) "What Ever Happened to Little Italy?" Jerome Krase 33) Italian American Femininities Ilaria Serra 34) Italian American Masculinities Fred Gardaphe 35) Fuori per sempre: The Coming Out of Gay and Lesbian Italian Americans George De Stefano 36) Immigration from Italy since the 1990s Teresa Fiore 37) Contemporary Italian American IdentitiesRosemary Serra 38) The Orphanage: Encounters in Transnational Space Robert Viscusi Conclusion: The Future of Our Past Stanislao G. Pugliese

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