Encyclopedia of human resource management

Bibliographic Information

Encyclopedia of human resource management

edited by Adrian Wilkinson and Stewart Johnstone

, 2017, c2016

  • : pbk

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"Paperback edition 2017"--T.p. verso

Includes bibliographical references and index

Description and Table of Contents


The Encyclopedia of Human Resource Management is an authoritative and comprehensive reference resource with almost 400 entries on core HR areas and key concepts. From age discrimination, to zero hours contracts, each entry reflects the views of an expert and authoritative author. The terms included vary from singular concepts such as performance appraisal and industrial conflict, to organisational behaviour terms including organisational culture and commitment; and broader management terms such a resourcing and management development. Each entry provides a list of references and further reading to enable the reader to gain a deeper awareness and understanding of each topic. This book is an ideal companion to a standard HRM textbook, and both undergraduate and postgraduate students will find it to be of value. It will also be useful for academic researchers, HR practitioners and policy specialists looking for a succinct expert summary of key HR concepts. Contributors: S. Ackroyd, M. Alfarhan, C. Allan, B. Antunes, K. Aoki, J. Arrowsmith, M. Atzeni, S. Bagdadli, J. Bailey, C. Bailey, A.B. Bakker, A. Baron, E. Barratt, N. Barter, Y. Baruch, M. Baird, J. Benson, I. Bessa, P.F. Beszter, T. Bondarouk, C. Boon, P. Boselie, G. Boyce, N. Bozionelos, J. Brcic, C. Brewster, J.W. Budd, P.S. Budhwar, J. Burgess, B. Burnes, A. Burton-Jones, C. Butler, D. Cabrelli, T. Campbell, J.A. Carpini, B.B. Caza, A. Cheyne, S. Clibborn, D.G. Collings, N. Conway, F.L. Cooke, N. Cornelious, R. Csiernik, N. Cullinane, J. Cushen, M.T. Dasborough, G. Dix, J. Donaghey, T. Dundon, M. Emmott, E. Farndale, D. Farnham, C.H. Fay, E.C. Fein, A. Felstead, P. Findlay, M. Flynn, C. Forde, H. Francis, E. French, G. Gall, T. Garavan, M. Gilman, P.J. Gollan, M.C. Gonzalez Menendez, M. Greenwood, M. Gregson, D. Grimshaw, M. Hamori, B. Harley, B. Harney, C.M. Harris, G. Healy, J. Heyes, R. Hewett, D. Hislop, A. Hodder, A. Hollings, S. Hughes, S.A. Hurrell, S. Hutchinson, M. Isichei, S. Johnstone, C. Kelliher, J. Kimberley, D. King, M. Kleinmann, E. Knies, P. Ingold, G. Latham, P. Latreille, J. Lewis, D. Lindebaum, S. Luce, M. Maatman, O. Mallett, A. Malik, T. Marchant, M. Marchington, M. Martinez Lucio, M. May, I. McAndrew, J. McBride, A. McDonnell, J. Meijerink, J.P Meyer, M.P. Miceli, J. Miller, M. Moran, M.J. Morley, R. Morrison, K. Moura, P.K. Mowbray D. Muzio, C. Naschberger, J.P. Near, M. Nyfoudi, W. O'Donohue, J.G. O'Gorman, J. O'Mahoney, L. Oliver, A. Panagiotakopoulos, S.K. Parker, M. Pedaci, D. Peetz, S. Pirrioni, A. Poropat, E. Poutsma, V. Priola, S. Procter, A. Psychogios, A. Pyman, N. Ramasamy, S. Ramsay, R. Randall, T. Redman, D.W.S. Renwick, S. Ressia, F. Robson, M. Roche, J.K. Rodriguez, P. Rose, P. Ross, K. Rowan, C. Rowley, B. Russell, K. Sanders, J. Scully, K. Shacklock, D. Shah, M. Sheehan, P. Sheldon, H. Shipton, D.H.K. Shum, M. Simms, N. Skinner, G. Slater, A. Smith, M. Smith, E. Soltani, C. Soo, A. Southcombe, J. Stewart, J. Stirling, M. Stuart, J. Storey, D. Stoyanova-Russell, G. Strachan, L. Tallberg, S. Taylor, S.T.T. Teo, P. Thompson, A. Tian, A. R. Timming, O. Tregaskis, J. Trehy, H.H.M. Tse, P. Turner, P.S. Turner, K. Van De Voorde, M. Van Veldhoven, M. Veld, R. Wapshott, Q. Wei, G. White, A. Wilhelmy, A. Wilkinson, M. Witzel, C. Wolkowitz, G. Wood, S. Wood, A. Wright, C.F. Wright, N. Wu, M. Xerri, Y. Xu, K. You, V. Yukongdi

Table of Contents

  • List Of Entries: Absence ACAS Aesthetic Labour Age Discrimination Aging Workforce Alienation Alternative Dispute Resolution AMO Model Annualised Hours Apprenticeship Aptitude Test Arbitration Assessment Centres Attitude Survey Bargaining Level Bargaining Scope Basic Rate of Pay (See Wages) Benefits Best Fit Best Practice Big Five Biodata Black Box (See Resource Based View) Blacklisting Blended Learning Body Work Bonus Payments And Incentives Broadbanding Bullying Bundles (See Universalistic Theory) Bureaucracy Burnout Cafeteria Benefits (See Benefits) Call Centre Capability Procedure Career Breaks Careers Casual Work (See Temporary Work) Casualisation (See Precarious Employment) Change Management CIPD Coaching Co-Determination Collective Agreement Collective Bargaining Collectivism Commission (See Variable Pay) Commitment Communication Community Unionism Comparative HRM Competence Competency Based Pay Competitive Advantage Competitive Strategy (See Strategy) Compressed Working Time Conciliation Configurational Model Conflict Constructive Dismissal Consultation Context Contingency Theory Contingent Pay (See Variable Pay) Continuing Professional Development Contract of Employment Convergence Theory Coordinated Market Economy Core Worker Corporate Social Responsibility Cross Cultural Training Culture Change (See Organisational Culture) Custom and Practice Customer Appraisal CV/Resume Default Retirement Age Deskilling Direct Discrimination Dirty Work Disability Discrimination Disciplinary Procedure Discipline & Grievance Disconnected Capitalism Discretionary Effort (See Organisational Citizenship Behaviours) Discrimination (See Direct Discrimination
  • Indirect Discrimination) Dismissal Dispute Resolution (See Alternative Dispute Resolution) Distance Learning Diversity Management Division of Labour Downsizing Early Retirement E-Learning Electronic HRM Electronic Recruitment Emotional Intelligence Emotional Labour Employability Employee Employee Assistance Programmes Employee Benefits (See Benefits) Employee Engagement Employee Involvement Employee Share Ownership Plans Employee Voice Employers Associations Employer Branding Employment Agency Employment Relationship Employment Relations (See Industrial Relations) Employment Tribunal Empowerment Equal Opportunity Equal Pay Equity Ethics Ethnocentric Management European Works Councils Executive Search Firms Exit Interview Expatriate Expectancy Theory Experiential Learning External Labour Markets Extrinsic Reward (See Reward Management) Family Friendly Policies Financial Participation Financial Reward (See Reward Management) Financialisation Fixed Term Contract Flexible Benefits (See Benefits) Flexible Firm Flexible Working Flexicurity Flexitime Fordism (See Scientific Management) Frame of Reference Freelance Work Functional Flexibility (See Flexible Firm Model) Gainsharing (See Profit-Related Pay And Gainsharing) Gender Gap Gender Pay Gap Gender Generations Geocentric Management Glass Ceiling Global Supply Chains Globalisation Go Slow (See Work Limitation) Golden Handshake Graded Pay (See Reward Management) Graduate Recruitment Greenfield Sites Green HRM Grievance Procedure Gross Misconduct Halo Effect Hard And Soft HRM Harmonisation Hawthorne Experiments (See Mayo and Human Relations) Headhunting Health And Safety Herzberg Hierarchy High Commitment HRM (See Best Practice HRM, High Commitment HRM) High Involvement Management High Performance Work Systems Homeworking Horns Effect HR Department HR Function and Business Partnering HRM Process Approach: Attribution Of HRM Human Capital Human Relations Movement Human Resource Advantage (See Human Resource Strategy) Human Resource Development Human Resource Information Systems Human Resource Management Human Resource Manager Human Resource Planning Human Resource Strategy Hygiene Factor (See Herzberg) Immigration Impression Management Incentives (See Bonus Payments And Incentives) Indirect Discrimination Induction Industrial Action Industrial Relations Informal Learning Institutional Framework Institutional Theories Intellectual Capital Intelligence Tests Internal Labour Markets International Human Resource Management International Labour Organisation and International Labour Standards Internships Interpersonal Skills Interviews Intrinsic Reward (See Reward Management
  • Recognition) Investors in People Japanese Management Job Analysis Job Description Job Design Job Enlargement Job Enrichment Job Evaluation Job Quality Job Rotation Job Satisfaction Job Security Joint Consultation Joint Regulation (See Joint Consultation) Knowledge Management Knowledge, Skills And Abilities Knowledge Worker Labour Labour Law Labour Management Partnership (See Workplace Partnership) Labour Market Labour Mobility Labour Process Theory Labour Turnover Leadership and Leader Member Exchange Lean Production Learning (See Informal Learning) Learning Cycle Learning Organisation Learning Style Liberal Market Economy Lifetime Employment Line Managers Living Wage Long Hours Culture Low Pay Management Management Consultancy Management Development Management Style Managerial Control Market-Based Pay (See Payment System) Maslow Master of Business Administration Maternity, Paternity and Parental Leave Mcgregor Mediation Mentoring Mergers And Acquisitions Merit Pay (See Performance Related Pay) Migrant Worker Minimum Wage Misbehaviour (See Organisational Misbehaviour) Misconduct Motivation Multi-National Company Multi-Skilling National Culture National Minimum Wage (See Minimum Wage) Negotiation Neo-Liberalism Non-Financial Reward (See Reward Management) Non-Standard Working (See Security of Employment) Non-Union Workplace Non-Unionism Notice Period Numerical Flexibility (See Flexible Firm Model) Occupational Health Off the Job Learning Older Worker Online Learning On the Job Learning Organisation Development Organisational Career Systems Organisational Change (See Change Management) Organisational Citizenship Behaviour Organisational Culture Organisational Learning Organisational Misbehaviour Organisational Politics Outsourcing Overtime Panel Interviews Part-Time Working Partnership Parental Leave (See Maternity, Paternity and Parental Leave) Participation (See Employee Involvement) Partnership Agreement (See Partnership) Paternalism Payment By Results Payment System Peer Appraisal Pensions Performance Appraisal Performance Appraisal Interview Performance Management Performance Related Pay Peripheral Worker Perks (See Benefits) Person Environment Fit Person Specification Personal Development Plan Personality Test Personality Traits Picketing Piece Rate (See Wages) Pluralism Polycentric Management Positive Action Positive Discrimination Power Precarious Employment Prejudice Presenteeism Probation Professional Association (See Professionalism) Professionalism Profit Related Pay and Gainsharing Profit Sharing Promotion Psychological Capital Psychological Contract Psychometric Testing Public Sector Purpose Driven Leadership Qualifications Quality Circles Race Discrimination Radicalism Recognition Recruitment Red Circling Redeployment Redundancy (See Downsizing) References Regulation Religious Discrimination Repatriation Representation Gap Representative Participation Resignation Resistance Resource Based View Resourcing Restrictive Practices (See Work Limitation) Retention Retirement Reward Management Sabotage Salary Scientific Management Secondment Security of Employment Selection Method Selection Test Selection Self-Appraisal Self-Employment Self Managed Teams Self-Management Sex Discrimination Sexual Harassment Shared Services Shift Work Shop Steward Shortlisting Single Pay Spine Single Table Bargaining Single Union Agreement Skill Skills Based Pay Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Social Capital Social Partnership (See Partnership) Soft HRM (See Hard and Soft HRM) Spatial Flexibility (See Flexible Firm Model) Staff Association Staff Poaching State Strategic Choice Strategic HRM Strategic Pay (See Reward Management) Strategy Stress Strikes Subcontracting Succession Planning Suggestion Scheme Summary Dismissal Systematic Training Cycle Talent Management Taylorism/Scientific Management (See Scientific Management) Team Based Appraisal Team Pay Team Briefing Teamwork Telework And Coworking Temporal Flexibility (See Flexible Firm Model) Temporary Work Temporary Worker Term Time Working Terms And Conditions Theory X (See Mcgregor) Theory Y (See Mcgregor) Three Hundred And Sixty Degree Appraisal Time-Based Pay Total Reward Trade Union Recognition Trade Unions Training and Development Training Evaluation Training Training Needs Analysis Transferable Skills Transformational Leadership Transnational Collective Agreements TUPE Undocumented Immigrant Worker Unfair Dismissal Union Avoidance: Substitution And Suppression Union Busting Union Density Union Organising Unitarism Universalistic Theory Unofficial Strikes Unsocial Hours Upward Appraisal Upward Problem Solving Variable Pay Varieties of Capitalism Vocational and Education Training Wage-Effort Bargain (See Employment Relationship) Wages Welfare Wellbeing Whisteblowing Work Work Life Balance Work Limitation Work Organisation Workaholism Worker Workforce Intelligence Planning Working Time Workplace Democracy Works Council (See Co-Determination) Written Warning Wrongful Dismissal Young Workers Zero-Hours Contracts

by "Nielsen BookData"

  • NCID
  • ISBN
    • 9781788113267
  • LCCN
  • Country Code
  • Title Language Code
  • Text Language Code
  • Place of Publication
    Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
  • Pages/Volumes
    xxxvi, 516 p.
  • Size
    25 cm
  • Classification
  • Subject Headings
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