A true narrative of som remarkable proceedings concerning the ships Samson, Salvador, and George, and several other prize-ships depending in the High Court of Admiraltie : most humbly presented to the Parlament of the Common-wealth of England, and to the Right Honorable the Council of State by autoritie of Parlament, and to the Honorable the Council of Officers, of his excellencie the Lord General


A true narrative of som remarkable proceedings concerning the ships Samson, Salvador, and George, and several other prize-ships depending in the High Court of Admiraltie : most humbly presented to the Parlament of the Common-wealth of England, and to the Right Honorable the Council of State by autoritie of Parlament, and to the Honorable the Council of Officers, of his excellencie the Lord General

by Tho. Violet

printed in the yeere of our Lord God, 1653


A true narrative of som remarkable-proceedings concerning the ships Samson, Salvadore, and George, and several other prize-ships depending in the Admiralty



With a second title page (A1) beginning "A true narrative of som remarkable-proceedings concerning the ships Samson, Salvadore, and George, and several other prize-ships depending in the Admiralty", and imprint: London, printed in the yeere of our Lord God. 1653

Printer's device on t.p.

References: ESTC R208665
