Matilda, dramas, reviews & essays, prefaces & notes
Bibliographic Information
Matilda, dramas, reviews & essays, prefaces & notes
(The Pickering masters, . { The novels and selected works of Mary Shelley / [Mary Shelley] ; general editor,
Routledge, 2016
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First published 1996 by Pickering & Chatto, published 2016 by Routledge
ISBN for subser. "The novels and selected works of Mary Shelley": 9781851960767
Description and Table of Contents
These eight volumes contain the works of Mary Shelley and include introductions and prefatory notes to each volume. Included in this edition are "Frankenstein" (1818), "Matilda" ((1819), "Valperga" (1823), "The Last Man" (1826), "Perkin Warbeck" (1830) and "Lodore" (1835).
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