The search for a Cold War legitimacy : foreign policy and Tito's Yugoslavia


    • Niebuhr, Robert


The search for a Cold War legitimacy : foreign policy and Tito's Yugoslavia

by Robert Niebuhr

(Balkan studies library, v. 22)

Brill, c2018

  • : hardback

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Includes bibliographical references (p. 227-243) and index


  • Tito's early expansion : a strongman of the Balkans
  • Yugoslavia's ideological shift : from strongman to revisionist
  • Nonalignment : Yugoslavia's foreign policy climax
  • The Tito Doctrine
  • Tito's twilight : a post nonalignment European focus
  • Conclusions : Yugoslavia and the legacy of the Cold War
  • Epilogue : the triumph of fear and loss of legitimacy



Titoist Yugoslavia is a particularly interesting setting to examine the integrity of the modern nation-state, especially the viability of distinctly multi-ethnic nation-building projects. Scholarly literature on the brutal civil wars that destroyed Yugoslavia during the 1990s emphasizes divisive nationalism and dysfunctional politics to explain why the state disintegrated. But the larger question remains unanswered-just how did Tito's state function so successfully for the preceding forty-six years. In an attempt to understand better what united the stable, multi-ethnic, and globally important Yugoslavia that existed before 1991 Robert Niebuhr argues that we should pay special attention to the dynamic and robust foreign policy that helped shape the Cold War.

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