Economic change in Asia : implication for corporate strategy and social responsibility


Economic change in Asia : implication for corporate strategy and social responsibility

edited by M. Bruna Zolin, Bernadette Andreosso-O'Callaghan and Jacques Jaussaud

(Routledge studies in the growth economies of Asia, 132)

Routledge, 2018

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references and index



Written by a number of international experts in the area of Asian economics and business, the book presents the most recent and current macroeconomic outlook in East Asia.


Introduction PART I Global macroeconomic slowdown and East-Asian Economies 1..The lion's share: what's behind China's economic slowdown? 2. On a path towards financialization? The expanding role of finance in China's growth regime 3. Reappraisal of the Environmental Kuznets Curve in East- Asian Developing Countries Falling into Middle-income Traps 4. Economic and social importance of the growing natural fibre market: China's role in the international cotton market PART II Corporate strategy and social responsibility 5. The influence of national characteristics on corporate social, environmental and governance performance 6. Does Corporate Social Responsibility Enhance the International Transfer of Environmental Management? 7. The Status of Financial Accounting Standards for SMEs in Japan and the Philippines 8. Review of Evaluation Methods on Economic Benefits in Relation to Corporations' Environmental Sustainability Activities - A Trial Analysis of Toyota Motor Corporation 9. Cultural Differences Towards Business Ethics - Implications for French and American Investors in Vietnam 10. Synthesis and Conclusions

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