
The world economy through the lens of the United Nations

edited by José Antonio Ocampo, Anis Chowdhury, and Diana Alarcón

(The initiative for policy dialogue series)

Oxford University Press, 2018

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 7



Includes bibliographical references and index



This edited volume documents the intellectual influence of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN-DESA) through its flagship publication, the World Economic and Social Survey (WESS) on its 70th Anniversary. First published in 1948, as World Economic Report, WESS is the oldest continuous post-World War II publication recording and analysing the performance of the global economy and social development trends. It offers relevant policy recommendations and highlights how well the United Nation's (UN) annual report has tracked global economic and social conditions, and how its analyses influenced and were influenced by the prevailing development discourse during the past seven decades. It also critically reflects on its policy recommendations and their influence on actual policy-making and the shaping of the world economy. The World Economy through the Lens of the United Nations reflects on this report, amongst others, to provide valuable insights on global economic challenges and their differential impacts on different groups of countries requiring global policy coordination as well as context specific policy responses. It demonstrates that UN reports have often been ahead of the curve and played a critical role in policy debate, especially in the area of international policy coordination and coherence for balanced global development, and offers rich and path-breaking analyses of contemporary problems of growth, development, trade and stabilization.


Richard Jolly: Preface 1: Anis Chowdhury and Jose Antonio Ocampo: The Global Economy since World War II through the Lens of the United Nations 2: Jose Antonio Ocampo: From reconstruction to the post war boom 3: Samuel Wangwe and Hiroshi Kawamura: The 1960s: High growth, high hope, and looming structural imbalances 4: John Loxley: The 1970s: Shocks, Stagflation and the Second UN Decade of Development 5: Barbara Stallings: The 1980s: Debt Crisis and Development Setbacks 6: Amiya Bagchi: The 1990s: The Fall of the Berlin Wall, Globalization and Crises 7: Jayati Ghosh: The 2000s and beyond: Development issues in a rapidly changing world 8: Rob Vos: The World Economy in 1999-2007: Bubble, Bubble Toil and Trouble 9: John Quiggin: Global Financial Crisis: Analysis of Economic Policy, 2008-2016 10: Anis Chowdhury: The United Nations and Development

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