Medical statistics : an A-Z companion
Medical statistics : an A-Z companion
CRC Press, c2018
2nd ed
- : hbk
- : pbk
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全6件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Includes bibliographical references
This invaluable, jargon-free guide to essential medical terminology in an accessible A-Z format is ideal for medical, allied health and biomedical science students and researchers, clinicians and health care practitioners. Avoiding the complex language that is so often a feature of statistics and research methodology, this text provides clear and succinct explanations, clarifying meaning and showing the interdependencies between important concepts. This edition includes enhanced explanations of statistical concepts and methods-including more illustrative content-for greater accessibility. The book makes frequent use of examples from the medical literature, with reference to landmark studies, ensuring clinical relevance. It remains an ideal aid to accompany the reading and critical appraisal of medical and health care literature, now widely recognized to be a practical lifelong skill required by all health professionals throughout undergraduate and postgraduate studies and during clinical practice.
Preface. Symbols. A-Z Guide. References. Links and Websites. Appendix A: Source Information and Permissions. Index.
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