Handbook of research on nonprofit economics and management



Handbook of research on nonprofit economics and management

edited by Bruce A. Seaman, Dennis R. Young

Edward Elgar Pub., c2018

2nd ed

  • : cased

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 7



Includes bibliographical references and index



Nonprofit organizations are arguably the fastest growing and most dynamic part of modern market economies in democratic countries. This Handbook explores the frontiers of knowledge at the intersection of economics and the management of these entities. Top researchers in the field review the role, structure, and behavior of private, nonprofit organizations as economic units and their participation in markets and systems of public service delivery, assess the implications of this knowledge for the efficient management of nonprofit organizations and the formulation of effective public policy, and identify cutting-edge questions for future research. Building on the success of the first edition, this thoroughly revised and expanded edition explores: (1) areas of general agreement from previous research; (2) areas of conflicting results and unexplored questions; (3) the relative roles of theory, data availability, and empirical analysis in explaining gaps in our knowledge; and (4) what must be done to improve our knowledge and extend the literature. Selected original chapters addressing especially challenging topics include: the value of risk management to nonprofit decision-making; nonprofit wages theory and evidence; the valuation of volunteer labor; property tax exemption for non-profits; when is competition good for the third sector; product diversification and social enterprise; international perspectives; the application of experimental research; and the macroeconomic effects of the nonprofit sector. This book is a valuable resource for academics, but the concerns of nonprofit sector managers and decision-makers are also addressed, making it a useful reference for practitioners as well. Contributors include: S. Alaimo, J. Alm, N. Bania, J. Bergdoll, W. Bowman, E. Brown, T. Calabrese, C.F. Chang, G.L. Chikoto-Schultz, J.J. Cordes, K. Coventry, L. Faulk, M.F. Grace, F. Handy, T.D. Harrison, B.T. Hirsch, P. Hughes, R.A. Irvin, M. Jegers, L. Leete, W. Luksetich, D.A. Macpherson, L. Mook, D.G. Neely, S.M. Oster, A.E. Preston, J. Quarter, P. Rooney, R. Sansing, B.A. Seaman, E. Searing, D.L. Sjoquist, A. Slivinski, R. Steinberg, R. Stoycheva, D. Teles, D.Tinkelman, S. Toepler, E.C. Tortia, H.P. Tuckman, V. Valentinov, D.R. Young


Contents: Foreword: toward a new economics by Lester M. Salamon Introduction: the expanding frontiers of economics and nonprofit management research - revisited Bruce A. Seaman and Dennis R. Young 1. Income diversity and nonprofit financial health Cyril F. Chang, Howard P. Tuckman and Grace L. Chikoto-Schultz 2. Revenue Interactions: crowding out, crowding in, or neither? Daniel Tinkelman and Daniel Gordon Neely 3. Public policies and private foundations: payout rates and the (dreaded) excise tax Patrick Rooney, Richard Sansing and Jon Bergdoll 4. Capital structure Marc Jegers 5. Asset composition Woods Bowman, Thad Calabrese and Elizabeth Searing 6. Competition and collaboration: When are they good for the the nonprofit sector? Teresa D. Harrison and Renee A. Irvin 7. Markets with competition between for-profit and nonprofit firms Eleanor Brown and Alan Slivinski 8. Nonprofit wages: theory and evidence Barry T. Hirsch, David A. Macpherson, and Anne E. Preston 9. Modeling nonprofit behavior Patricia Hughes and William Luksetich 10. Static and dynamic pricing strategies: How unique for nonprofits? Bruce A. Seaman 11. Nonprofits and the value of risk management Martin F. Grace 12. Contracting out Salvatore Alaimo 13. Product diversification and commercial ventures Sharon M. Oster 14. Internal organization and governance Ermanno C. Tortia and Vladislav Valentinov 15. Franchises and federations: the economics of multi-site nonprofit organizations Dennis R. Young and Lewis Faulk 16. The valuation of volunteer labor Neil Bania and Laura Leete 17. Assessing nonprofit performance Joseph J. Cordes and Katherine Coventry 18. Social accounting for value creation in nonprofits Laurie Mook and Femida Handy 19. State and federal tax policy toward nonprofit organizations: James Alm and Daniel Teles 20. The property tax exemption for nonprofits David L. Sjoquist and Rayna Stoycheva 21. Government funding policies Stefan Toepler 22. The social economy: an international comparison Jack Quarter and Laurie Mook 23. Nonprofit organizations and the macroeconomy Richard Steinberg Index

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