Behavioral strategy in perspective
Behavioral strategy in perspective
(Advances in strategic management : a research annual / editor, Robert Lamb, v. 39)
Emerald, 2018
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全22件
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Includes bibliographical references and index
Behavioral strategy has evolved as a field the last decades both intellectually and institutionally. This volume brings together scholars from several generations that have led and
defined the behavioral approaches in strategy to reflect on the past, present,
and future of behavioral strategy. Thus, rather than seeking empirical
contributions that would fill in research gaps and expand research in specific
domains, we endeavored to: a) represent the diversity of perspectives that
inform behavioral research in strategic management; b) open up a space for
reflection and provocation by scholars who are widely recognized as thought
leaders both in their respective strands of behavioral strategy research, and
in the field as a whole; and c) offer a set of perspectives and directions for
the field of behavioral strategy at a pivotal moment in its evolution.
- Introduction: Behavioral Strategy: A Quick Account
- Mie Augier, Christina Fang and Violina RindovaI. The Field of Behavioral Strategy and Its Evolution Some Thoughts on the Development of Disciplines, with Particular Attention to Behavioral Strategy
- James G. March A Strategy for Behavioral Strategy: Appraisal of Small, Midsize, and Large Tent Conceptions of This Embryonic Community
- Donald C. Hambrick and Craig Crossland Decoupling and Intergroup Dynamics in Behavioral Strategy, and a More Integrative Alternative
- James D. Westphal A Behavioral (Simonian) Perspective on (Behavioral) Strategic Management Research
- Mie Augier and Nicholas Dew II. Perspectives on Behavioral Strategy and Strategizing From Strategy to Strategic Organization
- Daniel A. Levinthal The Organizational Foundations of Behavioral Strategy
- Phanish Puranam Where to Search
- Henrich R. Greve Organizational Sensing and the Occasions for Strategizing
- Sidney G. Winter Hierarchical Sensing and Strategic Decision Making
- Elad Green and Zur Shapira Bounded Rationality, Heuristics, Computational Complexity and Artificial Intelligence
- Richard A. Bettis and Songcui Hu Romantics, Mercenaries and Behavioral Rationality
- Thomas C. Powell The Three Minds of the Strategist: Toward an Agentic Perspective on Behavioral Strategy
- Violina P. Rindova and Luis L. Martins Praxis, Character and Competence: From a Behavioral to a Communitarian View of the Firm
- Haridimos Tsoukas III. Behavioral Strategy in Action Behavioral Strategy and Strategy Prescription
- Philip Bromiley and Devaki Rau Behavioral Strategy: An Alternative Account of Superior Profitability? Christina Fang and Chengwei Liu Behavior in Behavioral Strategy: Capturing, Measuring, Analyzing
- Charlotte Reypens and Sheen S. Levine Teaching Strategists to Take Advantage of What Happens
- William Starbuck Epilogue Confessions of a Behavioral Strategist! Edward J. Zajac
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