Back-in-time and faster-than-light travel in general relativity


    • Krasnikov, Serguei


Back-in-time and faster-than-light travel in general relativity

Serguei Krasnikov

(Fundamental theories of physics, v. 193)

Springer, c2018

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Includes bibliographical references and index



For the past 20 years causality violations and superluminal motion have been the object of intensive study as physical and geometrical phenomena. This book compiles the results of its author and also reviews other work in the field. In particular, the following popular questions are addressed: Is causality protected by quantum divergence at the relevant Cauchy horizon? How much "exotic matter" would it take to create a time machine or a warp drive? What is the difference between a "discovered" time machine and a created one? Why does a time traveler fail to kill their grandfather? How should we define the speed of gravity and what is its magnitude?


I Classical Treatment: Geometrical Introduction.- Physical Predilections.- Shortcuts.- Time Machines.- No-Go Theorem.- Time Travel Paradoxes.- II Semiclassical Effects: Quantum Corrections.- Quantum Restrictions.- Primordial Wormhole.- At and Beyond the Horizon.- Details.

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