
The academic pilgrimage to sustainable social development

edited by the Rissho University International Journal Committee

(The Rissho international journal of academic research in culture and society, 1)

Rissho University , Heibonsha [distributor], 2018

2nd ed


Includes bibliographical references



  • The Legacy of Tanzan Ishibashi:The Books Formerly Kept by Ekai Kawaguchi Preserved at Rissho University
  • Tanzan Ishibashi—Portrait of a Journalist,Economist and Statesman
  • Understanding the Keynesian Economics of Tanzan Ishibashi
  • Social Common Capital,Congestion Tax and Non‐tradable Goods in a Small Open Economy
  • The Yaksa Cult in Mathura during the Saka‐Kushan Period
  • The Historical Context of Nichiren’s Teaching of“Chanting Daimoku”
  • Petrogenesis of Plutonic Rocks in the Ryukyu Arc,Japan
  • The Development of Rock‐Cut Tombs in the Japanese Archipelago
  • Issues with Jurisdiction and Discretion in the Kosovo Advisory Opinion
  • Precious Coral Fishery in Japanese History since World War 2:Issues and Visions for Sustainable Use of Resources〔ほか〕

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