Single-session therapy (SST) : 100 key points and techniques


Single-session therapy (SST) : 100 key points and techniques

Windy Dryden

Routledge, 2019

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Even in one session a therapist can make a difference. Single Session Therapy: 100 Key Points and Techniques presents the 100 main features of this way of working, providing an accessible, succinct overview of this way of working, based on the author's extensive work demonstrating the effectiveness of SST. Divided into 9 sections, guiding you through every aspect of the therapy, the book covers topic such as: The goals of SST Characteristics of 'good' SST clients Responding effectively to the client's very first contact Creating and maintaining a working focus Making an emotional impact Both concise and practical, Single Session Therapy: 100 Key Points and Techniques will be invaluable to psychotherapists and counsellors in training and practice.


Contents Preface Part 1: The Nature and Foundations of SST What is SST? The development of SST What SST is not Even a brief encounter can be therapeutic The expandable nature of therapy length The modal number of therapy sessions internationally is 'one', and the majority of people who attend for one session are satisfied It is difficult to predict, with accuracy, how many therapy sessions a client will attend What is a 'drop-out'? Intermittent therapy through the life cycle Sooner is better and less is more Human beings can help themselves quickly under specific circumstances The choice of SST is the client's, but sometimes such choice may be limited Three key themes: Mindset, time and client empowerment An SST-informed attitude to clinical work The diverse nature of SST The goals of SST SST challenges established beliefs about therapy and change The length of SST Different approaches to SST Part 2: The Assumptions of SST Client-centred and client-driven Reciprocity in openness and feedback Future-oriented, but present and past sensitive Readiness Strengths-based Resources-based Complex problems do not always require complex solutions A journey begins with the first few steps Part 3: Facilitative Conditions for SST Intentionality Expect change Clarity Effective session structure Effective goal-setting The therapist's use of expertise rather than being the expert Helpful attitudes for SST therapists Characteristics of 'good' SST therapists SST: The do's SST: The don'ts A conducive environment for SST The pluralistic nature of SST Characteristics of 'good' SST clients Part 4: Criteria for SST The client criteria question Therapist indications and contra-indications for SST Service indications and contra-indications for SST Part 5: Getting SST Off on the Right Foot Respond effectively to the person's very first contact Prepare for the face-to-face session: I. Getting relevant information Prepare for the face-to-face session: II. Tipping the balance towards change Prepare for the face-to-face session III. How do you think I can best help you? Suggest possible tasks between the pre-session contact and the session Consider sending an email summary Realise that the pre-session contact may be sufficient Part 6: Getting the Most from the Session Agree or review parameters Be mindful of the working alliance in SST Begin the session: I. Focus on tasks and activities carried out by the client between the pre-session contact and the face-to-face Begin the session: II. When there has been no prior contact between therapist and client Focus on a problem that can be solved, not one that can't be solved Create and maintain a working focus Help clients deal with adversity, if possible Negotiate a goal Understand how clients unwittingly maintain their problems and use this understanding to help them solve these problems What to change: I. Individual-focused change What to change: II. Environment-focused change Focus on and use pivot chords Agree markers for change Notice and encourage change Focus on the second response not the first Look for exceptions Look for instances of the goal already happening Encourage the client to do more of what works or might work and less of what doesn't work Make an emotional impact Utilise the client's strengths and resources Utilise the client's role model Utilise topophilia in SST The use of stories and parables Use humour Use paradox Use the friend technique The use of chairwork in SST Convert meaning into a useful and memorable phrase Educate when clients appear to lack information or have faulty information. Agree on the solution Encourage the client to practise the solution in the session Summarise the process Take-homes End the session After the session: Reflection, the recording and the transcript Follow-up Example of an SST structure: AUB Part 7: Walk-in Therapy Two pathways to help The nature of walk-in therapy The case for walk-in therapy Foster an alliance with the service rather than with a specific therapist How walk-in services are advertised A guideline for walk-in session structure influenced by brief narrative therapy Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about walk-in therapy Part 8: Other Forms of SST Clinical demonstrations Filmed training tapes Second opinions Part 9: SST: Personal Contributions and Learning 98. 'Single Session Integrated Cognitive Behaviour Therapy' (SSI-CBT) 99. 'Very Brief Therapeutic Conversations' (VBTCs) 100. Personal lessons learned from practising SST Epilogue: The Future of SST - Interviews with Key Figures

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