Arts-based methods in education around the world

    • Chemi, Tatiana
    • Du, Xiangyun

Arts-based methods in education around the world

editors, Tatiana Chemi, Xiangyun Du

(River Publishers series in innovation and change in education -cross- cultural perspective)

River, c2017

  • : hardback


Includes bibliographical references and index



Arts-Based Methods in Education Around the World aims to investigate arts-based encounters in educational settings in response to a global need for studies that connect the cultural, inter-cultural, cross-cultural, and global elements of arts-based methods in education. In this extraordinary collection, contributions are collected from experts all over the world and involve a multiplicity of arts genres and traditions. These contributions bring together diverse cultural and educational perspectives and include a large variety of artistic genres and research methodologies. The topics covered in the book range from policies to pedagogies, from social impact to philosophical conceptualisations. They are informative on specific topics, but also offer a clear monitoring of the ways in which the general attention to the arts in education evolves through time.


* Arts-based Methods in Education - A Global Perspective * Artistry in teaching, A choreographic approach to studying the performative dimensions of teaching * New and different: student participation in artist-school partnerships * Designing activities for teaching music improvisation in preschools - evaluating outcomes and tools * Revisiting Japanese multimodal drama performance as child-centred performance ethnography: picture-mediated reflection on 'Kamishibai' as bodily drama play experience * Relationships of knowing, doing, and being The Accordion Book Project: Reflections on Learning and Teaching * Practice-based reflections of enabling agency through arts-based methodological ir/responsibility * How can inspiration be encouraged in art learning? * What are the Enabling and What are the Constraining Aspects of the Subject of Drama in Icelandic Compulsory Education? * The Art of Co-creating Arts-based Possibility Spaces for Fostering STE(A)M Practices in Primary Education

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