Cognitive and social neuroscience of aging


    • Gutchess, Angela


Cognitive and social neuroscience of aging

Angela Gutchess

(Cambridge fundamentals of neuroscience in psychology)

Cambridge University Press, 2019

  • : paperback

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Includes bibliographical references and index



Cognitive and Social Neuroscience of Aging is an introduction to how aging affects the brain, intended for audiences with some knowledge of psychology, aging, or neuroscience. The book includes figures illustrating brain regions so that extensive familiarity with neuroanatomy is not a pre-requisite. The depth of coverage also makes this book appropriate for those with considerable knowledge about aging. This book adopts an integrative perspective, including topics such as memory, cognition, cognitive training, emotion, and social processes. Topics include consideration of individual differences and the impact of disorders (e.g. Alzheimer's disease) on brain function with age. Although many declines occur with age, cognitive neuroscience research reveals plasticity and adaptation in the brain as a function of normal aging. This book is written with this perspective in mind, emphasizing the ways in which neuroscience methods have enriched and changed thinking about aging.


  • 1. Introduction to the cognitive neuroscience of aging
  • 2. Brain mechanisms of aging
  • 3. Cognition and aging
  • 4. Memory and aging
  • 5. Emotion and aging
  • 6. Social cognition and aging
  • 7. Alzheimer's disease and age-related disorders
  • 8. Current and future directions.

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