Listening to early modern Catholicism : perspectives from musicology


Listening to early modern Catholicism : perspectives from musicology

edited by Daniele V. Filippi, Michael Noone

(Intersections : yearbook for early modern studies, v. 49)

Brill, c2017

  • : hardback

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Includes bibliographical references and index



How did Catholicism sound in the early modern period? What kinds of sonic cultures developed within the diverse and dynamic matrix of early modern Catholicism? And what do we learn about early modern Catholicism by attending to its sonic manifestations? Editors Daniele V. Filippi and Michael Noone have brought together a variety of studies - ranging from processional culture in Bavaria to Roman confraternities, and catechetical praxis in popular missions - that share an emphasis on the many and varied modalities and meanings of sonic experience in early modern Catholic life. Audio samples illustrating selected chapters are available at the following address: Contributors are: Egberto Bermudez, Jane A. Bernstein, Xavier Bisaro, Andrew Cichy, Daniele V. Filippi, Alexander J. Fisher, Marco Gozzi, Robert L. Kendrick, Tess Knighton, Ignazio Macchiarella, Margaret Murata, John W. O'Malley, S.J., Noel O'Regan, Anne Piejus, and Colleen Reardon.


Notes on the Editors Notes on the Contributors List of Figures and Examples Editors' Note Introduction Daniele V. Filippi and Michael Noone Part 1: The State of Research 1 Early Modern Catholicism: The State of Research John W. O'Malley 2 Music Among the Disciplines in Early Modern Catholicism Robert L. Kendrick Part 2: Perspectives 3 Liturgical Music and Liturgical Experience in Early Modern Italy Marco Gozzi 4 Musical Dispatches from the Heavenly Jerusalem Colleen Reardon 5 Singing the Community: Plainchant in Early Modern 'petites ecoles' Xavier Bisaro 6 Print Culture, Music, and Early Modern Catholicism in Rome Jane A. Bernstein 7 'Catechismum modulans docebat': Teaching the Doctrine Through Singing in Early Modern Catholicism Daniele V. Filippi 8 Artistic Revival and Conquest of the Soul in Early Modern Rome Anne Piejus 9 'Changing their tune': Sacred Music and the Recasting of English Post-Reformation Identity at St. Alban's College, Valladolid Andrew Cichy 10 'Mit singen und klingen': Urban Processional Culture and the Soundscapes of Post-Reformation Germany Alexander J. Fisher 11 'Colpe mie venite a piangere': The Penitential Cantata in Baroque Rome Margaret Murata 12 Music for the Soul: Death and Piety in Sixteenth-Century Barcelona Tess Knighton 13 'Per cagion della musica tutte le strade erano piene': Roles Played by Music in Articulating the Place of Confraternities in Early Modern Roman Society Noel O'Regan 14 Confraternity Multipart Singing: Contemporary Practice and Hypothetical Scenarios for the Early Modern Era Ignazio Macchiarella 15 Sounds from Fortresses of Faith and Ideal Cities: Society, Politics, and Music in Missionary Activities in the Americas, 1525-1575 Egberto Bermudez Index Nominum

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