The Oxford history of Western music

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The Oxford history of Western music

Richard Taruskin, Christopher H. Gibbs

Oxford University Press, c2019

College ed, 2nd ed

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Includes bibliographical references and index

Description and Table of Contents


The Oxford History of Western Music, College Edition, Second Edition, immerses students in the engaging story of the Western musical tradition. By emphasizing the connections among works, both within each cultural era and across time and place, the text goes beyond a basic retelling of the music's history to build students' ability to listen critically to key works. A full suite of instructor resources, a free open-access student Companion Website, a three-volume score anthology, and streaming audio recordings support the text, making The Oxford History of Western Music, College Edition, Second Edition, a complete program for building students' understanding and appreciation of the classical canon.

Table of Contents

Introduction: Reading Music Part I Ancient and Medieval Music Chapter 1: Music from Antiquity to Gregorian Chant: C. 1200 BCE-750 CE Music in the Bible and Ancient Greece Ancient Greek Theories of Music Music of the Early Christian Church The Legend of Pope Gregory I The Development of the Liturgy: The Offices The Order of the Mass Writing It Down: Neumes Guido of Arezzo Church Modes Psalmody in Practice: The Office and the Mass The Structure of the Mass Frankish Additions to the Chant Repertory Hildegard of Bingen Other New Frankish Musical Forms Hymns Tropes Liturgical Dramas Marian Antiphons Notated Music and the Persistence of Oral Traditions Summary Study Questions Key Terms Chapter 2: Secular and Cathedral Music in the Middle Ages: c.1100-1300 Troubadours Performance and Oral Culture Music for the Elites versus Music for the People The Trouveres in Northern France Adam de la Halle and the Formes Fixes The Geographic Spread of the Troubadour and Trouvere Traditions Musical Instruments in the Middle Ages Polyphony: Music for More Than one Voice Organum and Its Modifications Organum and Discant Polyphony in Aquitanian Monastic Centers Music in Parisian Cathedrals and Universities Notre Dame Polyphony Metrical Music Organum and Conductus with Three and Four Voices The Motet: Music for an Intellectual and Political Elite "Franconian" or Mensural Notation The Late Thirteenth-Century Motet Summary Study Questions Key Terms Chapter 3: The Ars Nova: Musical Developments in the Fourteenth Century Ars Nova Notation The Roman de Fauvel Isorhythmic Technique Guilluame de Machaut: Poet and Musician Machaut and the Art of Courtly Song Machaut and the Isorhythmic Motet Musica Ficta Machaut's Virelais Machaut's Messe de Nostre Dame A New Complexity: Ars Subtilior Trecento Vernacular Music in Italy Two "Wild Bird" Madrigals by Jacopo da Bologna Francesca Landini and the Ballata Culture The Crowning Era of the Ars Nova Motet Guillaume Du Fay's Nuper rosarum flores The Problem with Musical Periods Summary Study Questions Key Terms Part II The Renaissance Chapter 4: Music in Europe: Towards an International Style, 1300-1500 The Influence of English Music Surviving English Manuscripts The English Kings and the Hundred Years War The Influence of John Dunstable on French Music Guillaume Du Fay and Fauxbourdon Technique Du Fay and Binchois The Spread of Music for the Elite The Cyclic Mass in the Renaissance The Growth of Four-part Harmony The "Caput" Mass The Man at Arms The Importance of "Pervading Imitation" High, Middle, and Low Musical Styles High Church Music in England Moltetti Missales in Milan Secular Love Songs Instrumental Music Summary Study Questions Key Terms Chapter 5: Church Polyphony in the Late Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries: c. 1475-1600 The Legendary Josquin des Prez Changes in Music Theory Josquin's Career A Model Masterpiece: Josquin's Ave Maria Josquin's Influence of Other Composers The "Perfect Art" of the Renaissance Adrian Willaert and the Post-Josquin Generation The New Instrumental Music Jacques Buus Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina Palestrina Continues the Tradition Palestrina's Missa Papae Marcelli and the Council of Trent Palestrina's Style Palestrina's Textbook Counterpoint William Byrd in England Music under Elizabeth I Byrd's Music of Religious Defiance Why Musical Styles Changed Summary Study Questions Key Terms Chapter 6: Religious and Secular Music of the Sixteenth Century The Protestant Reformation Music in the Lutheran Church Singing Together: The Lutheran Chorale The Catholic Response: The Counter-Reformation Grand Polychoral and "Concerted" Music Andrea Gabrielli and the Art of Orchestration Vernacular Music in the Sixteenth Century Vernacular Song in Italy The "Parisian" Chanson Orlando di Lasso: Cosmopolitan Composer The Literary Revolution: Music's Relation to Words The Return of the Madrigal Late Italian Madrigalists Claudio Monteverdi Carlo Gesualdo Music for the Eyes The English Madrigal The Three W's: Ward, Wilbye, and Weelkes Summary Study Questions Key Terms Part III The Baroque Era Chapter 7: Humanism and the Birth of Opera: 1570-1640 The Baroque Era Humanism and the Greek Past Monody and the Representational Style The Intermedio: An Allegorical Pageant with Music The Triumph of Monody Madrigals and Arias Revisited The Birth of Opera Establishing Operatic Conventions: "Heard" and "Unheard" Music Monteverdi's Operas: From Court Celebrations to Commericial Entertainments L'Orfeo Monteverdi's Later Career in Venice Opera and Politics Monteverdi's Final Opera: L'incoronazione di Poppea Monteverdi's Operas: From Court Celebrations to Commercial Entertainments Summary Study Questions Key Terms Chapter 8: Music in Italy, Germany, France, and England: 1600-1740 The Rise of Instrumental Music Master Organists: Frescobaldi and Sweelinck The Chorale Partita and Chorale Concerto Germany, the Thirty Years War, and Heinrich Schutz Schutz Returns to a Germany at War Italian Oratorio and Cantata Barbara Strozzi: Performer and Composer French Opera: Tragedie lyrique Drama as Court Ritual: Lully's Atys Jean-Philippe Rameau The Keyboard "Portraits" of Francois Couperin English Music: Masques and Consort Music Purcell's Dido and Aeneas Summary Study Questions Key Terms Chapter 9: Italian Opera Seria and the Concerto Style: 1650-1750 Opera Seria Reforming Opera Metastasio and the Role of the Librettist The Power of the Opera Singers Corelli and the Development of the Concerto Antonio Vivaldi Music Imitating Nature: Vivaldi's The Four Seasons Summary Study Questions Key Terms Chapter 10: Class of 1685: Bach and Handel Bach and Handel's Changing Reputations Bach's Life and Career Bach's Instrumental Music The Chorale Prelude The Fugue The Well-tempered Clavier The Baroque Dance Suite:From France to Germany The Brandenburg Concertos: Stylistic Hybrids Bach's Vocal Works Cantatas Passions Handel's Life and Career Handel's Music Instrumental Music Operas Oratorios Messiah Handel's "Borrowing" Summary Study Questions Key Terms Part IV The Classical Era Chapter 11: The Mid-Eighteenth Century: From Bach's Sons to the Comic Style Forefather of the New Style: Domenico Scarlatti Bach's Sons The Music of Wilhelm Friedmann Bach C. P. E. Bach's Expressive Music The London Bach: Johann Christian Intermission Plays Pergolesi's La Serva Padrona The "War of the Buffoons": Giovanni Battista Pergolesi Operatic Innovations The Reform Operas of Gluck Music and Culture in the Enlightenment Summary Study Questions Key Terms Chapter 12: Concert Life Lifts Off, 1725-1810: Franz Joseph Haydn The Birth of the Symphony Modern Concert Life Is Born The Mannheim Orchestra: "An Army of Generals" Franz Joseph Haydn Haydn's Early Life and Career Haydn's Years with the Esterhazy Family Haydn's Symphony No. 45: The "Farewell" Symphony Haydn's String Quartets and Concertos The Symphony Composer in London Sonata Form Haydn's Symphony No. 104, "London" Haydn's Final Years Summary Study Questions Key Terms Chapter 13: The Composer's Voice: Mozart (1756-1791) Mozart's Early Operas Musical Portraits in Opera The "Da Ponte" Operas Mozart's Two Last Operas Mozart's Symphonies The "Symphonic" Concerto Is Born The Piano Concerto in G Major, K. 453 Domestic Genres Sacred Music and the Requiem Mozart and the Emergence of Romanticism The "Beautiful" and the "Sublime" Summary Study Questions Key Terms Part V Romanticism Chapter 14: Beethoven (1770-1827) The Religion of Art Early Life and Works Early Life The Move to Vienna Personal Disaster: The Loss of Hearing The Middle Period The Mighty Eroica Symphony Beethoven's Opera Fidelio The Fifth Symphony and Fate "More Expression of Feeling than Tone Painting": The Pastoral Symphony Concert Life in Beethoven's Vienna Rising Fame and Decreasing Productivity Late Beethoven The Ninth Symphony Inwardness: The Late String Quartets Summary Study Questions Key Terms Chapter 15: Opera in the Age of Rossini, Bellini, Donizetti, and Weber: 1810-1850 The Popularity of Rossini Rossinian Conventions: The Overture Imbroglio: The Comic Finale The Serious Aria Vincenzo Bellini and Bel Canto Gaetano Donizetti German Romantic Opera: Carl Maria von Weber's Der Freichutz Nationalism Folk Song, Folklore, and Folk Tales Summary Study Questions Key Terms Chapter 16: Schubert's Private Art: 1797-1828 Schubert: A Life in Art Schubert's Health Crisis What Contemporaries Knew of Schubert's Music The Elevation of the Lied Lyric and Ballad: Goethe's "Heideroeslein" and "Der Erlkoenig" Schubert's Settings of Goethe Schubert's Piano Character Pieces Schubert's Later Works The "Unfinished" Symphony Following Beethoven Schubert's Last Songs Summary Study Questions Key Terms Chapter 17: Romantic Spectacles: From Virtuosos to Grand Opera: 1800-1850 The Devil's Violinist: Niccolo Paganini Paganini's Caprices "The Paganini of the Piano": Franz Liszt Transforming Music through Arrangements The Lisztian Concert Spectacle on the Stage: French Grand Opera Daniel-Francois-Esprit Auber's La muette de Portici Giacomo Meyerbeer Meyerbeer's Contested Reputation Summary Study Questions Key Terms Chapter 18: Music and Literature: Berlioz, Mendelssohn, and Schumann, 1830-1850 Hector Berlioz Berlioz's Fantastic First Symphony The Orchestration of the Fantastique Tracing the Idee Fixe through the Fantastique The Initial Reception of the Symphonie fantastique The Prodigious Mendelssohn The Concert Overture Mendelssohn's Paulus and Civic Nationalism Nationalism Takes a Racial Turn Schumann and Literature The Influence of Literature on Schumann's Music Schumann's "Year of Song" Schumann's Last Years Genius Restrained: Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel and Clara Wieck Schumann Summary Study Questions Key Terms Chapter 19: "Outsiders" in the Romantic Tradition: Chopin, Gottschalk, and Glinka, 1820-1860 The Genius of Chopin Chopin's Career: From Warsaw to Paris The Pinnacle of Salon Music The Chopinesque Miniature Chopin's Mazurkas and Ballades An American Virtuoso: Louis Moreau Gottschalk Russia: The Newcomer National Markings and Folk Tunes Mikhail Glinka An Education in Italy and Germany Glinka's A Life for the Tsar Summary Study Questions Key Terms Chapter 20: Musical Politics in the Mid-19th Century Franz Brendel and the Dialectic of History The New German School Liszt's Symphonic Poems Liszt's Les Preludes The Meaning of Les Preludes "The Music of the Future" Eduard Hanslick and Absolute Music The Concerto Transformed Concertos by Mendelssohn, Schumann, Liszt, and Berlioz Summary Study Questions Key Terms Chapter 21: Richard Wagner and Giuseppe Verdi: Class of 1813 Art and Revolution: Wagner's Early Career A Union of the Arts From Theory into Practice: The Ring of the Nibelung Wagnerian Leitmotifs Wagner's Theories on Words, Orchestra, and Theater The Ultimate Experience: Tristan und Isolde The Love Duet and "Liebestod" in Tristan and Isolde Troubling Parallels between Wagner's Life and Art Wagner's Final Opera: Parsifal Verdi: Upholding the Italian Tradition Early Verdi: The "Galley" Years Stirrings of Revolution: The Struggle for a Unified Italy Tragicomedy in the Shakespearean Manner A Trio of Masterpieces Il trovatore and La traviata Rigoletto: Opera as Modern Drama Verdi in Retirement Verdi's Last Opera: Falstaff Summary Study Questions Key Terms Chapter 22: Music in Eastern Europe and Russia: 1825-1895 Bedrich Smetana: Czech Composer Early Life and Work Travels Abroad Return to Prague Smetana's Ma vlast and His Later Operas Russian Musical Nationalism A New Russian Music Modest Musorgsky's Realism Boris Godunov and Russian History The Coronation Scene Revising Boris Godunov Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky Tchaikovsky and 19th Century Russian Symphonies Fate in Music: Tchaikovsky's Fourth Symphony Tchaikovsky's Life versus His Art Summary Study Questions Key Terms Chapter 23: The Revival of the Symphony: 1875-1900 New Halls and New Orchestras The Development of the Classical Canon "New Paths": Johannes Brahms Brahms's Symphonic Attempts Brahms's Chamber Music and "Developing Variation" Brahms's Choral Works Brahms's First Symphony The Symphony as Sacrament: Anton Bruckner The Czech Master: Antonin Dvorak Dvorak in America The "Boston School" Symphonies in France Summary Study Questions Key Terms Chapter 24: Opera of the Later 19th Century: 1850-1900 Stereotyping the Other: "Orientalism" Bizet's Carmen Russian Orientalism Opera Lyrique Operetta Jacques Offenbach and French Operetta Johann Strauss II: The Waltz King and Viennese Operetta England's Gilbert and Sullivan Verismo The Classic vs. the Popular: The Operas of Giacomo Puccini Summary Study Questions Key Terms Part VI The Twentieth Century to Today Chapter 25: Early Modernism in Vienna: Mahler, Strauss, and Schoenberg (1890-1918) The Birth of Modernism Vienna at the Turn of the Century Maximalism Gustav Mahler: Conductor and Composer Mahler's Lieder From Symphonic Poem to First Symphony Moving Beyond Program Music Mahler's Middle Period Mahler's Late Works Richard Strauss: Radical Modernist Maximalizing Opera: Strauss's Salome Arnold Schoenberg: The Next Generation A New Synthesis of Wagner and Brahms Schoenberg's Expressionism The "Emancipation of Dissonance" The Monodrama Erwartung At the Opposite Extreme: Schoenberg's Atonal Miniatures Schoenberg's Pierrot lunaire Summary Study Questions Key Terms Chapter 26: Modernism in France: 1870-1930 Erik Satie: Escaping the Shadow of Wagner Claude Debussy: Searching for a New Harmonic Freedom Early Years Impressionism and Symbolism Pelleas et Melisande "Essentially French": Gabriel Faure and Maurice Ravel Maurice Ravel New Possibilities for Women The Rebirth of Ballet Stravinsky's The Firebird and Petrushka The Rite of Spring Scandalized Reactions to The Rite of Spring Summary Study Questions Key Terms Chapter 27: Nationalism in Music: 1890-1930 Finland's Jean Sibelius England: Elgar and Vaughan Williams The Allure of Spain: Manual de Falla Folk and Modernist Synthesis: Bela Bartok Adopting Folk Traditions to Modern Music Modernism in Eastern Europe: Karol Szymanowski and George Enescu The Oldest Modernist: Leos Janac ek Speech Melodies Alexander Scriabin: From Expression to Revelation Scriabin's Mysterium Charles Ives: American Modernist Reactions to Ives's Music The Concord Sonata Nostalgia in Ives's Music: Three Places in New England The Nationalists' Legacy Summary Study Questions Key Terms Chapter 28: Neoclassicism and Twelve-Tone Music: 1915-1950 The First World War and Its Impact on the Arts Neoclassicism Igor Stravinsky's Neoclassical Path The Music of Stravinsky's Octet Arnold Schoenberg's Twelve-Tone Revolution The Road to Twelve-Tone Music The Rules of Twelve-Tone Music Alban Berg's Twelve-Tone Romanticism Anton Webern's Structural Rigor Summary Study Questions Key Terms Chapter 29: Music Between the Wars: 1920-1940 Popular Music and Classical Composers: Ragtime, Blues, and Jazz Jazz's Impact on French Music In Search of "Real" American Music Aaron Copland in Paris George Gershwin and Popular Music Duke Ellington Surrealism in Music Satie's Parade Further Forays in French Surrealism: Les Six American Surrealism Music in Germany Between the Wars Alban Berg's Wozzeck Music for Political Action From Vienna to Hollywood: Operatic Techniques in Film Scores Summary Study Questions Key Terms Chapter 30: Music and Totalitarianism in the Soviet Union, Italy, and Germany 1920-1945 Totalitarianism and Music The Rise of the Soviet Union Music in the Soviet Union The Rise of Socialist Realism Dmitry Shostakovich's Troubled Life and Career Shostakovich's Fifth Symphony: Capitulation or Hidden Critique? Shostakovich's Later Works Sergey Prokofiev's Return to His Homeland Italian Fascism Arturo Toscanini and Music Making in the New Italy Music in Nazi Germany The Flight to Freedom Carl Orff and Youth Culture Shades of Gray: Hartmann, Webern, and Strauss Summary Study Questions Key Terms Chapter 31: Music and Politics in America and Its Allies: 1930-1950 Ultra-modern Composers Edgard Varese Splitting the Semitone: Microtonal Music New Sounds, New Instruments, New Tunings The American Left and Music Aaron Copland's"American" Music Carlos Chavez and Silvestre Revueltas in Mexico American Patriotic Works The Great American Symphony Accessible Listening: Samuel Barber and Sergey Rachmaninoff Opera in Midcentury Benjamin Britten A Modern Antihero: Britten's Peter Grimes Britten on "The Composer's Duty" Olivier Messiaen: "The Charm of Impossibilities" Messiaen's Quartet for the End of Time Faith, Nature, Color, and Rhythm Summary Study Questions Key Terms Chapter 32: Music in the Aftermath of World War II: 1945-1970 The Aftermath of World War II The Revival of Serialism Toward Total Serialism: Olivier Messiaen's Mode de valeurs et d'intensites The Darmstadt School Conversions to Serialism American Academic Music Indeterminacy: John Cage and the "New York School" Music for Prepared Piano Silence "Permission": Cage's Influence Morton Feldman: Preserving the Avant-garde Electronics: An Old Dream Comes True Musique Concrete versus Elektronische Musik The New Technology Spreads Electronics and Live Music Music in History: Elliott Carter and Milton Babbitt "Who Cares if You Listen?" Summary Study Questions Key Terms Chapter 33: Change in the Sixties and Seventies: Rock, Minimalism, and The Mixing of Art and Popular Music The Revolutionary Sixties The Music of Youth: Rock 'n' Roll The British Invasion: The Beatles The Influence of Rock The Rise of Minimalism La Monte Young Terry Riley's In C "Classical" Minimalism: Steve Reich Phase Music Music for 18 Musicians Philip Glass Einstein on the Beach The Impact of Minimalism The Spiritual Minimalists Summary Study Questions Key Terms Chapter 34 "Many Streams": Millennium's End, 1970-Present Competing Visions for Music A New Diversity Postmodernism Collage and Pastiche: Luciano Berio and George Rochberg Pastiche Across Time and Space: George Crumb and Frederic Rzewski The Neo-Romantics American Neo-Romantics European Neo-Romantics The Avant-Garde Continues The Digital Revolution Performance Art The Death of Classical Music and the Revival of Opera John Adams and Nixon in China A New Spirituality Summary Study Questions Key Terms Notes Glossary Further Reading Index

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  • NCID
  • ISBN
    • 9780190600228
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  • Place of Publication
    New York
  • Pages/Volumes
    xxviii, 874, 3, 14, 17, 11, 41 p.
  • Size
    26 cm
  • Classification
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