Israel's path to Europe : the negotiations for a preferential agreement, 1957-1975


    • Heimann, Gadi
    • Herman, Lior


Israel's path to Europe : the negotiations for a preferential agreement, 1957-1975

Gadi Heimann and Lior Herman

(Routledge studies in modern European history)

Routledge, 2019

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Includes bibliographical references and index



Relations between the new state of Israel and the European Union in the first twenty years of the Community's existence were a major policy issue given the background of the Holocaust and the way the new nation was established. This book focuses on Israel-European Community relations from 1957 to 1975 - from the signing of the Treaty of Rome (1957), which officially established the Common Market, to the conclusion of Israel's Free Trade Agreement with the Community. It reveals a new and key facet of Israeli diplomacy during the country's infancy, joining the many studies concerning Israel's relations with the United States, France, Germany and Britain.


Introduction Chapter 1: The Path to Economic Integration Chapter 2: The Israeli Economy Confronts the Common Market Challenge Chapter 3: Pursuing a Range of Options Chapter 4: A Covert Understanding between the Council and Israel Chapter 5: The End of the Dream of Association Chapter 6: The Decision to Begin Negotiations on a Trade Agreement Chapter 7: The Low Ebb of Israel-EEC Negotiations Chapter 8: A Non-Preferential Trade Agreement Chapter 9: Israel's Return to Association Chapter 10: A Preferential Agreement Conclusions

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