Collected papers


Collected papers

Alfred Tarski

Birkhäuser, c2019

  • v. 1.
  • v. 2.
  • v. 3.
  • v. 4.


English, French, German, and Polish

"Bibliography of Alfred Tarski"--v. 4, p. 729-757

Vol. 1:1921-1934. Vol. 2:1935-1944. Vol. 3:1945-1957. Vol. 4:1958-1979


v. 1. ISBN 9783319953656


Alfred Tarski was one of the two giants of the twentieth-century development of logic, along with Kurt Goedel. The four volumes of this collection contain all of Tarski's papers and abstracts published during his lifetime, as well as a comprehensive bibliography. Here will be found many of the works, spanning the period 1921 through 1979, which are the bedrock of contemporary areas of logic, whether in mathematics or philosophy. These areas include the theory of truth in formalized languages, decision methods and undecidable theories, foundations of geometry, set theory, and model theory, algebraic logic, and universal algebra.


Przyczynek do aksjomatyki zbioru dobrze uporzadkowanego (A contribution to the axiomatic of well-ordered sets).- Sur le terme primitif de la logistique.- Sur les truth-functions au sens de MM. Russell et Whitehead.- Sur quelques theoremes qui equivalent a l'axiome du choix.- O rownowaznosci wielokatow (On the equivalence of polygons).- Sur les ensembles finis.- Sur la decomposition des ensembles de points en parties respectivement congruentes (with S. Banach).- Quelques theoremes sur les alephs.- Communication sur les recherches de la Theorie de Ensembles (with A. Lindenbaum).- Sur la decomposition des ensembles en sous-ensembles Presque dijoints.- Les fondements de la geometrie des corps.- Geshichtliche Entwicklung und gegenwartiger Zustand der Gleichmachtigkeitstheorie und der Kardinalzahlarithmetik.- Les fonctions additives dans les classes abstraites et leur application au probleme de le mesure.- Zjazd matematykow (The meeting of mathematicians).- Sur la decomposition des ensembles en sous-ensembles presque disjoints (Supplement a la note sous le meme titre).- Na marginesie "Rozporzadzenia Prezydenta Rzeczypospolitej o ubezpieczeniu pracownikow umyslowych z dnia 24 listopada 1927r." (On the margin of "Decree of the President of the Republic concerning the insurance of non-manual workers of November 24, 1927").- Une contribution a la theorie de la mesure.- Sur une propriete caracteristique des nombres inaccessibles (with W. Sierpinski).- UEber AEquivalenz der Mengen in bezug auf eine beliebige Klasse von Abbildungen.- UEber einige fundamentale Begriffe der Metamathematik.- Untersuchungen uber den Aussagenkalkul (with J. Lukasiewicz).- Fundamentale Begriffe der Methodologie der deduktiven Wissenschaften, I.- Sur les classes d'ensembles closes par rapport a certaines operations elementaires.- Sur les ensembles definissables de nombres reels, I.- Les operations logiques et les ensembles projectifs (with C. Kuratowski).- O stopniu rownowaznosci wielokatow (On the degree of equivalence of polygons).- The degree of equivalence of polygons (English translation by Isaak Wirszup of the preceding article).- Teorja dlugosci okregu w szkole sredniej (The theory of the measure of the circumference of a circle for high school teaching).- Uwagi o stopniu rownowaznosci wielokatow (Further remarks on the degree of equivalence of polygons).- Further remarks on the degree of equivalence of polygons (English translation by Isaak Wirszup of the preceding article).- Der Wahrheitsbegriff in den Sprachen der deduktiven Disziplinen.- Einige Betrachtungen uber die Begriffe der -Widerspruchsfreiheit und der -Vollstandigkeit.- Einige methodologische Untersuchungen uber die Definierbarkeit der Begriffe.

v. 4. ISBN 9783319954165


Alfred Tarski was one of the two giants of the twentieth-century development of logic, along with Kurt Goedel. The four volumes of this collection contain all of Tarski's published papers and abstracts, as well as a comprehensive bibliography. Here will be found many of the works, spanning the period 1921 through 1979, which are the bedrock of contemporary areas of logic, whether in mathematics or philosophy. These areas include the theory of truth in formalized languages, decision methods and undecidable theories, foundations of geometry, set theory, and model theory, algebraic logic, and universal algebra.


The sentential calculus with infinitely long expressions (with D. Scott).- Remarks on predicate logic with infinitely long expressions.- What is elementary geometry?.- On two properties of free algebras (with B. Jonsson).- Cylindric algebras (with L. Henkin).- On some problems involving inaccessible cardinals (with P. Erdoes).- Some problems and results relevant to the foundations of set theory.- From accessible to inaccessible cardinals. Results holding for all accessible cardinal numbers and the problem of their extension to inaccessible ones (with H. J. Keisler).- Refinement properties for relational structures (with C. C. Chang and B. Jonsson).- A simplified formalization of predicate logic with identity.- Metamathematical properties of some affine geometries (with L. W. Szczerba).- The completeness of elementary algebra and geometry.- Equational logic and equational theories of algebras.- An extended arithmetic of ordinal numbers (with J. Doner).- Truth and proof.- An interpolation theorem for irredundant bases of closure structures.- The elementary theory of well-ordering - A metamathematical study (with J. Doner and A. Mostowski).- Metamathematical discussion of some affine geometries (with L. W. Szczerba).- Abstracts.- Summaries of Talks Presented at the Summer Institute for Symbolic Logic, Cornell University, 1957.- Problems, Reviews, Contributions to Discussions.- Bibliography of Alfred Tarski by S. Givant.

v. 3. ISBN 9783319954226


Alfred Tarski was one of the two giants of the twentieth-century development of logic, along with Kurt Goedel. The four volumes of this collection contain all of Tarski's published papers and abstracts, as well as a comprehensive bibliography. Here will be found many of the works, spanning the period 1921 through 1979, which are the bedrock of contemporary areas of logic, whether in mathematics or philosophy. These areas include the theory of truth in formalized languages, decision methods and undecidable theories, foundations of geometry, set theory, and model theory, algebraic logic, and universal algebra.


  • Ideale in vollstandigen Mengenkoerpern, II.- On closed elements in closure algebras (with J.C. C. McKinsey).- A remark on functionally free algebras.- Direct decompositions of finite algebraic systems (with B. Jonsson).- Some theorems about the sentential calculi of Lewis and Heyting (with J. C. C. McKinsey).- A problem concerning the notion of definability.- Axiomatic and algebraic aspects of two theorems on sums of cardinals.- Measures in Boolean algebras (with A. Horn).- Cancellation laws in the arithmetic of cardinals.- Distributive and modular laws in the arithmetic of relation algebras (with L. H. Chin).- A decision method for elementary algebra and geometry (prepared for publication with the assistance of J. C. C. McKinsey).- Boolean algebras with operators, Part I (with B. Jonsson).- Boolean algebras with operators, Part II (with B. Jonsson).- Some notions and methods on the borderline of algebra and metamathematics.- Mutual interpretability of some essentially undecidable theories (with W. Szmielew).- On algebras whose factor algebras are Boolean (with J. M. G. Fell).- Theorems on the existence of successors of cardinals, and the axiom of choice.- Contributions to the theory of models, I.- Contributions to the theory of models, II.- Contributions to the theory of models, III.- A lattice-theoretical fixpoint theorem and its applications.- The fundamental ideas of pansomatism (English translation of the article "Zasadnicze mysli pansomatyzmu" by T. Kotarbinski
  • translated by A. Tarski and D. Rynin).- Equationally complete rings and relation algebras.- Equilaterality as the only primitive notion of Euclidean geometry (with E. W. Beth).- A general theorem concerning primitive notions of Euclidean geometry.- Higher degrees of distributivity and completeness in Boolean algebras (with E. C. Smith, Jr.).- Arithmetical extensions of relational systems (with R. L. Vaught).- Remarks on direct products of commutative semigroups.

v. 2. ISBN 9783319954288


Alfred Tarski was one of the two giants of the twentieth-century development of logic, along with Kurt Goedel. The four volumes of this collection contain all of Tarski's published papers and abstracts, as well as a comprehensive bibliography. Here will be found many of the works, spanning the period 1921 through 1979, which are the bedrock of contemporary areas of logic, whether in mathematics or philosophy. These areas include the theory of truth in formalized languages, decision methods and undecidable theories, foundations of geometry, set theory, and model theory, algebraic logic, and universal algebra.


Zur Grundlegung der Boole'schen Algebra, I.- Grundzuge des Systemenkalkuls, Erster Teil.- Der Wahrheitsbegriff in den formalisierten Sprachen.- Wahrscheinlichkeitslehre und mehrwertige Logik.- UEber die Beschranktheit der Ausdrucksmittel deduktiver Theorien (with A. Lindenbaum).- UEber die Erweiterungen der unvollstandigen Systeme des Aussagenkalkuls.- Grundzuge des Systemenkalkuls, Zweiter Teil.- Sur Jes classes d'ensembles closes par rapport aux operations de Hausdorff.- Grundlegung der wissenschaftlichen Semantik.- UEber den Begriff der logischen Folgerung.- Ideale in den Mengenkorpern.- UEber additive und multiplikative Mengenkoerper und Mengenfunktionen.- Sur la methode deductive.- Appendix E to J. H. Woodger's "The Axiomatic Method in Biology".- Einige Bemerkungen zur Axiomatik der Boole'schen Algebra.- UEber unerreichbare Kardinalzahlen.- Drei UEberdeckungssatze der allgemeinen Mengenlehre.- Ein UEberdeckungssatz fur endliche Mengen.- Eine aquivalente Formulierung des Auswahlaxioms.- UEber das absolute Mass linearer Punktmengen.- Ein Beitrag zur Axiomatik der Abelschen Gruppen.- Algebraische Fassung des Massproblems.- Der Aussagenkalkul und die Topologie.- Ideale in vollstandigen Mengenkoerpern, I.- Boolesche Ringe mit geordneter Basis (with A. Mostowski).- On well- ordered subsets of any set.- On undecidable statements in enlarged systems of logic and the concept of truth.- On the calculus of relations.- On families of mutually exclusive sets (with P. Erdos).- The algebra of topology (with J. C. C. McKinsey).- The semantic conception of truth and the foundations of semantics.

「Nielsen BookData」 より

  • ISBN
    • 9783319953656
    • 9783319954288
    • 9783319954226
    • 9783319954165
  • LCCN
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  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
  • ページ数/冊数
    4 v.
  • 大きさ
    26 cm
  • 分類
  • 件名