The image of "white" and "red" Russia in the Polish political thought of the 19th and 20th century : analogies and parallels


The image of "white" and "red" Russia in the Polish political thought of the 19th and 20th century : analogies and parallels

Jerzy Juchnowski, Jan R. Sielezin, Ewa Maj

(Studies in politics, security and society / edited by Stanisław Sulowski, v. 19)

Peter Lang, c2018

  • : print

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Texts in English, conclusions in English and Russian

Includes bibliographical references and index



The aim of the book is to analyze the perception of the Tsarist and Bolshevik Russia in the Polish political thought in the 19th and 20th century. The wide and well-documented research applies an original multidisciplinary approach, combining the methods used in many disciplines, such as history, social science and social psychology. The authors of the book successfully defend the thesis that the perception of Russia cannot be fully understood without considering the "internal" aspects linked to the culture of this country in its psychological and moral dimension, as well as in its literary, architectural and artistic tradition.


Political thought - Poland - Russia - 19th and 20th century - Perception - Tsarist Russia - Bolshevik Russia

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