Hypopharyngeal cancer


    • Bradley, Patrick J.
    • Eckel, Hans E.


Hypopharyngeal cancer

volume editors Patrick J. Bradley, Hans E. Eckel

(Advances in oto-rhino-laryngology, v. 83)

Karger, 2019

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Includes bibliographical references and index



In most published literature hypopharyngeal cancer is discussed in combination with larynx cancer. This volume is dedicated exclusively to hypopharyngeal cancer. It is a compilation by recognized head and neck oncology experts, who have extracted from published literature and from their own clinical practice, an up-to-date review and commentary on the management of hypopharyngeal cancer. All aspects of hypopharyngeal cancer have been reviewed. They include epidemiology, diagnosis, staging of disease, laser and robotic surgery, chemoradiotherapy, rehabilitation, options of treatment in health care restricted communities, supportive care, and future perspectives. The publication addresses head and neck clinicians and surgeons as well as radiologists, pathologists, medical and radiation-oncologists, and epidemiologists. Health care purchasers, supportive care clinicians, and general medical and dental practitioners will also benefit from this concise update.

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