

Kunihiro Suzuki

(Mathematics research developments series)

Nova Science Publishers, c2019

  • v. 1
  • v. 2
  • v. 3

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Includes bibliographical references and index


  • v. 1: The Fundamentals
  • v. 2: Multiple variable analysis
  • v. 3: Categorical and time dependent data analysis



v. 1 ISBN 9781536144628


We utilize statistics in our daily lives when we evaluate TV program ratings, predict voting outcomes, prepare stock, predict the amounts of sales, and evaluate the effectiveness of medical treatment. We predict the result not on the basis of personal experience, but on the basis of data. However, the accuracy of the prediction depends on the data, the theory, and the depth of understanding the model. In this book, the author analyzes fundamental models to advanced models without skipping their derivation processes. It is then possible to clearly understand the assumption and approximations used in the model, and hence understand the limitation of the model. We also cover almost all of the subjects in statistics since they are all related to each other. Although this book treats advanced models, people who are not professional in science can easily understand the content since by stepping up the derivation from the fundamental level to the advanced level. The author does hope that readers can understand the meaning of the models in statistics and techniques to reach the final results.


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v. 2 ISBN 9781536151220


We utilize statistics in our daily life: when we evaluate TV program ratings, predict voting results, prepare stocks, make sales predictions, and when we evaluate the effectiveness of medical treatments, to name a few. We predict the results not on the basis of personal experience, but on the basis of data. However, the accuracy of the prediction depends on the data, the theory, and the depth of understanding of the model used. This book consists of three volumes: The first volume covers the fundamentals of statistics; The second volume discusses multiple variable analyses; and the third volume covers categorical and time dependent data analysis.In this volume, we cover multiple variable analysis. We frequently use many variables in the real world, and its important to study the relationship between these variables. First, we treat correlation and regression as two variables, and then extend to multiple variables. We also review various techniques to approach the many variables in this volume.In this book, we cover fundamental models to advanced models without skipping their derivation processes. We can then clearly understand the assumption and approximations used in each model, and hence, understand the limitations of the models. We also discuss almost all of the subjects in statistics, since they are all related to each other.Although this book includes advanced models, readers who are not statisticians can easily understand the content, since we work our way up the derivations from the fundamental level to advanced levels without skipping any. We do hope that the readers will come away with an understanding of the meaning of the models in statistics, and the techniques used to reach the final results.


For more information, please visit our website at:https://novapublishers.com/shop/statistics-volume-2-multiple-variable-analysis/

v. 3 ISBN 9781536151244


We utilize statistics when we evaluate TV program ratings, predict voting outcomes, prepare stock, predict the amount of sales, and evaluate the effectiveness of medical treatment. We want to predict the results not on the basis of personal experience or images, but on the basis of corresponding data. The accuracy of the prediction depends on the data and related theories. It is easy to show input and output data associated with a model without understanding it. However, the models themselves are not perfect, because they contain assumptions and approximations in general. Therefore, the application of the model to the data should be careful. We should know what model we should apply to the data, what parameters are assumed in the model, and what we can state based on the results of the models.Let us consider a coin toss, for example. When we perform a coin toss, we obtain a head or a tail. If we try the toss a coin three times, we may obtain the results of two heads and one tail. Therefore, the probability that we obtain for heads is , and the one that we obtain for tails is . This is a fact and we need not to discuss this any further. It is important to notice that the probability ( ) of getting a head is limited to this trial. Therefore, we can never say that the probability that we obtain for heads with this coin is , in which we state general characteristics of the coin. If we perform the coin toss trial 400 times and obtain heads 300 times, we may be able to state that the probability of obtaining a head is as the characteristics of the coin. What we can state based on the obtained data depends on the sample number. Statistics gives us a clear guideline under which we can state something is based on the data with corresponding error ranges.Mathematics used in statistics is not so easy. It may be tough work to acquire the related techniques. Fortunately, software development makes it easy to obtain results. Therefore, many members who are not specialists in mathematics can perform statistical analysis with these types of software. However, it is important to understand the meaning of the model, that is, why some certain variables are introduced and what they express, and what we can state based on the results. Therefore, understanding mathematics related to the models is invoked to appreciate the results.In this book, the authors treat models from fundamental ones to advanced ones without skipping their derivation processes. It is then possible to clearly understand the assumptions and approximations used in the models, and hence understand the limitation of the models.The authors also cover almost all the subjects in statistics since they are all related to each other, and the mathematical treatments used in a model are frequently used in the other ones.Additionally, many good practical and theoretical books on statistics are presented [1]-[10]. However, these books are oriented to special cases: Fundamental, mathematical, or special subjects. The author also aims to connect theories to practical subjects. He hopes that this book will aid readers in furthering their knowledge of special cases in statistics.


For more information, please visit our website at:https://novapublishers.com/shop/statistics-volume-3-categorical-and-time-dependent-data-analysis/

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  • ISBN
    • 9781536144628
    • 9781536151220
    • 9781536151244
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
    New York
  • ページ数/冊数
    3 v.
  • 大きさ
    26 cm
  • 親書誌ID