The history of the Reformation and other eccleſiaſtical tranſactions in and about the Low-Countries : from the beginning of the eighth century, down to the famous synod of Dort, incluſive : in which all the revolutions that happen'd in church and state, on account of the diviſions between the Protestants and Papists, the Arminians and Calvinists


The history of the Reformation and other eccleſiaſtical tranſactions in and about the Low-Countries : from the beginning of the eighth century, down to the famous synod of Dort, incluſive : in which all the revolutions that happen'd in church and state, on account of the diviſions between the Protestants and Papists, the Arminians and Calvinists

by Gerard Brandt

Printed by T. Wood, for Timothy Childe, at the White Hart at the Weſt End of St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1720-1723

  • v. 1
  • v. 2
  • v. 3
  • v. 4


Brandts history reformat

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



稀覯本 (1800年以前出版) につき記述対象資料毎に書誌作成

Translated from Low-Dutch

Vol. 3-4 printed by T. Wood, for John Nicks, at the White Hart at the Weſt End of St. Paul's Church-Yard

Signatures: v. 1. [a][4] b[4] c[8] ; A-D[2] xD[2] E[2] ; B-3O[4] 3P[4] (3P4 + 1) -- v. 2. π[2] a-b[4] A-4D[4] -- v. 3. π[2] b[2] A[2] B-3Q[4] 3R-3T[2] -- v. 4. π[2] B-4A[4] ; b[2] b(2 ll.) c[2](-c2)

Title page printed in red and black

Errata follows index of v. 1

References: ESTC T146488

Includes bibliographical references and indexes

Errors in catch words: v. 1. A2 (Annotations) recto *Since, C2 (Annotations) verso The, D1 (Annotations) recto their, X4 verso Thus, 2F2 recto "peƈted, 2P4 recto Gueuxes, misprinted *ſince, "any, the, This, "expeƈted, the -- v. 2. A3 recto had, H3 verso 'led, O3 verso 'Fifthly, Z1 verso 'account, 2M4 verso proper, 2O3 recto began, 2S3 recto 'They, 2X4 recto AUGUST, 3C1 verso hey, 3Z4 recto delberg, misprinted and, 'if, Fiftly, 'count, per, gan, 'Secondly, Auguſt, they, delbergh -- v. 3. R1 verso At misprinted In -- v. 4. R4 verso 'I beſeech, X3 verso years-day, 2N4 verso his, 2Y4 recto reſided, 3A4 recto 'Sire, 3T1 verso Remonſtrant misprinted 'beſeech, year's-day, than, ſided, And, the

Leaf 3A[1] of v. 2 wrongly signed as 2A, leaf P2 of v.4 wrongly signed as O2

Line 1 on. 2X2 verso of v. 1 "been of" misprinted as "bee nof"

